I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in "The Heart of Beauty". How did Bo Ji escape Lu Pheasant's cruelty? Bo Ji's ex-husband - the death of Wei Bao. Bo Ji, a native of Wu, now a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu, was the concubine of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dyn

2024/07/0223:25:33 history 1126

I have seen Dou Yifang’s mother-in-law in "The Beauty of the Heart", Bo Ji . How did Bo Ji escape the cruelty of Lu Pheasant ?

Bo Ji's ex-husband - The death of Wei Bao

Bo Ji, a native of Wu, now from Suzhou, Jiangsu, the concubine of Han Gaozu Liu Bang, but before that, she also married a man named Wei Bao.

How did she marry Wei Bao?

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Bo Ji

It’s her fault that she has an irresponsible father. Bo Ji was born in Suzhou at the end of the Qin Dynasty . She was the illegitimate daughter of her father and the daughter of the Wei clan during the Warring States Period. Bo Ji's father and Bo Ji's mother were not married. In that war-torn era, Bo Ji's father died before giving Bo Ji's mother a title.

At that time, the clans left over from the Warring States Period were separatist and independent. Among them, Wei Bao of Wei State took advantage of the chaos and proclaimed himself king.

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Wei Bao

After Bo Ji's biological father died, Bo Ji's mother was helpless and could only marry her daughter to Wei Bao in the hope of a happy life.

One day a fortune teller told Bo Ji that she would give birth to a dragon son and become rich.

When Wei Bao heard this, he felt that Longzi was his son, and thought, doesn't this mean that I, Wei Bao, am destined to be the emperor? So, he immediately turned his back on Liu Bang and tore up the agreement between the two.

Liu Bang's original plans for the future were completely disrupted. He was so angry that he wanted to kill Wei Bao, the treacherous guy. Therefore, Liu Bang quickly sent his trusted general Cao Shen to lead troops to attack Wei Bao, vowing to destroy Wei Bao first.

Wei State is a small city, how can its strength be compared with Liu Bang's army? Soon, Wei Bao's dream of "Emperor" was shattered.

So was Wei Bao killed by Liu Bang?

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Liu Bang

No, although Liu Bang hated a treacherous villain like Wei Bao, he did not take his life. Not only that, he also made him a "Yu Shi Dafu" and asked him to defend the city, which was considered a crime and meritorious service.

Then who killed Wei Bao?

are Zhou Yan and Conggong who defended the city with him.

They believed that since Wei Bao could break his promise, he was unreliable. If he found an unreliable person to guard the city, something would happen sooner or later.

So Wei Bao was killed to ease the conflict between Han and Chu.

Bo Ji was captured by Liu Bang and entered Han Palace , but was indifferent

Historically, Bo Ji was not beautiful. In the Han Palace where there were many beauties, Bo Ji was really not worth mentioning. In terms of intelligence, she is not as good as Empress Lu . In terms of appearance, there is not a word in the history books to describe Bo Ji.

It can be seen that she is not a beauty.

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Bo Ji's "Beauty's Scheming"

However, at that time, after Wei Bao was killed, the women in the harem were treated as prisoners and prizes of victory by Liu Bang.

In addition, there are powerful people in the harem - Lu Pheasant, the beauty Mrs. Qi , and Bo Ji rarely sees Liu Bang all year round.

So how were Liu Heng and born?

Could it be that what the fortune teller said about destiny was false?

Things took a turn for the better in the fourth year of Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty (203 BC). Liu Bang heard Bo Ji's two sisters talking about her, saying how she had treated them both well in the Wei Bao Palace, saying that she was too stupid, and... She laughed sarcastically.

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Liu Bang

Liu Bang was very angry after hearing this and punished them both severely.

And Bo Ji also entered Liu Bang's field of vision.

Speaking of the relationship between the two as husband and wife, Liu Bang may have more sympathy for Bo Ji than the deep love between husband and wife. After hearing that the two concubines he loved were so gossipy that day, he favored Bo Ji that night.

It was this time that Bo Ji was pregnant, and the baby in her belly was Liu Heng. However, since that night, Liu Bang never saw Bo Ji again.

Liu Heng was born in such an environment. It can be said that Liu Bang does not love Bo Ji.

A weak person, ignored by the palace people, but he also protected Bo Ji's mother and son.

Mrs. Qi's ending was so tragic. Everyone knew that that woman was too favored by Liu Bang, and she even tried to compete with Lu Pheasant's son for the throne. In the end, she became unlikeable. Humans and ghosts are not like ghosts.

But Bo Ji is different.

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Bo Ji and her son Liu Heng

In the deep palace, Bo Ji was not favored by Liu Bang, so she was even polite to the palace people who served her and her son, and lived in the palace with the image of a weak person.

Because of this, Queen Lu did not do anything to Bo Ji, let alone torture her. Moreover, she also gave her the honorific title of "Acting Queen", and her status was second only to Lu Pheasant.

After Bo Ji and her son arrived at the enfeoffment, their lives were considered peaceful.

The younger brother Bo Zhao and her mother Wei Yu also came to Daiguo with Bo Ji. The three generations of ancestors and grandchildren were finally reunited and enjoyed the joy of family happiness.

Bo Ji's destiny began to move toward glory and wealth.

After arriving in the fiefdom, Liu Heng, the acting king, was young, and Bo Ji, the "acting queen", controlled the Dai kingdom.

Bo Ji no longer has to live a submissive life in the Han Palace. She can raise her head and straighten her back.

After Liu Bang passed away, Liu Heng was only six or seven years old. At this time, Bo Ji had the final say in the country.

At the same time, in the Han Palace, Lu Pheasant was using extremely cruel criminal methods to treat Mrs. Qi and her son. This also made the other Liu family kings, mothers and sons worry and fear every day, making life difficult.

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Bo Ji and her son Liu Heng

However, Bo Ji's life in the Kingdom of Dai was stable, and Empress Lu did not find any trouble for her.

Liu Bang's eight sons, only Liu Heng, the acting king, and Liu Chang, the king of Huainan, are left. The rest were all tortured by the Empress Dowager Lu Pheasant

Lu Pheasant, as a politician, was ruthless in murdering Liu Bang's heirs.

At this time, the veterans had to make a choice, whether to support the acting king Liu Heng or to support the Huainan king Liu Chang.

It is said that the ministers did not like Liu Chang because his mother's family was fierce and Liu Heng seemed weak and bullied. After weighing the balance, Liu Heng was supported as the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Han Emperor Liu Heng

In the leap month of 180 BC, hundreds of civil and military officials came to Beijing to welcome Liu Heng as emperor.

But what the ministers didn't expect was that the king, who seemed weak and could be bullied, was actually not an easy persimmon. After the

generation king Liu Heng returned to the palace, he not only quickly eradicated the remaining power of the Lu family, but also welcomed back his mother, Bo Ji, and gave her the title "Empress Dowager".

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty Liu Heng

Bo Ji stayed in the Han Palace again. This time she returned as a noble woman in the world. She was so domineering that it fulfilled the words of the fortune teller.

Bo Ji became the empress dowager of the Han Dynasty !

Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty was filial, and Bo Ji had a son to serve him in his later years.

After becoming the emperor, Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty had many things to do, but he was very filial to his mother. After Bo Ji returned to the palace as the empress dowager, she fell seriously ill. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty personally attended to her every day, serving her with soup and medicine.

When he was seriously ill, Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty stayed by his mother's side all day without taking off his clothes.

Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty always treated his mother as a son and set an example for the world.

I have seen Dou Yifang's mother-in-law, Bo Ji, in

Empress Dowager Bo

But in the end, Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty still "sent the white-haired man to the black-haired man" and died before the Queen Mother.

After the death of Empress Dowager Bo, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty's wife, Dou, obeyed the order of the late emperor and buried Empress Dowager Bo in the south of the late emperor's mausoleum, as if the late emperor was carrying the queen mother on his back.

It can be seen from this that Queen Mother Bo gave birth to a very filial son.


Bo Ji, although her two husbands, Wei Bao and Liu Bang, never loved Bo Ji, she gave birth to a filial son.

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