1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military

2024/07/0222:43:33 history 1575

"I just said, change a diaper in the car, but you don't listen to me!"

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies.

It was this seemingly inconspicuous conversation that made the originally nervous Kuomintang military police on guard relax their vigilance.

The military policeman with a gun frowned at the baby's dirty diaper and let go of the search for the two of them.

If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military intelligence about Shanghai hidden in baby diapers to the liberated areas, providing great help in accelerating the liberation of Shanghai.

After the liberation of Shanghai, Zhou Enlai was worried about Ding Ning who had sent important information, and sent a telegram: Come to the Central Committee and report to the Central Committee as soon as possible.

So, why did Ding Ning pay so much attention to Premier Zhou Enlai, and what thrilling processes were involved in this mission?

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Zuo Yi Ding Ning

Everything started from an underground job in Shanghai at the end of 1948.

一 Get rid of the tracking of enemy agents

At the end of December 1948, Ding Ning, who was in charge of confidential transportation work, communicated with Qiu Huiying as usual to pass on information.

But when she came to Hongkou Park as agreed, Qiu Huiying was not there for a long time, which made her very confused.

She originally thought that Qiu Huiying was temporarily delayed, but after she arrived at the appointed time, she waited for another hour and still did not see Qiu Huiying, which made Ding Ning a little anxious and worried.

In fact, she and Qiu Huiying have been cooperating for more than a day or two. As early as 1947, Ding Ning and her husband Cheng Hao went to Taiwan to plan to establish a secret radio station.

However, due to the traitor's leak, the plan was ultimately aborted, and the couple returned to Shanghai to continue their revolutionary work.

The couples Cheng Hao and Ding Ning contacted were Comrades Li Bai and Qiu Huiying. The working process was that Li Bai transferred the telegrams from the Party Central Committee to Cheng Hao for translation, and the telegrams sent from Shanghai to the Central Committee were also translated and sent to Cheng Hao. Li Bai Radio.

In order to avoid being noticed by the enemy, Li Bai and Cheng Hao did not live together. Instead, Ding Ning and Qiu Huiying were responsible for transmitting the telegrams on a single line.

It was with the tacit cooperation of Cheng Hao, Li Bai and his wife that a large amount of intelligence was transmitted between Shanghai and the central government, ensuring that the revolutionary battlefield could grasp the latest news and battle conditions as soon as possible.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Shanghai during the Liberation War

However, starting in the autumn of 1948, the Kuomintang spies accelerated the destruction of our party's underground intelligence network Shanghai Station . In order to prevent the radio station from working, they would cut off civilian power lines at night and send them out again during the day. Military police and special agents are patrolling everywhere, which makes it more difficult to develop intelligence.

Ding Ning waited for a long time in Hongkou Park, but did not find her contact Qiu Huiying. She realized something was wrong with her keen mind, and then went home to inform Cheng Hao of the matter.

After some discussion, the two decided to go to Hongkou Park to stay the next day, but this time she still didn't wait for Qiu Huiying.

On the third day, Ding Ning came to the park and found someone around her staring at her. Anticipating the danger, she pretended to be calm and took out a mirror to tidy up her appearance. However, an agent was sneaking around inside the mirror and she was being followed. Li Bai and Qiu Huiying may have been exposed long ago.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Kuomintang agents arrested communists

Ding Ning's guess was correct. In the early morning of December 30, 1948, Kuomintang agents kicked open the door of Li Bai's residence. At the critical moment, Li Bai swallowed the telegram, but he was still arrested. prison.

Li Bai is the prototype of the protagonist of "The Eternal Wave". His original name was Li Huachu. He was born in a poor family. He had no choice but to drop out of school at the age of 13. He joined the Communist Party in 1925 and later became a radio communication expert and participated in the Long March .

In October 1937, he was sent by his superiors to Shanghai to establish a secret radio station. After the fall of Shanghai, he was arrested by the Japanese army for actively advocating resistance against Japan.

However, he always emphasized "I am Chinese" under severe torture. His fearless spirit was impressed by the Japanese army and they released him.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he continued to work secretly in Shanghai.However, at that time, in order to crack the CCP's secret radio station, the Kuomintang spent huge sums of money to purchase a state-of-the-art radio detection vehicle from the United States.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

On the day Li Bai

was arrested, Li Bai was locked by the enemy while he was communicating with the Central Committee. It was too late to escape, leaving only the parting words "Comrades, farewell".

Afterwards, Kuomintang agents interrogated Li Bai for more than 30 hours. His whole body was beaten to pieces, but he never said a word.

The enemy took his wife and children for interrogation again, so Ding Ning was unable to contact Qiu Huiying, and the Shanghai underground party organization did not know that Li Bai had been arrested.

Although Ding Ning did not know about Li Bai's arrest, judging from the fact that they were followed by secret agents, there was a high probability that Li Bai and his wife would be exposed. She knew that the reason why the enemy agents did not arrest her was to lure out the "big fish" through herself.

Thinking of this, she immediately calmed down and thought about how to get rid of the spies. Even if she couldn't get rid of them, she couldn't take them home. As long as he doesn't go home on time, Cheng Hao will know that something is wrong with him and take precautions.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Shanghai during the War of Liberation

In order to get rid of the spies, Ding Ning went to the downtown area, but the spies still followed him. She came to the tram station again, planning to escape while the crowd was crowded.

When she was about to enter the station, she suddenly turned around, pointed at the agent and shouted: "Rogue, this person is acting like a gangster!"

When everyone heard this, they all complained about Ding Ning and surrounded the agent to ask for an explanation. Ding Ning took advantage of the chaos. Escape to the tram. By the time the agents reacted, the tram had already left.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Shanghai during the War of Liberation

After Ding Ning returned home, he immediately told Liu Changsheng, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Bureau, about his experience. Secretary Liu immediately judged that Comrade Li Bai might have been arrested and Qiu Huiying might also be under surveillance. Members of underground party organizations should be cautious. cautious.

It can be said that the news of Ding Ning was very crucial to the Shanghai underground party organization that was in trouble at that time.

So, as a 24-year-old woman, why does she have such superb anti-reconnaissance awareness and experience? It also starts with her family.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Shanghai in the 1940s

Er was influenced by his father to join the revolution

Ding Ning, whose original name was Mu Wenhua, was born into a rich peasant family in Jizhong. His father, Mu Xiangrong, owned hundreds of acres of fertile land, but he was not unkind for his wealth, but often Help the people, care for the elderly .

In 1938, the Japanese invasion territory had extended to Jizhong Plain, and the local people suffered abuse and torture by the Japanese army. When Mu Xiangrong learned of the atrocities committed by the Japanese army, he immediately sold his farmland and built a primary school in the village. The purpose was to allow everyone to receive education and join the anti-Japanese cause when they grew up.

Considering that the villagers were unable to provide food and clothing, and could not afford to send their children to school, Mu Xiangrong recruited students for free and mobilized the villagers to send all their children to the school. Soon the school became well-known as an anti-Japanese school.

However, in May 1942, the Japanese army launched a large-scale raid on the Jizhong Plain, destroyed the school, and asked Mu Xiangrong to lead the villagers to build artillery towers for the Japanese.

Soldiers can be killed but not humiliated, but Mu Xiangrong refused to agree to life or death. He never gave in in the face of various tortures by the enemy. It was not until he was dying that the Japanese army released him.

It was under the influence of Mu Xiangrong's idea of ​​resisting Japan that his three children devoted themselves to the anti-Japanese work. Ding Ning also embarked on the road to resist Japan as early as the winter of 1938.

At that time, the Japanese army had already entered Jizhong, and she was no longer able to go to school. However, when she was only 15 years old, she joined the Anti-Japanese Salvation Association and was elected as the deputy director of women. She also served as an anti-Japanese primary school teacher, teaching women how to read and read. , Promote anti-Japanese ideas.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Old Times School

In 1941, Ding Ning and his sister Mu Wenqing applied for the high school affiliated to the second branch of Kangda University. In June 1945, they graduated from kangda and were sent to work in the Central Confidential Office of Yan'an.

Here, Ding Ning received professional training. Three months later, she was assigned to the Confidential Section Translation Team to engage in translating work. It was here that she met her love, Cheng Hao, the head of the Confidential Section.

Both of them were very young at the time, and they had the same views on each other and admired each other. Over time, they fell in love with each other, but they were still unable to express their love to each other.

In early 1946, when he learned that Cheng Hao was going to be transferred, the director of the Confidentiality Department decided to find Ding Ning and said, "Cheng Hao is leaving. You should think about it and get married as soon as possible."

Ding Ning returned home and considered it carefully. Fan felt that Cheng Hao was worthy of her lifelong trust, and then agreed to marry Cheng Hao.

Under the instructions of the Organization Department of our party, Ding Ning and Cheng Hao officially held a simple and hilarious wedding. Soon their first child "Baby" was born, and the family of three was happy and harmonious.

Shortly after the child was born, Ding Ning and Cheng Hao were sent to Shanghai to engage in intelligence transmission work. During the period of

, Ding Ning had to take good care of her children on the one hand, and was responsible for confidential transportation work on the other. She was very busy every day, but she did not complain, carefully conveyed every piece of information, and completed various tasks assigned by her superiors.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Liberation of Shanghai

Er stuffed intelligence into his son’s diaper

In May 1949, the People’s Liberation Army launched a general offensive towards the urban area of ​​Shanghai. Although the urban area of ​​Shanghai was densely populated and had many tall buildings, the People’s Liberation Army’s artillery shells seemed to have eyes and could avoid them. Entering residential areas and avoiding buildings, every shell and bullet fell on the enemy.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Liberation of Shanghai

Under the PLA artillery attack, the enemy's proud defenses were destroyed one by one. The enemy's self-confidence also collapsed and they fled.

Various departments of the People's Liberation Army pursued the victory and completely liberated Shanghai in only 3 days.

In the Battle of Liberation of Shanghai, 150,000 enemy troops were wiped out by the People's Liberation Army, and more than 100 armored vehicles , tanks and more than 10,000 artillery pieces were seized.

Some people are curious, how did the People's Liberation Army directly attack the home base of the Kuomintang defenders without destroying Shanghai urban construction ?

This is thanks to Ding Ning and her baby.

After Comrade Li Bai was arrested, Kuomintang agents once again stepped up their verification work on Shanghai's underground party organizations. On March 17, 1949, the Qin Mingjun Radio Station of the Shanghai Bureau was exposed, and Qin Mingjun himself died heroically.

The Party Central Committee and East China Bureau learned that the Kuomintang agents had laid a dragnet in Shanghai, and immediately asked Shanghai's underground comrades to move out to ensure their own safety.

However, at that time, the battle of crossing the river was about to begin, and the liberation of Shanghai was inevitable. Comrades of the Shanghai Bureau believed that we should continue to persevere, do a good job in underground intelligence work, and provide favorable intelligence for the liberation of Shanghai.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

But after Li Bai and Qin Mingjun’s radio stations were destroyed, the contact between Shanghai and the Party Central Committee was forced to be interrupted. They tried various methods but failed to contact them.

Liu Changsheng and Cheng Hao discussed and decided that the top priority was to pass information on the enemy's combat layout and troop deployment in Shanghai to Nanjing, and to establish an underground radio station in Nanjing.

So, who is the best candidate? The organization believes that Comrade Ding Ning is calm and calm in situations, has rich counter-reconnaissance experience, and is a proven veteran comrade who works in the white area of ​​​​, so he is the perfect candidate for the intelligence department.

This was a very dangerous job. At that time, Shanghai was already in a state of turmoil, and everything was under threat. There was a curfew in the city, and major traffic arteries had been blocked by the Kuomintang defenders. It was stipulated that young and middle-aged men were not allowed to enter and leave the city, and women had to go in and out at all levels. examine.

Ding Ning knew that her task was arduous, but she was not afraid to take on this important task and promised to complete it.

needs to be strictly searched when entering and exiting Shanghai. How should the information be sent out? After discussing with Cheng Hao, Ding Ning and Cheng Hao decided to put it in the child's diaper. Once discovered by the enemy, they would tear up the diaper as soon as possible and fight to the death to keep the party's secrets.

They first wrapped the drawings in oil paper , then took out two diapers to cover them, then used needle and thread to sew the two diapers together, and dressed the child.

However, the baby's skin is delicate and there are drawings on the diaper, so the child will naturally not feel too comfortable, twisting his buttocks around and crying loudly. As a mother, Ding Ning felt heartbroken after hearing this, but if she didn't put the diaper on in time, it would be difficult to cope with the inspection the next day.

In the early morning of March 19 of the same year, there was a long queue at the Shanghai Railway Station. Elderly people lined up, women and children lined up. The Kuomintang military police not only searched their belongings, but also searched their bodies.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Shanghai City under martial law

Ding Ning and his partner Zhuang Peilin set out towards the Shanghai Railway Station. In order not to make the enemy suspicious, the two of them had their hair permed and dressed very fashionably.

When they arrived at the Shanghai Railway Station, the two of them took out the relevant documents, but the Kuomintang military police were still unwilling to let them go. They looked at them carefully and searched them.

In this way, Ding and Ning passed through four lines of defense. When they passed the fifth blockade, the military police looked suspiciously at the baby in Ding Ning's arms.

This made Ding Ning panic. After all, there were secret drawings hidden in the diapers. Once discovered by the enemy, the lives of the three of them would be at risk.

However, Ding Ning acted cleverly and took the initiative to open the child's blanket. He looked at Zhuang Peilin and complained exaggeratedly: "I'm just saying, change a diaper in the car. If you don't listen to me, look, shit is coming out."

"Who told you to keep feeding your child? He is still young and can't eat that much. Wouldn't he have to poop after eating?" Zhuang Peilin also understood and agreed.

"It's okay. Children are just like this. They have bowel movements and peeing every now and then."

After hearing their "complaints", the military policeman quickly took a look and found that the quilt was full of feces and urine, and he quickly covered it. The nose sends them away.

After hearing this, Ding and Ning quickly bowed and apologized to the military police, then went to the side to clean up, and boarded the train station smoothly. It was not until they got on the train that they could no longer see the military police, and they were completely relieved. After

arrived in Nanjing, the two arrived at the designated location and successfully contacted Shi Yong, a member of the Nanjing underground municipal party committee, and handed over the enemy's troop deployment, fortification construction, firepower distribution and other drawings to Shi Yong.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Passing on the information (picture from the Internet)

When Shi Yong learned that they had put the information in diapers to avoid inspection, he said excitedly: "We were worried about how to get the information out when we learned that Shanghai was under martial law, but we didn't expect it to be like this. , Amazing! Thank you, little baby, thank you, this drawing is a real help in times of need, otherwise Shanghai would be in danger."

Then, Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were responsible for establishing an underground radio station. With her help, the Sanye Headquarters and Shanghai were in danger. The telegraph network was already connected.

When the Sanye comrades learned that Ding Ning was using diapers to avoid inspection, they couldn't help but admire: "Our little guy has made a great contribution."

With the information that Ding Ning risked his life to pass, the Sanye headquarters quickly adjusted the combat plan and The artillery firepower plan was drawn up to speed up the liberation of Shanghai.

At that time, Shanghai was an economic center with frequent economic and trade exchanges and a dense population. It had always been eyeing by imperialism, and its liberation naturally had very important strategic significance. It proved that the enemy's power was almost collapsed and it was difficult to confront the People's Liberation Army.

3 Come to the Central Committee to report immediately

After the liberation of Shanghai, Ding Ning rushed to Shanghai to reunite with her husband Cheng Hao. They looked at the new Shanghai that had restored order and couldn't help but feel extremely excited.

However, not long after, Ding Ning and Cheng Hao received a telegram from the Central Committee: "Come to the Central Committee as soon as possible, come to the Peking Organization Department to report, work and study!"

Ding Ning was very excited after receiving this order, but she learned afterwards that, This telegram was sent by Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai personally instructing the telegraph operator Tong Xiaopeng.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Premier Zhou

Zhou Enlai had so many things to do at work, why did he miss Ding Ning so much?

This is precisely the recognition and reward for Ding Ning's great contribution to the liberation of Shanghai.

In fact, Ding Ning was no stranger to Zhou Enlai. The two had known each other since the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

During the peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in early 1946, the Kuomintang, the Communist Party and the US military formed the Military Coordination and Implementation Department . Since it was necessary to maintain contact with the central government at all times during the period, an experienced and capable telegraph operator was needed. Cheng Hao served as a confidential technician. The section chief became the best candidate to go to the Jinsui war zone to assist Ye Jianying in his work.

Cheng Hao and Ding Ning had only been married for a few days. Logically speaking, they should not be separated. However, according to the requirements of their superiors, as long as the man did not want the woman, Ding Ning could not follow them together.

Although he was reluctant to give up, as a party member, he naturally had to obey orders, so Ding Ning would naturally follow the arrangements.

By chance, Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an from Chongqing at that time. After learning about the situation, he believed that it was not appropriate for Ding Ning and Cheng Hao to break up as newlyweds. Even if they obeyed the order, they would suffer from lovesickness and have difficulty working. Ability to focus.

He thought for a while, and then came up with a perfect solution, which was to transfer one of his translators to the Shanxi-Sui war zone, and then ask Cheng Hao and his wife to follow him to the CCP delegation.

Later, Vice Chairman Zhou informed Ye Jianying of his proposal. Ye Jianying thought about it and nodded in agreement.

At the end of January 1946, Zhou Enlai led a delegation to Chongqing, followed by Cheng Hao and Ding Ning. Due to the long distance, they decided to take a plane.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

However, aircraft technology was not perfect at that time and crashes were common. Flying from Yan'an to Chongqing required passing through the Qinling Mountains. During this period, due to bad weather, hail fell from the sky, the wings and propellers were frozen, and the fuselage began to tremble, and it was about to be lost. Power, the plane kept falling downwards.

At this time, a US military officer stood up quickly and told Vice Chairman Zhou that the only way to reduce the weight of the aircraft immediately was to reduce the weight of the aircraft, otherwise it would be difficult to fly high, and the consequence would be that it might hit a mountain and crash.

Vice Chairman Zhou learned about the seriousness of the matter and immediately asked everyone to throw away their luggage, leaving only important documents. Although everyone was reluctant to give up, they couldn't care so much at the critical moment. But after a while, the US military came over again and said that the situation had not improved yet and everyone should be mentally prepared to parachute.

At this time, a girl was crying on the plane. Vice Chairman Zhou walked over and found out that it was Ye Yangmei, the daughter of General Ye Ting. Because she did not have a parachute bag, she suddenly started crying anxiously.

Vice Chairman Zhou immediately gave him his umbrella bag and comforted her to be brave.

However, fortunately, the plane broke out of the cold wave soon and landed in Xi'an first, deciding to set off again the next day.

That night, comrades from the Xi'an office prepared a dinner for everyone, and everyone discussed the dangerous situation on the plane.

Zhou Enlai personally cared about every colleague of the CCP delegation. When he learned that Ding Ning and his wife were flying for the first time, he asked Ding Ning how he felt.

Ding Ning said: "I didn't feel scared. I didn't even know I wanted to jump out of the plane at that time. Looking back now, I missed the opportunity to fly in the air."

Premier Zhou laughed after hearing this. He didn't expect that a person was only 22 The little girl is so brave.

It was also this time that Ding Ning left a very good impression on Zhou Enlai.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Premier Zhou

In May 1946, the Nationalist Government returned its capital to Nanjing. Ding Ning and Cheng Hao followed the CCP delegation to Nanjing to continue negotiations with the Kuomintang.

At that time, the staff of the confidential department worked in Zhou Enlai's office building. Since they had to work 24 hours a day, everyone walked barefoot in order not to affect Zhou Enlai and his wife's rest.

Ding Ning was pregnant at that time, and the weather was hot, so Ding Ning had severe morning sickness , and soon she became haggard. At that time, everyone advised Ding Ning not to stay up late and go to bed early, which would be good for the child, but Ding Ning refused to listen and insisted on staying up late with his colleagues.

After Deng Yingchao learned about it, he not only sent mung bean soup to his colleagues in the confidential department to relieve the heat, but also specially made sour plum soup for Ding Ning to appetize.

Since she needs regular check-ups during pregnancy, Sister Deng specially arranged a vehicle to take her to the hospital for pregnancy check-ups.

Another time, Sister Deng knew that Ding Ning had not prepared clothes for the baby and could not sew clothes.

She specially changed her new cheongsam into baby clothes and sent them to Ding Ning.

All these made Ding Ning extremely grateful, and she was even more positive and diligent in her work.

On October 4 of the same year, Ding Ning's child was born. Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao came to visit in person and specially named the child "Bao Bao".

However, not long after, bad news came out. The Kuomintang single-handedly convened the "Pseudo National Congress", planned to establish a dictatorial government, and launched a civil war regardless of the people's wishes. The KMT-CCP ​​peace talks failed, and the CCP delegation had to be disbanded.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Premier Zhou

However, during this period, Zhou Enlai discovered that although Ding Ning was a woman, she was courageous, able to endure hardships, and loyal to the party, so he immediately assigned her to the Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China to be responsible for information transmission.

It was precisely Zhou Enlai's understanding of Ding Ning's brief contact with Ding Ning, coupled with the great contribution Ding Ning's family had made for the liberation of Shanghai, that Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai was particularly concerned about it and specifically instructed Ding Ning and his wife to go to work and school in the central government. After

came to Peking , Cheng Hao and Ding Ning were sent to the Confidential Section of the Secretariat of the United Front Work Department to be responsible for translation work.

In 1953, Ding Ning was sent by the organization to study at Renmin University of China. After graduation, he and Cheng Hao worked in the archives system. They have been doing their jobs for many years. After retirement, they continued to use their spare energy and were responsible for compiling the history of the Anti-Japanese University Second Branch.

Ding Ning passed away due to illness on June 19, 2020, at the age of 95, and his life came to a perfect end. Looking back on her life, she worked hard for the revolution, but because she was low-key, many people did not know her contribution.

1949, Shanghai Railway Station. Underground party members Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin made this conversation at the railway station security checkpoint while holding their infant babies. If Ding Ning and Zhuang Peilin were granted amnesty, they then took a train and sent military - DayDayNews

Renmin University of China in the last century

In fact, there are many unknown heroes like Ding Ning. It was their efforts that led to the final victory of the revolution. I hope everyone can learn from them.

Editor: Zhidao

Editor: Lin Hua

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