There was a Jin gentry who wanted to curry favor with a powerful man, so he planned to buy a jade cup to celebrate his birthday. Soon, a certain person came to Jin Shen with a jade cup and said that the jade cup came from the Zhongguan family and was worth one hundred taels of si

2024/07/0214:10:32 history 1943

There was a Jin gentry who wanted to curry favor with a powerful man, so he planned to buy a jade cup to celebrate his birthday. Soon, a certain person came to Jin Shen with a jade cup and said that the jade cup came from the Zhongguan family and was worth one hundred taels of silver. Jin Shen was very satisfied and bought it.

A few months later, a government official came to him with two people tied up. Jin Shen took a closer look and saw that it was Jia and Zhongguan. Jia said dejectedly: "The jade cup originally belonged to the inner palace, but the middle official stole it. Now that the matter has been exposed, we can only return the original thing immediately, so that we can stay safe." The Jin gentry was very scared, and the jade cup was It has been given away and cannot be taken back.

In desperation, Jin Shen turned to A for advice. A pretended to be very embarrassed and agreed to help him solve the matter. He thought for a while and said, "You can bribe the Zhongguan and the Yamen, so this matter may be solved." The Jin gentry had no choice but to give them one thousand taels of silver.

Later, although Jin Shen knew that A and Zhongguan had colluded to deceive him, there was nothing he could do.

Revealed: The scammer deceived the gentry after he bought the jade cup. A certain person, the middle official and the government officials are all from the same party. A certain person sold the jade cup to Jin Shen, and then lied about the illegal origin of the jade cup and asked Jin Shen to hand over the jade cup. Because the jade cup had already been given away, Jin Shen had to spend another thousand taels of silver to settle the matter. This scam uses intimidation and deception to defraud people of money.

There was a Jin gentry who wanted to curry favor with a powerful man, so he planned to buy a jade cup to celebrate his birthday. Soon, a certain person came to Jin Shen with a jade cup and said that the jade cup came from the Zhongguan family and was worth one hundred taels of si - DayDayNews

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