Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say.

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Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, was a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. Turn over the page of Wives and Concubines, good thing!

Zhang Taiyan had two marriages in his life, but only one wife. Why do you say that? Because Zhang Taiyan suffered from epilepsy in his early years and his behavior was weird. Many people regarded him as a madman and were unwilling to marry their daughter to him. But as a son, you always have to carry on the family line, so Zhang Taiyan's mother had no choice but to marry her maid to Zhang Taiyan. This kind of informal marriage can only be regarded as concubinage, not a formal marriage, so this maid Mrs. Wang cannot be called Mrs. Zhang. The first marriage was almost miserable. , so Wang's identity is just a concubine, and it is strange enough to take a concubine without marrying a wife. This Wang died of illness after giving birth to three daughters for Zhang Taiyan.

Zhang Taiyan did not remarry for more than ten years. Later, he heard from a friend that the girls in Hubei were very good. On a whim, he published a marriage advertisement in the newspaper. The article said: "I have recently felt lonely and lonely. I want to find a white-headed partner to help my family. But I must have it." The following three people are suitable for selection: (1) Those who are fluent in literature and science and can write short stories; (2) Those who are well-known and elegant; (3) Those who are obedient and not tainted with habits. It was the first marriage notice published in a newspaper in history, and Zhang Taiyan set a historical precedent.

Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

In 1913, after Cai Yuanpei read the notice, he introduced Tang Guoli to him. This Tang Guoli is a women's activist who was the editor-in-chief of the "China Women's Newspaper" and was also responsible for the academic affairs of the China Girls' School. The combination of the two is a perfect match, except that Zhang Taiyan is 15 years older than Tang Guoli. Tang Guoli (1883~1980) was born in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. Although she is not as famous as Zhang Taiyan, she is still a woman who received a new education. After graduating from Shanghai Wuben Girls' School, she served as a teacher and principal of Wuxing Girls' School.

She has always admired Zhang Taiyan's knowledge and revolutionary aspirations. Now What more could I ask for if I could have the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with him.

At this time, Zhang Taiyan was 46 years old, more than ten years older than Tang Guoli, and had previously married a wife and had three daughters.

But Tang Guoli doesn't care about these. She only cares about whether the couple has common ambitions and common pursuits.

Although Tang Guoli was more than ten years younger than Zhang Taiyan, she was also 30 years old at this time. During the Republic of China, it was rare for women to be unmarried at the age of 30.

Tang Guoli has her own pursuit in life, so why would she marry someone hastily? The person she wants to marry must have the heart to serve the country.

Two like-minded people soon decided to spend the rest of their lives together. They held a simple wedding in Shanghai, and their witness was their mutual friend Mr. Cai Yuanpei.

The guests attending the wedding included Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing, Chen Qimei and other social celebrities. Most of the guests attending their wedding were celebrities and elegant people. The couple also had great insights into poetry and poetry, and even exchanged poems on the spot during the wedding. On the wedding day, the leather shoes were turned upside down.

One day, Tang Guoli composed a five-character poem and taught his son to read it word by word: "The duck's head is green in the spring water, and the cow's back is red in the sunset. There is no wind, and the smoke from the kitchen is straight, shaking out of the east of the small bridge." Behind his back, his father listened, but Zhang Taiyan said that he knew where he had copied it. Tang was so angry that he never asked for advice again.

After the couple reunited, they have been supporting the justice movement in China.

After the September 18th Incident, Tang Guoli did not forget her youthful ambition to serve the country. She established a hospital for wounded soldiers and raised funds for frontline soldiers. Later, she followed her husband to Suzhou to open a school, but she still supported the student movement. .

In 1936, Zhang Taiyan unfortunately died of illness. Tang Guoli did not give up on himself because of his husband's death.

Tang Guoli has also been sorting out Zhang Taiyan's manuscripts. Her biggest wish is that " The Complete Works of Zhang Taiyan " can be published. Her wish was finally realized in 1979.

In 1980, 97-year-old Tang Guoli died of illness and was buried with Zhang Taiyan by the West Lake.

Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

Zhang Taiyan, a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, later renamed Binglin, is a modern democratic revolutionary, thinker and famous scholar in China. He has been studied very thoroughly and thoroughly, needless to say. - DayDayNews

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