On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp

2024/06/2716:18:34 history 1928

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Du Yuming Youth Photos


In 1960, Du Yuming received a special invitation. The Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau informed him to prepare. Premier Zhou was going to take him to meet foreign guests. Du Yuming rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find clothes. He didn't find anything suitable, so in the end Yang Botao lent him a decent Chinese tunic suit. After preparations, he took a car to the banquet hall of the Great Hall of the People and met British Field Marshal Montgomery.


On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Office in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already He was completely desperate for himself. When he wrote his resume in prison for the first time, he only hurriedly wrote about his experiences in the War of Liberation and did not mention a word about his achievements in the bloody battle of Kunlun Pass.

After Ling Yun, director of the Political Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, saw his report, he directly said one sentence, which made him completely come out of the "shadow":

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Battle of Huaihai

What is Du Yuming? It is Battle of Kunlun Pass plus Battle of Huaihai that equals Du Yuming!

Since then, Du Yuming has eaten well, slept well, and actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment. His previous chronic illnesses such as gastric ulcer, tuberculosis, and renal tuberculosis have also been well treated. During the period of his imprisonment, he actively cooperated with the reform and conscientiously completed the tasks assigned by the organization. Therefore, when he came out of prison, he embraced freedom.

With his thoughts gone, Du Yuming was properly accommodated. The civil affairs department arranged them directly into the hotel. When he first came out, he was unfamiliar with the outside world, as if everything he saw was unfamiliar, so the first few days God, he never leaves the house or takes a step out. He just stays in the house reading or writing letters to some old friends. After

received his letter, as his classmates and friends in the first phase of Huangpu Military Academy Zheng Dongguo , Hou Jingru and some old troops came to visit him. When old friends met, they looked at each other in silence, and for a moment they didn't know what to do. Where to start.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Hou Jingru

After sending his old friend away, Du Yuming's days in the hotel were like years, as if he was changing from one cage to another, freer cage. It seemed that he had some psychological problems, so the hotel waiter informed Yin Zhaoyu, secretary of the Civil Affairs Bureau, about his situation. Yin Zhaoyu thought about the reason. Du Yuming had been out of touch with society for a long time, so that he was afraid of the outside world. Moreover, when he was first released, he knew nothing about the requirements of the people's government. He did not know that he had been allowed to move freely the moment he was released. Moreover, "Seven days in the mountains, a thousand years have passed in the world" , if Du Yuming If you walk onto the street by yourself, I believe you will get lost in less than three minutes.

In order to prevent Du Yuming from suffering from depression , Secretary Yin took the time to explain it to him:

"After the amnesty, you will enjoy civil rights and you can move freely within the scope of the constitution without any restrictions. You can completely move outside, no Relatives and friends can visit, take a look at the cityscape of Beijing, or go for a stroll in the park. "

Secretary Yin considered that he was not familiar with the surrounding environment, so he specially introduced the locations of nearby parks and shopping malls to him, as well as some basic information. situation, I hope he can go outside for a walk.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Pictures | Du Yuming stills

Du Yuming was relieved after hearing this. He began to try to get out of the house and try to become a real citizen of New China. After planning a day in the hotel, he first came to Tiananmen Square and headed Standing here for the first time, he felt his own insignificance. He looked up at the surrounding buildings and the towering Monument to the People's Heroes. He suddenly looked closely at the contents above.

" The people's heroes are immortal " The eight golden characters on the stele seem to be "powerful enough to penetrate the back of the paper". Seeing these words inscribed by Premier Zhou Enlai, he felt guilty in his heart. Stand under the monument, bow and salute the revolutionary martyrs who have fought and sacrificed their lives over the past century, and observe a long moment of silence.

Then he looked at the reliefs on all sides. The content on the reliefs was the revolutionary struggle of the Chinese nation for more than a hundred years since the Opium War . He stayed in Tiananmen Square for a long time before leaving. In just a few days, he went to Tiananmen Square again. After visiting the Forbidden City, Zhongshan Park, and Beihai, he no longer felt so restrained.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Monument to the People's Heroes

The eight days after Premier Zhou received the

amnesty passed by, and in the blink of an eye it was the ninth day. Early that morning, Du Yuming received a notice from Secretary Yin of the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau, 14 The chief will receive them in the afternoon. Please do not go out. At the same time, nine people including Wang Yaowu, Zeng Kuanqing, Yang Botao and Song Xilian received invitations. They were pardoned together, and now they have to be interviewed by big shots. Regarding the interview with them, Secretary Yin did not disclose the person, leaving them to make up their own minds.

couldn't sleep all night, and finally waited for the afternoon of the 14th. At about 1 p.m., a clean car drove through the gate, and then picked up ten people in the car.

The ten people at this time were completely dizzy. They had no idea where they were going to be taken or who was going to meet them. However, they couldn't guess and were embarrassed to ask the driver, so they had to look out the window. The scenery kept passing by, but they still knew nothing about their destination, and the car carrying them passed through the streets and alleys, and after several turns, drove all the way into the north gate of Zhongnanhai .

After Du Yuming and others got off the car, they were led into a conference room by a man standing at the door. Then, a cadre suddenly came in from outside the door. This person announced:

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Young Zhou Enlai

"Today is the meeting with Premier Zhou Enlai. "You guys."

This surprise was smashed, and the ten people present were knocked unconscious. Premier Zhou, they are very familiar with it. Premier Zhou Enlai was the early director of the Political Department of Huangpu Military Academy, and he even gave a speech to everyone. After passing the class, Huangpu first-term students Du Yuming, Zeng Kuaqing, Song Xilian, Zhou Zhenqiang, and third-term student Wang Yaowu, all listened to Premier Zhou's teachings in person, and they had long wanted to see Premier Zhou again. , I was just worried that he was too busy with work, so he never dared to ask for this request. They can all imagine how busy Premier Zhou is. Now, Premier Zhou, who has many things to do, has to take precious time out of his busy schedule to receive them. This is Pie-in-the-sky happiness.

A burst of ecstasy was followed by guilt and shame. The teacher imparted knowledge to them. However, after graduating from Huangpu, they embarked on the path of being enemies of the Communist Party. They turned from students into war criminals who were addicted to killing and finally committed numerous crimes. , if they see the teacher later, what should they say? Will the teacher criticize them or be disappointed with them?

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Whampoa Military Academy

The ten people present had mixed feelings, and all kinds of emotions pulled at them, almost crushing the ecstasy in their hearts easily.

Just as their thoughts were rolling, Xu Bing, director of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, who had just entered the door, suddenly pointed to a person and introduced to them: " This is the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty Puyi . He was among the first batch of people to be pardoned at the Fushun Management Office." ,"

Du Yuming looked at this man wearing a blue cotton uniform and a pair of dark white glasses on the bridge of his nose. Is he Puyi? They were just looking at him and didn't notice the stranger next to them. Before they could come forward to introduce themselves, Puyi nodded to them and then sat down directly.

Thirty-two minutes later, Premier Zhou came up among the crowds of everyone, accompanied by Chen Yi, Zhang Zhizhong, Fu Zuoyi, Shao Lizi, and Zhang Shizhao. As soon as Premier Zhou entered the reception room, he heard a warm burst of cheers. With applause, a group of people stood up and paid attention to him. Looking at Premier Zhou in front of him, Du Yuming felt as if he was in another world. The person in front of him was still in high spirits and had a kind smile on his face. .

Premier Zhou walked up to them and waved for everyone to sit down. Then he looked around and asked about the health and family conditions of each pardoned person. Then he listened carefully to what they said. The Prime Minister chatted with them like a family. Talking made them feel like family, and everyone's tense nerves relaxed.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Premier Zhou

Premier Zhou looked at Zeng Kuanqing and said: "I was less than 30 years old when I was in Huangpu. There were many students older than me. I felt a lot of pressure at the time."

Zeng Kuangqing hurriedly Said : "I was already 30 years old at that time, and the student was several years older than the teacher!"

When it was Du Yuming's turn, he felt uncomfortable. He only heard him saying to the Prime Minister: "The student is sorry for the teacher's teaching, and the teacher is sorry." !"

Premier Zhou immediately answered : "I can't blame you students, blame the teachers for not teaching well."

After saying this, the Prime Minister laughed, and Du Yuming continued to reflect: "When I was just captured on the Huaihai battlefield, The boss wanted to see me, but I held a reactionary stance that was incompatible with the Communist Party and refused to meet. I was really stubborn and should be punished with a higher penalty."

Boss Chen just waved his hand and comforted him with a smile: "It's a thing of the past. Let it be the past!"

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Chen Yi

Several people talked freely for a while, and the tight strings in everyone's hearts relaxed. Then, Premier Zhou said: "Our party and government , We always keep our words and are principled. We release you based on the interests of the nation and the people." Regarding the issue of stance, Premier Zhou went on to say: "The issue of stance is a political issue, which means that people are fighting against each other in the national struggle. , the question of which side to take in the class struggle. I hope everyone can stand the test in this regard and give people a good impression. "

Premier Zhou will not forget to care about their work and life: " Work, life, labor, study, and visits must be carefully arranged. The purpose is to let you know more about the domestic situation. You can go home or take care of your family members. You can consider making arrangements for your work after two months. "

Prime Minister. The words he said were like warm currents blowing through their hearts. They remembered what the Prime Minister said in their hearts. Before leaving, Du Yuming and the others bowed to say goodbye to Premier Zhou and the teachers. Then they reluctantly got into the car and turned their heads from the car window. Looking back from behind, Du Yuming could clearly see Premier Zhou standing there waving to them and watching them leave. Du Yuming's eyes were moist.

Not long after Du Yuming and the others returned, Premier Zhou made arrangements for their work and life.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Du Yuming

met with Mongoliant

After this meeting, Premier Zhou became even busier, and Du Yuming also started a new life. What he did not expect was that one day, Premier Zhou would take him to meet foreign guests. According to In his opinion, although he has become a citizen of New China, no one can erase the past. However, what Premier Zhou said about accepting them is to fully accept the mistakes of the past and the corrections in the future. , are all embraced by the Prime Minister’s broad mind.

On May 26, 1960, Du Yuming suddenly received a notice from the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau, which asked him to prepare to attend a banquet to receive foreign guests. Regarding this news, Du Yuming was nervous, not only because he was not confident about his identity, but also because It's about clothes.

Except for a set of cotton-padded clothes issued by the administration during the amnesty, he did not buy any new clothes. Moreover, it was the end of spring and the beginning of summer. How could he go to meet foreign guests without suitable clothes? , even if he goes there, it will only bring shame to the country. This time he goes out not only to represent Du Yuming, but also to represent New China.

When he was running around anxiously, Yang Botao, who was also a member of the Whampoa Military Academy and a pardoned prisoner, came to his rescue and lent Du Yuming several sets of his old Zhongshan uniforms . In these clothes, Yang Botao's lover went to Beijing to visit. He brought it with him all the time, but now Du Yuming's business was more urgent and he also needed this set of clothes, so he borrowed it.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Yang Botao stills

Du Yuming wore a light-colored suit. Although it looked a little short and a little unfit, it was still decent. After Du Yuming got dressed, the car specially made to pick him up arrived. Du Yuming also knew nothing about the person he was about to meet.

The car finally stopped at the entrance of the Great Hall of the People. After entering the banquet hall, Du Yuming knew that it turned out that the person Zhou Enlai and Chen Yi were hosting this time was Field Marshal Montgomery, who was visiting our country.

This meeting was completely carefully arranged by Premier Zhou. Inviting Du Yuming to come was never an impulsive move, but because during World War II , Montgomery was the commander of the Mediterranean Theater in the African Theater, and Du Yuming They are the commanders of the Sino-Burmese battlefield in the China Theater. They are well-known and admire each other. It is their wish to have them meet today.

When Zhou Enlai introduced Du Yuming, he suddenly smiled humorously: "He fought with Chen Yi."

This sentence aroused Montgomery's curiosity, and he asked curiously: "Which of you defeated?"

Zhou Enlai Pointing to Chen Yi: "He won."

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Montgomery

Montgomery was puzzled by this result, so he turned to ask Du Yuming: "How many troops did you have in that battle?"

Du Yuming replied: "One million."

"A commander with an army of 1 million should not be defeated." Montgomery said.

Du Yuming was not angry or embarrassed, but replied humorously: "But Marshal Chen Yi has 2 million people, because all my people went to him in the end!"

The whole house laughed for a while. .

When it was time to rest, Du Yuming followed Chen Yi and the others to the banquet hall. Vice Premier Chen Yi looked at Du Yuming's neat clothes, smiled and said to him: "Your clothes are very good!"

Du Yuming said sheepishly: " I borrowed this."

Mr. Chen smiled heartily.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Montgomery

After Montgomery's visit, he returned to the UK. Regarding this meeting and what he saw and heard in China, Montgomery said that it was very rewarding, and then started to write in the book "Three Continents":

"In the long run, the key to world peace lies in China. The rise of China into a great power is inevitable... The Western world must reconcile with New China now and treat each other peacefully."

China has proved it with facts , Montgomery's feeling at that time was correct, and China has realized everything he wrote.

Du Yuming returned to his normal life after the banquet, commuting to and from get off work normally, living a normal life, as if this meeting was just a dream. He did not expect that Premier Zhou would invite him again after this.

Du Yuming looked at the head of state Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia standing in front of him, with countless ideas in his mind. Yes, he was once again invited to the banquet by Premier Zhou. During the introduction, Premier Zhou did not hesitate. He introduced evasively: "This is General Du Yuming."

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

Picture | Prince Sihanouk

The word "General" penetrated time and space, piercing his ears heavily. He even had a tinnitus. This title was far away from him. He knew clearly that Premier Zhou was so Calling him is not a simple title, but more of respect for him. The banquet went on in an orderly manner, and Du Yuming did not lose his temper because of this name.

After returning from the banquet, Du Yuming found a friend and shared his experience and perceptions. Tell him that Premier Zhou still respects the former Kuomintang generals, and that Premier Zhou does not care about the identity of the past war criminals, and will give him an appropriate opportunity to show his face. This tolerance is very rare and valuable

. Years later, Premier Zhou had a bold idea. He called Du Yuming and seven other people to work in the Cultural and Historical Materials Research Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. This organization was established by Premier Zhou. In fact, as early as 1959, Zhou Enlai designated people over 60 years old. Elderly people gathered at the symposium and told everyone: "You have all gone through many vicissitudes of life and have rich experience. You should record your personal experiences and pass them on to future generations, which will also be a valuable asset." "After this symposium, the Cultural and Historical Materials Research Committee was established. The director of the committee is historian Fan Wenlan, and the deputy director is Shen Bochun.

On December 4, 1959, 10 people including Du Yuming were pardoned as war criminals by the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing. Looking up at the blue sky, Du Yuming felt the pleasure of surviving for a moment. When he was first captured, Du Yuming had already comp - DayDayNews

图|Fan Wenlan

This time, Premier Zhou will bring 7 people including Du Yuming It is a very good idea to be included in this group. They will record the facts of their past and provide reference to historians and future generations. It is a very good result for both themselves and future generations. Moreover, the Commissioner of Literature and History He also enjoys the same health care as senior cadres , and his home conditions are also very good. Each house has a bedroom, living room, heating and sanitary equipment.

Du Yuming lived up to Premier Zhou's expectations. He wrote successively. "Overview of the Liaoshen Campaign", "The Beginning and Ending of the Huaihai Campaign", and "The Beginning and Ending of Chiang Kai-shek's Destruction of Peace and Attack on the Northeast", etc. Only by continuing these materials can we understand that period of buried history


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