In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life

2024/05/2216:04:33 history 1643

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student of Northern Shaanxi Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River.

Immediately afterwards, the guard of Huang Kegong, then captain of the sixth team of the third phase of the Red Army Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, reported that Huang Kegong's pistol showed signs of being fired recently, and there were fresh blood stains on his clothes.

At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life for the sake of his contribution to the party.

"She insulted the revolutionary soldiers by breaking the engagement!" This was Huang Kegong's only complaint in court.

It turned out that he and Liu Qian were passionately in love, but after getting along for a while, they had many differences, so Liu Qian broke up. Seeing that the forced marriage failed, Huang Kegong shot Liu Qian to death and fell from a hero to a murderer.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

"In accordance with the discipline of the Party and the Red Army , the death penalty will be imposed."

On the day of the sentencing, Chairman Mao's reply was read out publicly in the court, explaining to everyone that "Gong is merit, fault is fault, and the law cannot be merciful." !”

As a result, Huang Kegong became the only high-ranking official who was executed due to emotional disputes under Chairman Mao’s personal instructions.

Throughout Chairman Mao's magnificent life, he ordered the dismissal of 7 high-ranking officials, and the other 6 were all due to corruption.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

Yes, Chairman Mao has always had zero tolerance for corruption. He punished everyone he found, creating a miracle of integrity more than 20 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Who were the other 6 corrupt officials he got rid of? What have they done that harms the party and the people?

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

Xie Busheng: Our Party’s first corrupt element

Xie Busheng is a native of Yeping Township, Ruijin District 9, Jiangxi Province. He comes from a poor family and has been exploited and oppressed by landlords since childhood.

In 1929, he participated in the workers' and peasants' armed riot. Due to his outstanding performance, he joined the Communist Party in 1930 and served as chairman of the Yeping Village Soviet Government.

After assuming an important position, Xie Busheng's selfish desires grew day by day, and he focused on making money, completely losing his original intention as a communist.

In 1932, our party launched the first large-scale anti-corruption campaign.

htmlOne day in February, the Ruijin County Soviet Judicial Department received a letter of report, which reported some of Xie Busheng's corruption behaviors.

Immediately afterwards, a woman named Zhu Xiuxiu claimed to be Xie Busheng's lover and reported that Xie Busheng had killed her husband. The

task force was shocked and immediately launched an investigation. Human lives were at stake.

Soon, the facts of the case came to light, and the task force reported to Deng Xiaoping, Secretary of the Ruijin County Party Committee, and Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Central People's Committee.

"Verify clearly and resolve quickly!"

As the investigation continued to deepen, various evil deeds of Buchang Xie's arbitrary embezzlement of property in the Soviet area and even robbing people's livestock came to light.

At that time, due to the enemy blockade, Soviet area was in short supply of necessary supplies and prices soared. Xie Busheng stole the official seal and sold the scarce supplies privately. He even forged passes and transported buffaloes to white area for sale. Each cow could earn 3 yuan. ocean .

Zhu Xiuxiu was even forced to become his lover. In order to achieve his goal, he even brutally killed Zhu Xiuxiu's husband.

At the same time, his crime of killing Nanchang Uprising a military doctor in the southward troops was also revealed. The reason was just to take a gold ring of the military doctor for himself!

The case encountered obstacles from some people during the investigation. Later, with the support of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, the case was successfully concluded.

"Fighting against corruption is our bounden duty as Communists, and no one can stop it!"

On May 5, 1932, Xie Busheng was charged with intentional homicide, robbery, rape, theft, embezzlement, bribery, smuggling, abuse of power, and trafficking. He was sentenced to death for nine major crimes, including population crimes, and all his personal property was confiscated.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

On May 9, 1932, Xie Busheng was executed by firing squad.

Our party’s historic first anti-corruption case has come to an end, demonstrating our party’s determination to fight corruption and kicking off our party’s battle against corrupt elements.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

Zuo Xiangyun: A powerful and corrupt official in the history of our party

In 1933, Zuo Xiangyun served as the director of the General Affairs Department of the Soviet Central Government, which was considered a high-ranking official at that time.

html In June, the Second Soviet Union Congress was successfully held, and the Party Central Committee decided to build the Central Government Auditorium, the Red Army Martyrs Memorial Tower, the Red Army Review Stand and other commemorative buildings in Shazhouba.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this project, our party established the "All-Soviet Congress Engineering Office", and Zuo Xiangyun was elected as the director.

The government had no money at the time. For this significant project, the government mobilized the masses to purchase public bonds and encouraged donations. They tried their best to raise 100,000 yuan.

Together with some materials donated by the masses, the project officially started in August 1933.

When Zuo Xiangyun first took office, he also secretly made up his mind to complete the task successfully and never let the chief down. He even stayed up all night studying plans and formulating plans.

But the good times did not last long. Someone whispered in his ear: "Instead of working hard all day, it is better to take the opportunity to make some money and live a good life."

Zuo Xiangyun was shaken when he saw so much money passing through his hands, and asked the general affairs officer Guan Yongcai, head of the department affairs section, colluded to embezzle project funds.

For the first time, he just used public funds to eat and drink in the name of buying materials. When he found that no one was asking, he became bolder.

He began to deduct the compensation money from the central government and forced people to cut down trees in order to make up for the shortage of materials.

The eyes of the masses are sharp. In November 1933, comrades from the Workers' and Peasants' Complaint Bureau took out several letters one after another from the "complaint box" about exposing Zuo Xiangyun.

After investigation, Zuo Xiangyun embezzled a total of 246.7 yuan of public funds. This huge amount of money made the investigation team members unable to believe it. After all, at that time, a person's daily food expenses were only 3 cents.

Zuo Xiangyun knew that he would be discovered sooner or later, so he began to secretly collude with the reactionaries, steal official seals, forge documents, and attempt to rebel.

After receiving the report, Chairman Mao personally ordered the General Affairs Department to detain Zuo Xiangyun immediately.

But at the critical moment, Xu Yi, the director of the management department of the General Affairs Department, secretly tipped off Zuo Yunxiang, causing Zuo Yunxiang to escape.

At this time, Chairman Mao was completely shocked: "How could a Zuo Xiangyun be so knowledgeable?"

Soon, Zuo Yunxiang was caught. Under Chairman Mao's instruction to "investigate thoroughly," all the The details come to light.

On February 13, 1934, Zuo Yunxiang and others related to the case underwent a five-hour trial at the Soviet District Supreme Court. All of Zuo Yunxiang's crimes were listed in court.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

html On February 18, Zuo Yunxiang was executed.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

Tang Daren: Rui County's Big Worm with a Large Amount of Corruption

Tang Daren was the chief of the Ruijin County Accounting Department in 1933 and was in charge of the financial power of Ruijin County.

He relied on the power in his hands to embezzle public funds wantonly, thinking that he was unaware of the ghosts, but there is no airtight wall.

An anonymous reporting letter appeared in the "complaint box". Although it was not a real name, it still attracted the attention of the then Prosecutor General He Shuheng.

So, he sent two investigation teams to carry out targeted work, but neither found any relevant problems.

It turns out that Ruijin County quickly destroyed relevant evidence after receiving the news that the investigation team was about to move in.

He Shuheng realized that things were definitely not that simple, so he secretly sent people to live in people's homes.

After overt and covert investigations, the fact that Ruijin County was wasting state property gradually surfaced. This is obviously not a problem of one person.

After careful consideration, He Shuheng reported it to the central government immediately. The government issued an order to "step up the investigation" and dispatched the "Qingqi Team".

Starting on December 15, with the team members’ meticulous investigation and evidence collection, all corruption and waste problems in Ruijin County were investigated.

Tang Daren alone embezzled 34 items of public funds, totaling more than 2,000 yuan.

Chairman Mao was also deeply shocked: "Someone actually committed a crime against the will of others. The people must be given an explanation and dealt with strictly!"

On December 28, Chairman Mao presided over a meeting of the People's Committee of the Provisional Central Government and listened to the case report.

The meeting decided that Tang Daren should be handed over to the court and sentenced to death. At the same time, Ruijin County Finance Minister Lan Wenxun, who failed to report the knowledge, was dismissed from his post and investigated.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

The huge amount of this case caused a great sensation at the time. It also demonstrated to the people the intensity of Chairman Mao's fight against corruption and further deepened the anti-corruption struggle.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

Xiao Yubi: Psychologically unbalanced "hero" and huge corruption

In April 1933, Xiao Yubi joined the Red Army. He was not afraid of death on the battlefield and made many meritorious deeds. From the guerrilla captain to the deputy director of the Yan'an Trade Bureau.

In 1940, Xiao Yubi was sent to Yan'an Central Hospital after falling into coma due to long-term hunger and old injuries.

Chairman Mao saw Xiao Yubi covered in scars on the hospital bed, and asked the doctor specifically. The doctor said that his illness was mainly due to poor nutrition.

At that moment, Chairman Mao gave Xiao Yubi the milk for himself, and took care of him when he returned to his hometown Qingjian County and became the director of the tax bureau, so that his family could take care of his life more conveniently.

However, Xiao Yubi couldn't figure it out; he was suddenly "assigned" from the central government to a local place. Wasn't this the organization's intention to "rectify" me?

He was seriously unbalanced mentally. After contacting the Organization Department to no avail, he pushed open the door of Chairman Mao's room, uncovered the scars all over his body, and cried: "Chairman Mao, I have sacrificed so much for the revolution, and now they want to send me away." Do you care if you go back to your hometown?"

Chairman Mao closed his clothes and said earnestly: "This is all for your own good. You are an excellent soldier of our army. You must obey orders on the battlefield and obey arrangements in life. "

Xiao Yubi said nothing more, but returned to his hometown full of grievances.

From then on, he often regarded himself as a hero, ignored the comrades around him, and used corruption and bribery to make up for the gap in his heart.

He began to take advantage of his position to resell food from the base area to the Kuomintang and withhold public funds during the most difficult period.

Paper could not contain the fire after all. Later, Xiao Yubi saw that the situation was not good and immediately asked Chairman Mao for mercy.

Chairman Mao was stunned for a moment when he learned that his illegal profits and corruption totaled as much as 3,050 oceans.

Chairman Mao thought of Huang Kegong: "According to the court's judgment."

In December 1941, Xiao Yubi was also executed by firing squad in accordance with the law.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

has gone from a "hero" to a "corrupt official", but merit is not a "gold medal for immunity from death". In the eyes of Chairman Mao, the bottom line of the law is not allowed to be touched by anyone!

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan: The largest anti-corruption case since the founding of the People's Republic of China

From 1951 to 1952, our party launched the "Three Antis and Five Antis" campaign to combat corruption. Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan were exposed during this campaign.

Liu Qingshan, then deputy secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee. Zhang Zishan, then Secretary of the Tianjin Prefectural Committee.

After the two people became senior local leaders, they were greedy for pleasure. In order to satisfy their ever-expanding selfish desires, they took advantage of their positions to collude and steal national property, such as agricultural, industrial and food supplies, airport construction funds, river management funds, etc., totaling a total of 17.16272 billion yuan (old RMB, 10,000 yuan is equivalent to 1 yuan today).

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

In that era, they also played with the now popular luxury cars, watches, and villas.

Wearing a Rolex watch and driving a Kress RV were not enough, but Liu Qingshan became addicted to drugs and needed to inject morphine all day long.

In terms of power, the two of them "cover the sky with one hand", always attacking comrades who disagree with them, attracting "like-minded people" and creating small sectarian groups.

"Anyone who commits many injustices will be punished by death." On February 10, 1952, Baoding City, Hebei Province held a public sentencing meeting attended by 20,000 people, and announced the death penalty approval order for the two persons.

In October 1937, Liu Qian, a female student at Shanbei Public School in Yan'an, was shot twice and died on the bank of Yanhe River. At this time, Huang Kegong found that the crime could not be covered up, so he wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, hoping that he could be spared a life - DayDayNews

With two gunshots, Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan were shot.

This is the first major corruption case in New China that shocked the whole country, and it is also the beginning of New China’s anti-corruption journey.

ends with :

These are the 7 corrupt officials that Chairman Mao got rid of in his life: Xie Busheng, Zuo Xiangyun, Huang Kegong, Tang Daren, Xiao Yubi, Liu Qingshan, and Zhang Zishan.

They did not fall in the hail of bullets, but went further and further down the wrong road, and were eventually executed under the people's trial.

"Serving the people wholeheartedly" is the purpose of our party. Only good cadres who are honest and serve the public can be worthy of the trust of our party and the people of the country!


Author: ZHL Suiping

Editor: Shancao

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