Women with habitual cold hands and feet should pay attention to 5 things during pregnancy to increase the chance of getting pregnant

2021/04/0213:51:21 health 1260

In life, some women often have cold hands and feet, and some are slightly more serious. Even if it is not in cold weather, their hands and feet will be cold. Sleeping in the bed for a long time at night is not hot, and the whole person is like being in an ice cellar. of.

Women with habitual cold hands and feet should pay attention to 5 things during pregnancy to increase the chance of getting pregnant - DayDayNews

There are many reasons for this situation. The common ones are cold in the palace or coldness in the body. Therefore, it may be more difficult for women with this condition to prepare for pregnancy than normal women.

In fact, the condition of cold hands and feet in women can improve the conditioning. You must first know your own reasons to deal with it.

Women with habitual cold hands and feet should pay attention to 5 things during pregnancy to increase the chance of getting pregnant - DayDayNews

1. Ensure balanced nutrition

Some women have the habit of picky eating. In order to maintain their body, they may only eat vegetarian food and rarely eat eggs and meat for a long time. , Easily lead to imbalanced nutrition and adversely affect health. Our three meals a day require balanced nutrition. Vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and milk are all indispensable. Therefore, we must have a comprehensive diet every day. Don't just eat one thing like this. If you have a pregnancy plan, it is recommended to add a glass of milk a day to supplement protein and calcium to store energy for the baby's arrival.

2. Replenishing qi and blood is very important

Some women with insufficient qi and blood often experience cold hands and feet, so these women should pay attention to tonifying qi and blood in their daily lives. Eat some red dates, brown sugar, , wolfberry , pig liver, these foods to replenish qi and blood,Helps promote blood circulation in the body and relieve cold hands and feet.

Women with habitual cold hands and feet should pay attention to 5 things during pregnancy to increase the chance of getting pregnant - DayDayNews

3. Avoid sedentary

Nowadays many women may sit in the office every day due to work reasons, wait until the meal time, and they will also order takeaway In this way, he was sitting almost all day. Sitting for a long time not only has bad effects on women's pelvis, lumbar spine, shoulders and neck, but also affects the body's blood circulation, resulting in cold hands and feet. Therefore, it is recommended that women take time to walk around, move around, and go downstairs during lunch and rest.

4. Avoid staying up late

Nowadays, many people have the habit of staying up late. In fact, staying up late seems to have no effect on health, but it is a big "killer" of health. Staying up late will not only make women The skin condition looks very poor, it will also affect the health of the uterus, which is not conducive to conception. Therefore, women who want to get pregnant should get rid of the habit of staying up early and develop the good habit of going to bed and getting up early.

Women with habitual cold hands and feet should pay attention to 5 things during pregnancy to increase the chance of getting pregnant - DayDayNews

5. Learn to release stress

In today’s fast-paced life, everyone has all kinds of stress from life and work, and excessive stress can also cause physical stress. Slow metabolism, endocrine disorders in , blood circulation, etc., will cause cold hands and feet for a long time. Therefore, in order to be healthy and conceive successfully, women should arrange their work and life reasonably and learn to release and relieve stress.Don't make yourself too anxious.

In addition, women with cold hands and feet should also pay more attention to doing appropriate exercises, such as jogging, swimming, slow walking, yoga, etc., which are all very good. You can take an hour off work every day. It is very helpful for improving body function and improving cold conditions of hands and feet.


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