TCM diet therapy for impotence and premature ejaculation

2021/03/3014:39:02 health 1272

TCM diet therapy for impotence and premature ejaculation - DayDayNews

First of all, please make a statement, please don’t have to have such a heavy psychological burden, premature ejaculation is not a disease, just the strength of the ability.

TCM diet therapy for impotence and premature ejaculation - DayDayNews

You can imagine that in nature, lions will have sex for one minute and elephants for two minutes. Almost all peak mammals are "quick shooters". Because only the faster you ejaculate, you can avoid being attacked. So males are born with premature ejaculation, and we males are the same. This is a reasonable biological attribute.

is defined by the medical profession as follows: impotence , that is, erectile dysfunction ( ED ), is one of the most common male diseases that affect the quality of life. Among men aged 30-80, about one in five suffers from impotence. Impotence is also a hard-hit area for rumors and false medical propaganda.

So here I will not mention medicine, let alone acupuncture, exercise, massage and other treatment methods. Simply serve a few dishes and use traditional Chinese medicine to bring you some help.

1, wolfberry sheep kidney soup, fresh wolfberry leaves 250g, 1 pair of sheep kidney, 10 green onions, 3 ginger, moderate vinegar. The sheep kidney is cut open, the fascia is removed, washed, sliced, and taken with other soup. Take 1 dose per day as a dietary supplement.

TCM diet therapy for impotence and premature ejaculation - DayDayNews

2, prawn fried chives , fresh shrimp 250g, fresh chives 100g, moderate vinegar. Wash the shrimp and remove the kernels, wash and cut the leek into sections; first stir-fry the shrimp with a hot oil pan, then add the vinegar and other condiments, and cook for a while; stir-fry the leek until tender and cooked, then add the shrimp Serve.Take 1 dose a day, eat regularly.

TCM diet therapy for impotence and premature ejaculation - DayDayNews

3. Appropriate amount of chicken testicles, appropriate amount of white wine, vinegar, and garlic paste. Choose a good-looking rooster, slaughter the testicles and soak them in white wine for about 5 hours. When eating, it can be dipped in wine, vinegar and garlic mash, and taken every other night, 1 pair each time.

TCM diet therapy for impotence and premature ejaculation - DayDayNews

4. Centipede loofah, 1 centipede, 30 loofah seeds , 15g licorice, appropriate amount of vinegar. The centipede is dried, the loofah seeds are sautéed, and the licorice is made into fine powder together. After taking 2 times, give the light vinegar soup, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Let me say one last thing, whether you have impotence and premature ejaculation, you don’t count, the doctor doesn’t count, and the woman has the final say. If the two sides are harmonious, it doesn't count; if time is not harmonious, it doesn't matter. Understand? ? ?


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