Crime scene 1: I took the acupuncture skills test and inject myself with hemiplegia. Three veteran Chinese medicine doctors gave me more than 80 acupuncture before the acupuncture was restored. Hahahahaha, this guy is so talented. Although I feel sorry for him, I really can’t hel

accidentally came across a video that I thought was so funny and interesting, so I would like to share it with you.

Crime scene 1: I took the acupuncture skills test and inject myself with hemiplegia. Three veteran Chinese medicine practitioners took more than 80 acupunctures to get them back.

Hahahaha, this guy is so talented. Although I feel sorry for him, I really can’t help it. It’s so fun. Hahahahahaha. I got hemiplegic and received more than 80 needles. Hahahaha. It will definitely be used as a negative teaching material in the future, giving priority to zombies in choosing a mate, hahahahaha.

Crime scene 2: A young lady said: Those who study medicine touch themselves during exams. Someone below echoed: It’s true! When testing acupuncture points, the first thing I do is touch myself.

Hahahaha, I can’t imagine the scene of more than thirty people touching themselves in an examination room. Eh~ It’s really crazy, hahahaha.

Crime Scene 3: In the biology or medical exam, a student counted his ribs and was sentenced to cheating! ! ! How many times does

download someone else’s?


Hahahahahaha, even if you count yourself, you will be sentenced to cheating, is there any justice? ?

Crime scene 4: When I took the traditional Chinese medicine exam, I didn’t know where the acupuncture point was, so I used a needle to prick myself. I was lame for a day. There was a comment below

saying: "It's not a loss! You think, although you are lame, you have understood the unique martial arts skills." You have made a lot of money.

Hahahahaha, it’s not a bad thing to make yourself lame. It’s called understanding the essentials of acupuncture.

Crime Scene 5: During the anatomy test before, everyone in the examination room was touching themselves.

Someone said: "I'm so miserable because I'm fat and can't touch it!"

Hahahaha, it's like an open-book exam. The students have all turned to the answers, but you can't, so you can only worry.

Every time I watch a video, I like to click on the comment section. The comment section is filled with great masters and talented people, which is really fun.