Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl

2021/06/0222:35:09 funny 916

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

It's so comfortable to take a cold bath on such a hot day

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

Give medicine to a cat but it's a technical activity, but I'm quick to respond.

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

How does this technology compare to your old technology?

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

Don't take my money on the ground, but I'll see it first Arrived

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

I've had enough to eat, hurry up and go for a ride in my car

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

Big brother, you jump back, don't rub against the girl

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

As long as the owner is happy, I will eat anything

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

Bunker, I can also do somersaults while riding a bike

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

Old Brother, this operation refreshed my laughter again.

Decompression moment: Brother, you jump back and forth, don’t rub against the girl - DayDayNews

Sure enough Mask

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  • I was embarrassed when I took a shower in just now, and an adult took the lady to bathe!
    Dad gives the child a bath, which is normal.
    , but that kid followed his dad's bathing movements, and he called out with a sense of rhythm. : "Ah, oh, oh." Let brother soak for a while, don't dare to get up! ‍‍‍‍‍
  • Today passing by kindergarten , I heard a little girl cry and say to another: "Last night I wet the bed and was scolded by my father." But I saw my mother wet the bed too, and my father praised her for being amazing. "‍‍
  • htmlOn the weekend of 17, the husband brought the child home from the nursery .
    The wife said: "Honey, this is not our child?
    The husband took a closer look and said, "This is indeed not the case. But it doesn't matter, we have to send the child back anyway. ”‍‍‍‍

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