[Follow] How much do you know how to eat kumquat?

kumquat has been officially listed, and everyone knows that kumquat is getting more and more delicious now, and many people like it very much.

Here is a brief introduction to several ways to eat kumquats, which are also very delicious! I hope my friends will like it.

Raw kumquat

kumquat contains a lot of vitamin C, and the kumquat peel is also very nutritious. Wash it first, and then put the meat in your mouth and eat it.

kumquat black tea

choose a few kumquats, wash and cut into blocks or slices for later use, then put the black tea bag in the pot, add appropriate amount of water to boil, turn off the heat after 2-3 minutes, and then put it Add the cut kumquats, cover and simmer for 3-5 minutes, put them in a bowl and add honey and stir. You can also put them in the refrigerator and keep them in the refrigerator for easy consumption.

candied kumquat

first clean, soak in salt water for about 10 minutes, then cut the kumquat lengthwise for 6-7 knives, crush and remove the seeds, put it in a bowl, put an appropriate amount of sugar on top to pickle 2-3 Today, wait until the sugar melts into a liquid form (a small amount of lumpy sugar is also acceptable), put it in a pot on high heat and boil it on a low heat and slowly simmer until it becomes viscous. Put it on a plate and let it cool before serving.

kumquat sauce

first wash the kumquat, peel off the skin, remove the seeds from the pulp, and set aside. Put the peel in boiling water and scald for 2-3 minutes, remove it for use, and then put the pulp and peel in a juicer Pour the sauce into the pot, then add salt, sugar, and maltose to simmer (low fire) for about 15 minutes.

Kumquat Chicken Wings

First take out the chicken wings, add a small amount of oil, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine and marinate for about 1 hour, then wash the kumquats, cut a few vertically and squash them, and then wait until the oil pan is heated, put it Fry the chicken wings until golden on both sides, add the juice of the marinated chicken wings, an appropriate amount of water, and simmer the kumquat for 5 minutes when the soup is almost ready, then serve.

There are many ways to eat kumquats

For example, as shown in the picture below,

kumquat crisps

kumquat stuffed meat

kumquat wrapped meat

kumquat stuffed meat

6 kumquat and what to eat fresh kumquat friends... Law,

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