During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will

2024/07/0207:30:32 food 1355

In the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are simple to make and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and spend the dog days safely and healthily.

Every year, July and August are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s meals are cooked Make corresponding adjustments and eat seasonal vegetables as well as some ingredients that can repel the cold and cool down the heat. Today we have selected 6 must-eat summer delicacies to share with you, keeping you healthy all summer long.

During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will - DayDayNews

1: Stir-fried okra

During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will - DayDayNews

Recipe for stir-fried okra: Materials: okra , garlic, light soy sauce, salt, peanut oil.

1, wash the okra and blanch it in boiling water, remove it from the cold water, change it to a plate, mince the garlic and put it on top.

2. Add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, half a spoon of vinegar, 1 gram of salt, and 3 spoons of purified water to the bowl. Stir evenly and pour it on top of the okra.

3, heat the oil in the pot until it smokes, use a spoon to pour the hot oil onto the minced garlic and serve.

2: Garlic fungus

During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will - DayDayNews

Garlic fungus recipe: Materials: fungus , minced garlic, salt, chicken essence, peanut oil.

1, wash the fungus and mince the garlic.

2, put peanut oil in the pot, sauté the garlic until fragrant, add the fungus and stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and add chicken essence and mix well.

Three: Sugar Ginger Slices

During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will - DayDayNews

Sugar Ginger Slices Recipe: Materials: 500 grams of ginger, 300 grams of sugar, a little salt.

1, wash the ginger, remove the skin, cut into slices, soak in light salt water to remove the spiciness, change the water in the middle and continue soaking, soak for about 3 hours, then the spiciness of the ginger will be weak. a lot of.

2, take out the ginger slices to drain them, mix the sugar and ginger slices evenly, pickle them, pour them directly into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer slowly, evaporate the water in the pot, and dip your hands into a little soup. , as long as it can pull out thick silk.

3. At this time, pour it into a non-stick pan. The ginger slices are already translucent and the water has evaporated. Leave to cool and stir with a shovel in the middle.

4, cool ginger slices will be evenly coated with a layer of sugar. They will not go bad if cooled and sealed for half a year. It is very convenient to eat and take.

Four: Spiced edamame

During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will - DayDayNews

How to make spiced edamame: Materials: edamame, salt, pepper, star anise.

1, use scissors to cut off the clips on both sides of the edamame, and wash them thoroughly with water.

2, put the edamame into the pot, add water, peppercorns, a small segment of star anise, add salt, cover the lid, and bring to a boil over high heat.

3, cook for another 5 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 2 minutes, open the lid, soak the beans in the soup, and take them out when eating.

Five: Stir-fried loofah

During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will - DayDayNews

How to stir-fry loofah: Materials: 3 loofahs, a little minced garlic, appropriate amount of salt, 1 spoon of peanut oil.

1. Peel the loofah, cut into slices, and rinse with salt water to prevent the loofah from turning black.

2, put rapeseed oil in the pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add loofah slices, stir-fry over high heat, and then add a little water to prevent the pot from burning.

3, add appropriate amount of salt and stir well. When the loofah is cooked, turn off the heat and serve.

Six: Fig and Tremella Soup

During the dog days of summer, you should eat more of these 6 dishes. They are easy to prepare and can clear away heat, dispel dampness and cold, and have a safe and healthy life. July and August every year are the hottest seasons in summer. In such seasons, my family’s diet will - DayDayNews

How to make Fig and Tremella Soup: Materials: Tremella half, fig a little, old rock sugar appropriate amount.

1, soak half of white fungus in boiling water, tear into small florets, clean and set aside, wash and cut figs into large pieces.

2, put water in a casserole, add Tremella fuciformis and bring to a boil over high heat, cover with a lid, reduce to low heat and simmer slowly for 30 minutes to get the glue.

3. After the white fungus is glued, pour in the figs and continue to simmer for 5 minutes. Finally, add a few wolfberries and rock sugar, then turn off the heat. It is great to drink iced or warm.

Feng'er's words:

Thank you for reading my food articles. They will be updated every day. They include time-saving breakfast, Chinese food, various pastries, baking, jam, sorbet, desserts, etc. Everyone is welcome to visit. If you like my various home-cooked delicacies, please like~share~collect~follow~I'm waiting for you here~~Original pictures and texts by Xuefeng'er, theft will be investigated!!!

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