There is a folk proverb, "Toufu dumplings, Erfu noodles, Sanfu pancakes and eggs." tomorrow is the official day of Fu. On the first day of Fu, no matter you have money or not, you must remember to eat "Toufu dumplings" to comply with the season. Follow tradition, supplement nutri

2024/07/0111:43:32 food 1365

There is a folk proverb, "Toufu dumplings, Erfu noodles, Sanfu pancakes and eggs." Tomorrow will be the official day of Fu. On the first day of Fu, no matter you have money or not, you must remember to eat "Toufu dumplings" to follow the season. , follow the tradition, supplement nutrition for the family, enhance physical fitness, and spend the "dog days of summer " smoothly and healthily.

There is a folk proverb,

Why does "Tou Fu" eat dumplings? The first reason is that Toufu is during the "summer harvest", and the newly harvested wheat is not only delicious, but also very nutritious. Eating new wheat in Toufu has the meaning of "tasting something new", and it can also replenish energy for the body; secondly, The first reason is that eating dumplings with your head down has a very good meaning. It can bring you "blessings from ingots" and pray that your family will spend the bitter summer smoothly and healthily.

There is a folk proverb,

Eating "Toufu dumplings" is very particular. It is inevitable that you will lose your appetite in the hot summer, so eating meat dumplings is not as good as eating vegetarian dumplings. Vegetarian dumplings are fresh and light, easier to digest and absorb, and will not increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. When talking about vegetarian dumplings, the first thing that many people think of is leek and egg filling. In fact, the taste of leeks in this season is not good. As the saying goes, "Leeks in June stink to dogs." In the sixth month of the lunar calendar, leeks grow too lush and have a spicy taste. It is very heavy, and using it to make dumplings will affect the taste.

There is a folk proverb,

So, how to make Toufu dumplings delicious? First of all, we need to choose fresh and greasy seasonal vegetables, pair them with protein-rich umami ingredients such as eggs or dried tofu, and try to use light and fresh flavors when seasoning. The dumplings made in this way will be very delicious. Below, I will share with you the delicious recipe of "Toufu Dumplings". Friends who like it can learn it!

[Cucumber, fungus and egg dumplings] Specific preparation method

[Ingredients preparation]:

cucumber, fungus , eggs, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, white pepper , sesame oil, flour, spicy oil , Balsamic vinegar

[Preparation steps]:

1. Cucumber is a vegetable with sufficient water and a crisp texture. It is used to make dumpling fillings that are delicious, refreshing and not greasy. However, it should be noted that this watery vegetable must be prepared before filling. Remove part of the water, otherwise the dumpling filling will easily become watery during the process of making dumplings, thus affecting the taste.

There is a folk proverb,

Wash the cucumbers, cut them into thin slices, sprinkle with appropriate amount of salt and mix well, marinate for 30 minutes, wrap it with gauze and squeeze out the water, then rinse with water to remove the excess salt. If the cucumber slices are too large, you can Cut it in half with a knife to make it more palatable.

2. Soak the fungus in warm water, cut off the hard roots and tear into small florets. Then blanch it in boiling water for 2 minutes. Add a little salt and oil to the water. Cool the blanched fungus and chop it into pieces for later use. Cook the fungus in advance. It tastes even crispier once you eat it.

There is a folk proverb,

3. Add a little salt and white pepper to the eggs and beat them into a uniform egg liquid. Heat the oil in a pot, then pour the egg liquid into the pot and fry while stirring. Try to fry the eggs as finely as possible until they are golden in color. Osmanthus is the best.

There is a folk proverb,

4. Pour the cucumber into a large basin, add a little sesame oil and mix well. The sesame oil also has the effect of locking water. Then pour the fungus and eggs into the basin, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, and white pepper to taste, and mix all the ingredients together. Mix well and the dumpling filling is ready.

There is a folk proverb,

5. When making dumplings with vegetarian fillings, you can make the dumpling skin a little softer. This will not only make the filling easier to cook, but also taste better. The dumpling skin should be rolled out thick in the middle and thin on the edges, so that the cooked dumplings will not open or open. Exposed.

There is a folk proverb,

6. The cooking time of vegetarian dumplings can be shortened appropriately, because the vegetarian fillings are basically pre-cooked, and the dumpling skins are ready to be cooked. When eating dumplings, you can prepare a plate of dipping sauce and evenly mix the spicy oil and balsamic vinegar. Just mix. This dipping sauce can relieve greasiness and enhance freshness.

There is a folk proverb,

Eating dumplings is an old folk tradition. No matter how busy you are, don't forget to prepare "Toufu dumplings" for your family. When making dumpling fillings, it is better to use cucumbers than leeks and shepherd's purse. They are fresh and crisp, can relieve the heat and appetize, and help the family Supplement nutrition and enhance your physical fitness!

In the rough kitchen, explore delicious food, make delicious food, share home-cooked recipes, and learn interesting food stories! Original pictures and texts, plagiarism will be investigated!

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