Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co

2024/06/3014:28:32 food 1067

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

Don’t just know how to pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pot like this, they are more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick.

Everyone loves to eat melons in summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most commonly eaten in my family, the answer is: cucumber! The most common vegetables are also fruits, but after washing them and eating them, they are moist and crunchy. Many times, everyone likes to use it to make cold dishes. It can be done in a few times. It is very simple and quick. Many people who lose weight also like to eat it, because cucumbers contain an ingredient that can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat, called propanedioic acid . In addition, the cellulose in cucumbers can also promote the discharge of waste in the body.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

Cucumber is really a good ingredient that can be either sweet or salty. This cucumber is a common ingredient in my house. When you have nothing to do, wash a cucumber and eat it to make your mouth feel less lonely. When cooking, you can pat it or stir-fry it. In short, it is how to eat it. All delicious. Last night my husband asked me: "Do you want another old cucumber?" I said: "Of course, there are people who buy old cucumbers to eat." So today I chopped it up and got rid of this old cucumber. , peel, remove the flesh, cut into slices and stir-fry to make a delicious dish. This plate of scrambled eggs with cucumber and fungus is also so delicious, with rich texture and delicious flavor.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

And I also want to tell you quietly that this is a low-fat nutritious dish that can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also help lose weight. It is really suitable for this hot summer. So don’t underestimate the humble old cucumber. Simply fry it with eggs and black fungus. It’s simple, quick, nutritious and delicious. The preparation of this dish is very simple, and you can learn it without any skills at a glance, so I never forget to buy cucumbers when my family buys it in summer. Cucumber itself is a very nutritious vegetable. It can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also strengthen the brain and calm the nerves. Remember to eat it often in summer. See below for detailed instructions.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

[Cucumber and Fungus Scrambled Eggs]

Ingredients required:

1 cucumber, 6 black fungus, 3 eggs, 1 chive, appropriate amount of salt, a little sugar, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, and appropriate amount of cooking oil.

Specific methods:

1. Peel off the skin of the old cucumber, cut it in half, remove the flesh inside, and then cut it into slightly thicker slices for later use.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

2. Soak the black fungus in advance, add a little salt and rub it clean, tear it into small florets and set aside. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat into egg liquid. Add a little pepper and mix well to remove the eggy smell.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

3. Heat an appropriate amount of oil in a pot, pour in the beaten egg liquid, wait until the bottom of the egg liquid solidifies and the surface is about to solidify, stir it up quickly with chopsticks, and the egg cubes are fried, and set aside.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

4. In another pan, add chives and stir-fry until fragrant, then add black fungus and stir-fry evenly.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

5. Pour in the cucumber and stir-fry until the cucumber is slightly watery. Add a little water along the edge of the pot.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

6. Pour in the fried egg cubes and stir-fry evenly. Add salt and sugar to taste. Finally, add oyster sauce and stir-fry evenly. Remove from the pan.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

A very nutritious and delicious refreshing dish is ready. The fried cucumbers are a little less crisp, but a little more salty and moist. They absorb the fresh fragrance of the eggs and taste different and delicious. The crunchy black fungus not only matches the color, but also adds texture and nutrition. This kind of scrambled eggs with cucumber, fungus and fungus is rich in taste and nutrition. It is worth trying. It can clear away heat and detoxify when eaten in summer. It is simple to make and easy to learn in . Although I made it with old cucumbers, it would be the same if I replaced it with young cucumbers. If you have cucumbers at home, don’t just take pictures of them. Try this cucumber and fungus scrambled eggs. You will definitely like it. Okay, today’s cucumber, fungus, scrambled eggs are shared here. The hot weather is perfect for such a refreshing dish, so give it a try.

Don't just pat cucumbers, try frying them in a pan like this. It's more nutritious and delicious, and the method is simple and quick. Everyone loves to eat melons in the summer. They are popular for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. If you ask me what melon is most co - DayDayNews

Thank you for reading. I am the little chef Bieme. If you have better opinions, please leave a message in the comment area below. Your opinions are the motivation for me to move forward. Follow BieMea Xiaochu and share delicious and healthy food recipes with you every day. If you are interested, please like, collect, forward and share.All pictures and texts are original by me, any redistribution is strictly prohibited and plagiarism will be prosecuted!

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