It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So

2024/07/0104:26:32 food 1203

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so eating braised beans and noodles is the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. Southern students who have never tried braised bean noodles are strongly recommended to try it. will open up a new world of noodles for you. The noodles fully absorb the soup and are so fragrant.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

The main features of the stewed noodles are salty, soft and glutinous, and delicious . In addition, from the perspective of cooking technology, the stewed noodles will not destroy the protein molecules network structure of the flour during the cooking process, so the stewed noodles are more nutritious and taste better.

There are two ways to braise noodles. One is to braise it directly on top of vegetables. Do this when the water is added just right. You can also steam the noodles on top of a steamer. After steaming, pour it into the pot and stir it up.

You can freely choose the ingredients for braised noodles. Potatoes, ribs, broad beans, eggplants, mushrooms, etc. are all very suitable ingredients.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

Beans contain a lot of water and fiber, which promote gastrointestinal motility, can dehumidify and diuretic, promote digestion, nourish the spleen and stomach, eat them every three to five times, discharge moisture and feces from the body, and the waist becomes thinner.

Bean stewed noodles

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

- Prepare ingredients -

300 grams of wet noodles, 300 grams of beans, 100 grams of pork belly, 1 section of green onions, 3-5 cloves of garlic, 1-3 rock sugar, 1-2 star anise, 15 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 5 grams of salt

- Production steps -

(1) Wash the beans, remove both ends and ribs, break them into the length you like, and set aside.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(2) Chop onion and garlic into mince and set aside.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(3) Cut pork belly into thin slices and set aside.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(4) Heat the pan with cold oil, add the pork belly and stir-fry evenly (spread out).

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(5) Add rock sugar and star anise, turn to low heat until the rock sugar melts, stir-fry evenly.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(6) Add onions and minced garlic and saute until fragrant, then add cooking wine, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, stir well.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(7) Add the beans, stir-fry evenly, and then add hot water. The hot water added is about 3 times the amount of the beans. Add appropriate amount of salt, then cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Simmer over high heat for 10-15 minutes. If there is a lot of soup, you can turn up the heat to reduce the juice at the end!

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(8) The beans have been stewed. Pour all the soup in the pot into a bowl and set aside.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(9) Try to leave as little soup as possible.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(10) Spread a layer of noodles evenly on the beans, and then pour the poured soup over with a spoon. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. At this time, you can also stir the noodles a little (slowly shake them off and stir them).

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(11) Then put down another layer of noodles, pour the soup evenly over it, and stir the noodles a little (try not to stir up the beans at the bottom of the pot). Finally, pour all the remaining soup into the pot, cover the pot and simmer the noodles. After the fire comes to a boil, turn to medium heat.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(12) After boiling the pot over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, use chopsticks to turn over the noodles, only the noodles. The beans can also better prevent sticking at the bottom of the pot. Of course, there must be soup in the pot. Cover and continue simmering.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(13) Simmer over medium heat for about 5-8 minutes, then use chopsticks to stir evenly.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

(14) Adjust the heat to medium-low and stir until the noodles are evenly colored. Before serving, add some minced garlic to make it more fragrant.

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

In a bowl of stewed noodles, there are vegetables and meat, which is full of flavor. The rich gravy is paired with the chewy and delicious noodles. It is a simple and convenient way to prepare a meal in one pot. You can smell the aroma through the lid of the pot! Come and try ~

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

It’s too hot in summer and I have no appetite, so braised beans and noodles are the most exciting. This is a common delicacy in northern families. The staple food and vegetables are cooked in one pot. With simple ingredients and simple methods, the taste is beyond imagination. So - DayDayNews

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