A must-have refreshing dessert to relieve the heat in hot weather, Pengpengliangli’s exclusive delicacies are delicious but not too hot, so sweet-loving friends can have a real treat. Ice glutinous rice dumplings, a popular summer snack. The glutinous glutinous rice dumplings are

2024/06/3018:38:32 food 1534

A must-have refreshing dessert to relieve the heat in hot weather. It is an exclusive delicacy in Pengpengliangli. It is delicious but not too hot. Friends who love sweets can have a good time.

A must-have refreshing dessert to relieve the heat in hot weather, Pengpengliangli’s exclusive delicacies are delicious but not too hot, so sweet-loving friends can have a real treat. Ice glutinous rice dumplings, a popular summer snack. The glutinous glutinous rice dumplings are - DayDayNews

Ice glutinous rice balls, a popular summer snack, the glutinous little glutinous glutinous rice balls are colorful, simple to make, cool and sweet, they are worth having.

1. Knead the glutinous rice flour into a ball with warm water. If you like sweet taste, you can mix it with the noodles. Add appropriate amount of sugar into it.

2. Set aside to rest for ten minutes, then knead the dough until smooth, then roll it out on a chopping board, cut into thick strips, then cut into small dices, sprinkle with starch, roll into small balls, and the glutinous rice dumplings are ready. If you like colors, you can use purple sweet potato, carrot, spinach, dragon fruit, etc. to make juice and dough.

3. Pour the glutinous rice balls into a pot of boiling water and cook until they are all floating, then take them out and cool them in cold water.

4. Then cook another brown sugar water , 1:2 brown sugar and boiling water, pour it into the pot, melt it, and boil it until it is slightly sticky. Cool and set aside.

5. Add the cooked glutinous rice balls to the bowl, add the crushed smoothie, add the boiled brown sugar water, add honey beans , wolfberry, raisins, diced dragon fruit, diced mango, diced watermelon, and chopped cooked peanuts according to your preference. Wait, the brown sugar ice dumplings are ready.

A must-have refreshing dessert to relieve the heat in hot weather, Pengpengliangli’s exclusive delicacies are delicious but not too hot, so sweet-loving friends can have a real treat. Ice glutinous rice dumplings, a popular summer snack. The glutinous glutinous rice dumplings are - DayDayNews

Brown sugar ice powder can be used to make this summer relief tool. Ice powder can be used instead. 50 grams of commercial ice powder can make more than 16 pounds of ice powder . It is very affordable and the production method is also very simple. Once you learn this method, you don’t need to buy anything.

1. Pour more than three kilograms of cold water into a pot and bring to a boil. Take 10 grams of ice powder and put it into the boiling water and cook for 120 times, which is 2 minutes. You can also boil the water and add the ice powder directly and mix well. However, the ice powder cooked for 2 minutes tastes better.

2. The method of boiling brown sugar is the same as that of boiling ice glutinous rice balls above. Just let it cool down.

3. Prepare to prepare. Add appropriate amount of ice powder, smoothie, nuts, cooked peanuts, diced fruits, etc. to the bowl. It is the same as ice glutinous rice balls and has the same ingredients. You can add it according to your own preferences. Have a cool summer, don’t miss it!

A must-have refreshing dessert to relieve the heat in hot weather, Pengpengliangli’s exclusive delicacies are delicious but not too hot, so sweet-loving friends can have a real treat. Ice glutinous rice dumplings, a popular summer snack. The glutinous glutinous rice dumplings are - DayDayNews

Cold cake , cold cake is actually a bit similar to making jelly. It needs to be stirred continuously in the pot until it is fine, and then removed from the pot, placed in a bowl, cooled and demoulded.

1. Prepare a bag of cold cake powder, add water to the pot, pour the cold cake powder while stirring, heat over low heat throughout, stir until smooth and delicate, no lumps, big bubbles appear in the pot, then turn off the heat and use the pot Let the remaining heat simmer for a while, then pour it into a bowl. After cooling, it will be set, unmoulded and placed upside down in the bowl.

2. The method of boiling brown sugar is the same as above. Here you need fried soybean flour. Put the soybeans in a pot over low heat and slowly fry until fragrant, then grind them into flour.

3. Prepare to prepare the mixture. Put the unmolded cold cake in a bowl, add brown sugar juice, sprinkle with cooked soybean powder and it is delicious. The smoothness of cold cake, the rich sweetness of brown sugar, and the aroma of fried noodles with soybean flour are the most suitable for this summer. Don’t miss it, this one is simpler than the above two!

Honey bean smoothie, honey bean smoothie is easier to make and is as delicious as those sold in fast food restaurants outside.

1. To make honey beans, you can soak any beans you like, two spoons of beans, one spoon of sugar and three spoons of water. You can soak the beans in water overnight in advance, pour them into the pressure cooker , and press the cooking button. , cook until soft and waxy, but the shape remains unchanged. Add another spoonful of brown sugar to the pot, add a spoonful of water, pour it into the pot over low heat to make a juice, pour in the cooked glutinous beans, then add a spoonful of honey, mix well and put it out of the pot. Chill in refrigerator.

2. All ingredients are ready and ready to be mixed. Add smoothie to the bowl, add honey beans, add coconut milk (if not available, you can use other drinks such as brown sugar juice or milk tea instead). You can also add diced fruit to make a simpler fruit. Smoothie .

Sweet and glutinous rice-treasure porridge. There is no fixed standard for cooking rice-treasure porridge. It is simpler and more convenient to cook it at home. The thick multigrain porridge is sweet and delicious with the addition of white sugar.

1. Prepare some glutinous rice, peanuts, soybeans, red beans, lentils, dried dates, wheat kernels, raisins, longan, tremella, lotus seeds, etc. You can also add other beans and rice. Glutinous rice must be added. It has a binding effect and can increase the consistency. Add the soybeans first, then the glutinous rice, add rock sugar and white sugar. You can pour it into a casserole and simmer for one hour, or pour it into the pressure cooker and simmer for 10 Minutes, boil it out, then pour it into the pot and continue to cook, first on high heat and then on low heat, and finally turn off the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. After cooling, it will become more viscous, stir well and enjoy.

After mastering the above methods, we can eat refreshing desserts at home that sell for more than ten yuan outside. What do you think? If you think it’s good, give it a try! Don’t forget to like, repost, follow or collect!

Sweet cold delicacies, sweetly given to you.

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