The southeastern coastal market represented by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian will become the main location for a new outbreak of sauce wine. Liquor Industry Expert Team (ID: jiuyejia360) "The local atmosphere of sauce wine in Shanghai will be very good in 2021, and Jiang

2024/07/0107:08:33 food 1451

The southeastern coastal market represented by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian will become the main location for a new outbreak of sauce wine. Liquor Industry Expert Team (ID: jiuyejia360)

The southeastern coastal market represented by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian will become the main location for a new outbreak of sauce wine. Liquor Industry Expert Team (ID: jiuyejia360)

The southeastern coastal market represented by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian will become the main location for a new outbreak of sauce wine. Liquor Industry Expert Team (ID: jiuyejia360)

The southeastern coastal market, represented by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian, will become the main front for a new wave of sauce wine

Text丨Wine Industry Expert Team (ID: jiuyejia360)

"The local sauce wine atmosphere in Shanghai will be very good in 2021 , Jiangsu and Zhejiang are also good. Economically developed cities such as Hangzhou, Suzhou , Ningbo , Taizhou are increasingly accepting of sauce wine. "

" Although the entire Zhejiang wine market has been affected this year. Larger, but Zhejiang's liquor distribution companies are very confident about the future development of Maotai Liquor. , becoming the main consumer market for Jiangsu sauce wine. In the next few years, Jiangsu sauce wine may account for more than 20%.” During market research in East and Southeast China, wine industry experts found that with the increase in consumption of sauce wine in Henan, Shandong, and Guangdong, The provincial market structure and environment are becoming mature, and the "front" of sauce wine is rapidly expanding to the economically developed southeastern region. From the perspective of the key layout of upstream wine companies and the confidence of wine merchants, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian are represented The southeastern coastal market will become the main front for a new outbreak of the soy sauce and wine category, and may support the "second growth curve" of many soy sauce and wine companies.


30 billion volume, 20 billion increment

The more growing southeastern market

Li Zhenjiang, senior partner of Hejun Consulting and director of the beverage business department, said when he studied and judged the trend of sauce wine at the beginning of this year: Wine merchants cannot just focus on it. Henan, Shandong and Guangdong have many opportunities in new markets. The first increase was in Fujian, followed by Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other markets. The growth pattern shown in these regions is very consistent with the growth pattern of Henan and Shandong two years ago. Shandong and Henan have entered the Red Sea competition, but there are still opportunities in these markets.

After recent years of development, Henan, Shandong and Guangdong have grown into the top three markets for sauce wine in the country. Nowadays, the market structure of sauce wine in these three provinces is basically stable, and there is limited room for further growth. In this context, more sauce and wine companies are turning their attention to the East China and Southeast markets with more expected growth.

Compared with the three provinces of Henan, Shandong and Guangdong, the provinces and cities in the southeastern region, which are considered to be about to explode, have stronger economic strength and have more advantages in terms of per capita GDP and residents' consumption levels. In 2021, the GDP of the four southeastern provinces and cities of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Shanghai ranked second, fourth, eighth, and tenth respectively. Moreover, in the 2021 national city GDP rankings, four cities including Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Nanjing rank in the top ten.

With a strong socio-economic foundation, the rapid development of sauce wine in this area has its roots.

In fact, what wine industry experts learned from dealers in the southeast market shows that the sales of sauce wine in Fujian, Zhejiang and other markets named by Li Zhenjiang have indeed performed outstandingly, and have shown high growth potential.

Wang Qingzhang, vice president and secretary-general of the Fujian Provincial Liquor Distribution Association, told wine industry experts: "In 2021, the scale of Fujian's liquor market will be approximately 26 billion yuan, of which the scale of sauce wine will be approximately 12 billion yuan, an increase of up to 60%."

Wine industry experts have learned that Xiamen , Quanzhou , Putian and other southern Fujian areas are the main soy sauce and wine consumption markets in Fujian Province, and there are also excellent real estate soy sauce and wine companies in Fujian - located in Nanping City The blessing of . It is reported that the company’s sales in 2021 will exceed 600 million.

The strong demand has further attracted the attention of upstream sauce wine manufacturers. Xijiu , Langjiu , Guotai, Jinsha, Guitai and other brands have all focused on the Fujian market.

Wang Qingzhang praised the Yelang Ancient Wine Industry at the Guangzhou Chinese Wine Exhibition in February this year: "I hope that Yelang Ancient Wine can delve into more South China markets, such as the Fujian market."

The economy is developed, open and inclusive, and there are no strong real estate wines. Enterprises... These characteristics of Zhejiang's wine market are exactly the same as those of Guangdong, so it is very likely to become a hot spot for high-end sauce wine brands to compete after Guangdong.

data shows that the current total capacity of Zhejiang’s liquor consumption market is about 24 billion yuan, and the size of Zhejiang’s sauce wine market in 2021 is about 7 billion yuan, accounting for about 29% of the total capacity of Zhejiang’s liquor market. Industry observers predict that in the next few years, the proportion of sauce wine in Zhejiang's industrial market will surely exceed 50%, with a market potential of about 5 billion yuan.

Due to different statistical calibers, different local people have slightly different judgments on the Zhejiang sauce wine market, but overall they are optimistic.

Xu Donghai, vice president and secretary-general of the Zhejiang Liquor Circulation Association, told wine industry experts: "The current volume of the Zhejiang sauce wine market is estimated to be about 10 billion yuan. In the next 3-5 years, the Zhejiang sauce wine market will grow The volume will continue to expand, and the growth rate will tend to be rational. At the consumer level, consumption awareness has awakened, and a certain consensus and trust have been formed on some better sauce wine brands. "

According to this, some industry insiders said: "Zhejiang. The sauce wine market has entered an explosive period, and is expected to become one of the fastest growing provincial markets for sauce wine in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and the Yangtze River Delta region. "

Siberian Tiger Northwest Wolf can't beat the Northern Jiangsu Little Sheep. Jiangsu has always been a major province in the production and sales of liquor. However, for a long time, due to the strong dominance of local brands such as Yanghe, Jinshiyuan, etc. in the province, the development of Maotai liquor in the Jiangsu market was slow. As the craze for soybean wine is rolling in, local strong flavor giants have also begun to develop soybean flavor, which has greatly changed the pattern of Jiangsu liquor market.

Up to now, Jiangsu wine companies such as Yanghe, Jinshiyuan, Qianlong Jiangnan, etc. have all been "tainted with sauce". In addition, leading wine brands represented by Maotai, Xijiu, Guotai, Jinsha, etc. also have a certain presence in the Jiangsu market. Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou are the main consumer markets for soy sauce wine in Jiangsu Province.

Wang Jianying, secretary-general of the Jiangsu Liquor Industry Association, said that based on ex-factory prices, the sales of liquor companies above designated size in Jiangsu Province exceed 80 billion yuan, of which liquor accounts for about 50-60 billion yuan, and the current share of strong aroma exceeds 50% , the proportion of sauce wine should be less than 10%.

Although the proportion is low, many local wine industry personnel also said that the share of Maotai wine in Jiangsu will continue to grow. Chen Guosuo, honorary president of the Jiangsu Liquor Industry Association and general manager of Jiangsu Sutang Sugar, Wine and Food Co., Ltd., believes: “High-end brands, high-end quality, and high prices are the characteristics of Jiangsu’s sauce wine market. In the future, Jiangsu’s sauce wine market share will be It may exceed 20%.”

Wang Jianying also said that judging from the current situation, it is possible for Jiangsu’s sauce wine market share to exceed 20%-30%.

This also means that Jiangsu’s sauce wine market will increase by at least 5 billion yuan in the future.

Industry insiders said that the reason for this phenomenon is that on the one hand, due to the developed economies and high consumption levels in East and Southeast China, the demand for high-quality liquor continues to grow; on the other hand, after the development and momentum in the past few years, , the consumption atmosphere of soy sauce wine has been transmitted from Henan, Shandong and other regions to these economically developed regions.

Preliminary statistics from wine industry experts show that the current volume of sauce wine in the four provinces and cities of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Fujian exceeds 30 billion yuan, and the market growth in the next five years is expected to reach 20 billion yuan. Looking at the national regional markets, there is almost no such growth. Tian Zhuopeng, founder of

Zhuopeng Strategic Consulting Agency, told wine industry experts: There is indeed a trend of Maotai wine expanding to the southeast. As the Maotai wine market in Henan, Shandong and other regions becomes saturated, other Maotai wine companies need to follow Moutai's path. The core market is expanding, among which the southeast market is an important area. "Soy sauce companies, especially emerging sauce wine brands, will definitely focus on the Henan and Shandong markets, but more opportunities and growth are in Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang and other regions."


From "Kuai Niu" to "Golden Bull" "

The southeast market will become a "test field" for cultivating sauce wine consumption

After decades of market-oriented development, in the southeast region, a large number of liquor supermarkets such as Jieqiang, Sutang, Shangyuan, Xiangyu, and Jianfa have been nurtured. dashang .

These large merchants are far more sensitive to the market than upstream manufacturers. Therefore, in the southeastern market that may be experiencing an outbreak, some large merchants have strengthened cooperation with upstream manufacturers.

In addition to brands such as Moutai, Xijiu, Langjiu, Guotai, and Diaoyutai, some second-tier brands have also joined the battle for the southeastern market.

html On June 16, Guitai’s Zhejiang operation platform was announced, which means that the second phase of Guitai’s national layout has been officially launched. After that, Guitai will rapidly advance its layout in key markets such as Shanghai, Anhui, Hebei, and Jiangxi.

html On June 23, Benxuan Liquor Industry, invested and established by Zhejiang Shangyuan Group, reached a strategic cooperation with Guizhou Jinjiang Liquor Industry, announcing that Benxuan Liquor Industry will officially authorize the sauce wine base to Jinjiang Liquor Industry Co., Ltd., Maotai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province company.

Also in June, Zhu Wei, chairman of Guizhou Chun Liquor Co., Ltd. , pointed out during an inspection of Guizhou Chun Zhejiang platform that Zhejiang market economy is large, and consumption habits have gradually expanded from red wine and rice wine to white wine. , the liquor market share is expanding. The Zhejiang sauce wine market is under little pressure, and the sauce wine brand is basically still in its infancy, so opportunities need to be seized in a timely manner.

htmlOn July 23, Yelang Ancient Wine and Huitongda Co., Ltd., a Hong Kong listed company, held a press conference for the launch of Yelang Ancient Wine·Collection Nanjing in Nanjing. Huitongda Co., Ltd. said that as strategic partners, the two parties will work together to sink the blank areas of high-quality Maotai-flavor wine in the market. Wine industry experts learned that as early as October 2021, Yelanggu East China Operations Center had been officially launched in Shanghai, covering an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters. It was the largest sauce wine cultural experience platform in Shanghai with the largest area and richest cultural content at that time.


Industry insiders said that this round of large-scale deployment of sauce and wine companies in the Southeast market has similarities and differences with the previous round of heavy layout of the sauce and wine market. To a certain extent, for some second-tier sauce and wine companies, Southeast The market may be their last chance to leap forward.

The last round of soy sauce craze created in Henan, Shandong and other markets, from now on, it seems that the craze for channels is greater than the craze for consumption. Enterprises are more focused on channels and goods rather than consumer cultivation and sales. Since its development, more and more problems have been exposed, and many companies have been backfired by the rough market development model.

CITIC Securities research shows that although there are currently many participants in the sauce wine market, most small and medium-sized sauce wine companies only had good production capabilities in the past, and only a few sauce wine companies had certain brand and market operation capabilities, but comprehensive management capabilities There are even fewer wine companies that can reach the level of many famous strong-flavor wines.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is not only an opportunity period for the overall rapid development of the sauce and wine industry, but also a golden window period for many sauce and wine companies to hone their internal capabilities. When a new round of sauce and wine production capacity is released intensively and the industry gradually switches from a "seller" market to a "buyer" market, narrowing of channel profits and intensified internal differentiation of the sauce and wine industry will be an inevitable trend. Only brand power + product power + channel power will Only enterprises with strong comprehensive strength can be strong and strong.

Therefore, when sauce wine enters the "midfield", sauce wine companies that have completed the initial accumulation of sauce wine in the first half of the season need to use this window period to quickly make up for their shortcomings in brand, market, and channels. Among them, , marketing methods with consumer cultivation and communication as the main forms will have a great role in improving terminal sales and bottle opening rates.

Industry insiders believe that the Southeast market is currently relatively more orderly and pure. It is a good experimental field for sauce and wine companies to practice their internal skills and do a series of consumer cultivation and communication work, so as to truly build themselves into consumer brands and big brands.

“Promoting sauce wine in Taizhou is no longer as tiring as before.” Yu Xinhai, a dealer in Taizhou, Zhejiang, lamented to wine industry experts: “There are more people drinking sauce wine now, and consumers no longer refuse. Compared with three years ago, At present, Taizhou consumers are much more receptive to sauce wine, and some consumers are also accustomed to the taste of sauce wine."

Yu Xinhai predicts that the market for sauce wine in Taizhou and Zhejiang should grow further in the next 3-5 years because of consumption. A good foundation has been laid for the cultivation of readers and brand building. “We hope to usher in an explosion from quantitative change to qualitative change."

Xu Donghai told wine industry experts that Xijiu's performance is the most outstanding in the Zhejiang market. Its growth rate, growth rate and growth rate are among the best, showing a high bottle opening rate and low inventory.

The key behind this is excellent Consumer cultivation and communication work have truly established brand height among consumer groups.

Tian Zhuopeng said that Maotai wine has entered the era of methodology, from "Kuai Niu" to the "Golden Bull" era. The "Kuai Niu" era is characterized by corporate horse racing. Enclosure, and the "Golden Bull" era is about in-depth cultivation of channels and in-depth cultivation of consumers. For large companies and brands, this era requires omni-channel operations, using the model of specialty stores and new retail experience centers. Build new retail and new marketing. Focus on consumer cultivation, core terminal creation, theme terminal creation and banquet market promotion, and carry out actions to sink channels, sink consumption, and sink marketing


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