I remember eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid. Although I'm looking forward to the Chinese New Year, I don't want to make dumplings. Maybe it's because my children are playful. I always roll out the dough when making dumplings. I always roll them out qu

2024/07/0303:47:32 food 1770

I remember eating dumplings when I was a kid, it was always during the Chinese New Year. Although I'm looking forward to the Chinese New Year, I don't want to make dumplings. Maybe it's because my children are playful.

I always roll out the dough when making dumplings. I always roll them out quickly every time, and sometimes I have to rework them because they stick together. Later, my elder brother and younger brother slowly rolled out the dough, and I wrapped it. I never sit down when making dumplings. I always feel like I don’t have enough strength to make dumplings. I still keep the habit of making dumplings while standing up to this day.

I remember eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid. Although I'm looking forward to the Chinese New Year, I don't want to make dumplings. Maybe it's because my children are playful. I always roll out the dough when making dumplings. I always roll them out qu - DayDayNews

I remember the first time I made dumplings for my family when I was in the second grade of junior high school.

One afternoon, I mixed the noodles and selected vegetables to make fillings. Drive out ten skins at a time, and then start wrapping them, repeating many times, lest other people in the family come back to help.

watched as the dumplings were wrapped, neatly arranged as if they were being inspected by their parents and family, not to mention feeling very proud of themselves.

I did it all by myself from beginning to end. Being able to do things for my family makes me feel powerful.

I remember eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid. Although I'm looking forward to the Chinese New Year, I don't want to make dumplings. Maybe it's because my children are playful. I always roll out the dough when making dumplings. I always roll them out qu - DayDayNews

After I started a family, my lover basically cooked, but he couldn’t make dumplings. This gave me an opportunity to show off my dumpling-making skills.

Making dumplings for three people, from buying vegetables to making noodles, from making fillings to wrapping them up, if you put them together to eat the dumplings, it can be done in one hour. My characteristic is that I can write quickly, which is also called nimbleness.

I remember eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid. Although I'm looking forward to the Chinese New Year, I don't want to make dumplings. Maybe it's because my children are playful. I always roll out the dough when making dumplings. I always roll them out qu - DayDayNews

The dumplings are made quickly and are also very particular about eating them. You must eat the original dumplings at the beginning. Don’t worry about whether they are salty or not. Taste them first, and then decide whether to dip them in the sauce. Later, you have to return to the original flavor.

Are you full? full. Have you finished eating? No, in the end, you stand up and eat two or three with your hands. This is called sealing. The satisfaction of this last bite is self-evident.

Later I watched a food show, and some people said that this was the highest level of eating dumplings.

I didn’t expect that I was a foodie at heart.

I remember eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid. Although I'm looking forward to the Chinese New Year, I don't want to make dumplings. Maybe it's because my children are playful. I always roll out the dough when making dumplings. I always roll them out qu - DayDayNews

Dumplings are not only Chinese food, but also a culture.

Making dumplings and eating dumplings is the division of labor and cooperation of the family, it is the family talking and laughing happily, and it is the warm reunion of the family relying on each other.

Nowadays, living standards have improved and I can eat dumplings every day, but I still feel that I do what I do on what day and eat what I eat on what day. It doesn’t matter what I eat on weekdays. There should still be a sense of ritual in formal days.

The dumplings contain the taste of mother, the advice of father, the laughter of brothers and sisters, and the sweat and love of oneself.

Dumplings carry family reunion, harmony and beauty. May every family be happy and healthy.

Toufu dumplings are ready, come on, have a try.

I remember eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid. Although I'm looking forward to the Chinese New Year, I don't want to make dumplings. Maybe it's because my children are playful. I always roll out the dough when making dumplings. I always roll them out qu - DayDayNews

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