Name: Kweichow Moutai Tribute Liquor (60th Anniversary) Specifications: Single bottle 500ml Brand: Moutai series brands Alcohol content: 53 degrees Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Flavor: Maotai flavor Production date: 2009 Applicable: For self-drinkin

2024/07/0303:49:32 food 1553

Name: Kweichow Moutai Tribute Liquor (60th Anniversary)

Specifications: Single bottle 500ml

Brand: Moutai series brand

Alcohol content: 53 degrees

Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd.

Flavor: Maotai flavor

Production Date: 2009

Suitable for: self-drinking, gift-giving, business banquets

Name: Kweichow Moutai Tribute Liquor (60th Anniversary) Specifications: Single bottle 500ml Brand: Moutai series brands Alcohol content: 53 degrees Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Flavor: Maotai flavor Production date: 2009 Applicable: For self-drinkin - DayDayNews

The tribute wine 60 is beautifully packaged in a golden gift box and each bottle comes with two exquisite wine glasses. The production date is 2009, which is 13 years ago. It is a rare vintage wine.

The taste is thick and mellow, the aroma is very prominent, elegant and delicate, and the five flavors are harmonious.

Moutai tribute wine is a product of Moutai series. It shares the same origin with Moutai and is inherited from the same origin. It is a Daqu Maotai-flavor liquor made from high-quality sorghum and wheat as raw materials, produced according to the Kweichow Moutai winemaking process, and carefully blended after long-term storage.

Name: Kweichow Moutai Tribute Liquor (60th Anniversary) Specifications: Single bottle 500ml Brand: Moutai series brands Alcohol content: 53 degrees Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Flavor: Maotai flavor Production date: 2009 Applicable: For self-drinkin - DayDayNews

Name: Kweichow Moutai Tribute Liquor (60th Anniversary) Specifications: Single bottle 500ml Brand: Moutai series brands Alcohol content: 53 degrees Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Flavor: Maotai flavor Production date: 2009 Applicable: For self-drinkin - DayDayNews

Zhen selects local high-quality sorghum red tassels from Maotai and selects wheat to make koji.

Name: Kweichow Moutai Tribute Liquor (60th Anniversary) Specifications: Single bottle 500ml Brand: Moutai series brands Alcohol content: 53 degrees Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Flavor: Maotai flavor Production date: 2009 Applicable: For self-drinkin - DayDayNews

The brewing process of Maotai-flavor liquor :

    1. Mother grains, Daqu → crush → koji powder.

   2. Sorghum (Xiasha) → Crush → Ingredients → Steam wine and ingredients → Let cool → Add koji → Wine tail.

  3. Original wine→storage→blending→re-storage→stirring→accumulation→entering into cellar→fermentation→out of cellar and fermented grains→sorghum powder (coarse sand).

Name: Kweichow Moutai Tribute Liquor (60th Anniversary) Specifications: Single bottle 500ml Brand: Moutai series brands Alcohol content: 53 degrees Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Flavor: Maotai flavor Production date: 2009 Applicable: For self-drinkin - DayDayNews

The supply of goods above is sufficient and long-term supply"

(Suitable for drinking by yourself, visiting relatives, giving gifts and entertaining guests, wedding banquet benefits, honoring the elderly, etc.)

(logistics for nationwide delivery)

(guaranteed quality. Welcome to come and taste)

consultation hotline 18208477977

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