Young corn is called the king of plain bait. In fact, old corn also has a very high status in wild fishing. It is very hot in summer, especially after the ambush, and it is extremely hot. At this time, it is still recommended to fish in the morning and evening, or to go out in wi

2024/06/3018:37:33 food 1561

Tender corn is called the king of plain bait. In fact, old corn also has a very high status in wild fishing. It is very hot in summer, especially after the ambush, and it is extremely hot. At this time, it is still recommended to fish in the morning and evening, or to go out in windy and rainy days. Do not be greedy for too much and do not go out blindly. The target fish are naturally all kinds of big fish. If you go out under the high temperature, no one wants to catch small fish. Besides, crucian carp likes cooler and slightly colder climates. At this time, crucian carp is probably more difficult to catch than all kinds of big fish. Wild big fish are timid and cautious when eating. Natural fermentation or brewing of nest materials or bait is best, which can reduce the vigilance of big fish.

Young corn is called the king of plain bait. In fact, old corn also has a very high status in wild fishing. It is very hot in summer, especially after the ambush, and it is extremely hot. At this time, it is still recommended to fish in the morning and evening, or to go out in wi - DayDayNews

1. Brewed old corn

Among the various nest and bait formulas of old corn, brewed old corn is the most well-known and the effect is very good. First of all, it is relatively simple to make. The wine-flavored bait is not only suitable for catching all kinds of big bottom fish, but even grass carp likes to eat it. 4 pounds of old corn, a pack of sweet rice wine (15 grams), and a sealed container. Pay attention to the entire production process, and the various containers must be clean and free of any oil stains, otherwise the fermentation will fail. Wash the old corn with water and soak it in water for 24 hours, changing the water at least twice. If the temperature is too high, it will easily taste sour. Steaming the soaked old corn in a pot can ensure the integrity of the corn kernels. Take it out of the pot and cool it to room temperature, add sweet wine koji, stir, put it in a container and seal it for fermentation. After 3 or 5 days, the wine smell will develop. fresh-keeping bag small bag and put it in the refrigerator to delay the fermentation. This is for making bait, not for making corn wine .

Young corn is called the king of plain bait. In fact, old corn also has a very high status in wild fishing. It is very hot in summer, especially after the ambush, and it is extremely hot. At this time, it is still recommended to fish in the morning and evening, or to go out in wi - DayDayNews

2. Corn sprouts

Corn sprouts are also a powerful tool for catching big fish. They can be fished on the bottom or on the float. They are usually used to catch grass carp and bream, but big fish also like to eat them at the bottom. Prepare 2 kilograms of old corn, wash it with water and soak it until soft. Pay attention to changing the water several times during this period. Prepare a large flat-bottomed container, lay the soaked corn kernels flat on it, cover it with a damp towel, and place it in a cool and ventilated place. Pour a little water every morning and evening. After 3 or 4 days, the corn sprouts will meet the requirements for use. It is also necessary to pack the corn sprouts in fresh-keeping bags and put them in the refrigerator to prevent the corn sprouts from growing too long. You can directly make nests or use them as bait. Some fishing friends will soak the corn sprouts in beer overnight, and the effect will be better.

Young corn is called the king of plain bait. In fact, old corn also has a very high status in wild fishing. It is very hot in summer, especially after the ambush, and it is extremely hot. At this time, it is still recommended to fish in the morning and evening, or to go out in wi - DayDayNews

3. Laotan corn

Prepare a jar. In fact, among various fermentation baits, containers like jars are definitely a powerful tool. You can prepare an extra piece of old corn. If you have a roller or roller, you can grind the old corn into pieces. It will be faster to cook later. If you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter. Prepare some koji wine or clove medicinal wine, a little honey, and 20 vitamin tablets. First prepare a cup, put all the wine, honey, and vitamins in it, and set aside after they are completely dissolved. Put the old corn directly into the pot and cook it until it blooms. Take it out of the pot and cool it, drain the water, then put the cooked old corn into the jar, add the prepared solution, seal it for a few days and it will be ready for use. It can be stored in the jar for a long time, and it will be no problem to use it for several months.

Young corn is called the king of plain bait. In fact, old corn also has a very high status in wild fishing. It is very hot in summer, especially after the ambush, and it is extremely hot. At this time, it is still recommended to fish in the morning and evening, or to go out in wi - DayDayNews

4. Sour corn

The simplest way to use old corn is to make sour corn. Many fishing friends know that slightly acidic bait is effective when fishing grass carp in summer. Some fishing friends will add fruit acid and other small medicines to flour bait, which is said to have the effect of promoting feeding. Wash the old corn with clean water and soak it for 2 days. Do not change the water during this period. When the taste becomes sour and foam appears on the water surface, the bait is considered ready. The taste of old corn is extremely light. If used directly, it is almost only used to make nests when fishing for herring, because only herring can bite old corn that has not been soaked. However, the actual situation is that it often takes many days of continuous nesting to have an effect. This also shows that the old corn will have a better fish gathering effect only after it is soaked and turned sour. Therefore, the nesting will be faster after it is directly soaked in acid. In addition to old corn, wheat grains can also be soaked in this way and can be used directly to make nests.

Young corn is called the king of plain bait. In fact, old corn also has a very high status in wild fishing. It is very hot in summer, especially after the ambush, and it is extremely hot. At this time, it is still recommended to fish in the morning and evening, or to go out in wi - DayDayNews

Prepare half a catty of old corn, soak until soft and set aside. Put a few corn gummy candies in the water after it boils, and then put the old corn in it. After it is cooked over a slow fire, it becomes a good bait for fishing carp . Please pay attention, collect and like, it will be updated on time every day, thank you fishing friends!

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