I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso

2024/07/0201:53:32 food 1266

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reason is very simple: foreign wine is more fashionable, can be drunk with ice, and is not as difficult as white wine. drink.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

In fact, young people do have certain prejudices against liquor. It’s not that it’s not fashionable enough, but that liquor has been given too many meanings other than “alcoholic beverages”. It is true that young people have a strong ability and desire to accept new things, but expensive liquor is more expensive than a meal, and young people are not the main force in consumption.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

In addition, the role of liquor is often too social. When drinking with elders or with leaders, liquor is the main drink. If you take a foreign liquor and put it out in a coke bucket, everyone will think there is something wrong with you. Beer is not suitable for these elderly alcoholics. Might as well drink tea. Everyone's life is fast-paced and stressful. After drinking today, you have to get up early tomorrow and have a busy life. Drinking is just a way to talk to yourself in a relaxed, happy and open-hearted way.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

Can it be so relaxing when drinking liquor? Let’s not talk about pushing glasses and sending cups for the moment. You also have to think about what to say when toasting. Toasting is like shooting one by one. In some occasions, there is a strict ranking based on seniority. In short, it is really tiring. In the current environment, the consumer group of liquor is slowly being Diverted.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

Moreover, many young people may drink a little liquor when they first join the workforce, but gradually lose interest in liquor and even develop a "fear" of it. The most typical example is that nowadays everyone likes to go to bars more and more. Even in many small cities, the Jagermeister in the bar is the first to drive liquor off the table.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

This can also give us a deeper thought: young people lack the atmosphere to drink liquor. I believe everyone has watched foreign movies. Often a person orders a glass of wine in front of the bar, adds ice cubes and lemon, and drinks it alone, or he can flirt with the girl next to him.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

But liquor on the Chinese table is not a simple drink, but a tool for communication. Through wine, people at the table can talk a lot. Everyone, you respect me, I respect you, you advise me, I advise you. you. Drinking is no longer just a drink, but a culture. In such an atmosphere, everyone goes from cold to hot, from raw to cooked, and finally the atmosphere reaches a climax, and the taste of the liquor no longer feels spicy.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

Therefore, you have to drink liquor while chatting, which is somewhat incompatible with the "socially fearful" lifestyle of young people. Of course, young people around me will still drink liquor under one situation, and that is when their emotions go to extremes, such as lovelorn, career setbacks, etc. When they are in extreme moods, they really want to try high-strength liquor to suppress the pain in their hearts. In the end, they easily get drunk and vomit.

I don’t know if drinking friends have noticed that there is a common phenomenon nowadays: young people don’t like to drink liquor. If you put a bottle of foreign wine and a bottle of Maotai in front of a post-1995 generation, he may choose the former without hesitation. The reaso - DayDayNews

In short, there are many reasons why young people do not drink liquor. Perhaps when they grow older and experience the ups and downs of life, they will fall in love with the different layers of liquor. From spicy to soothing, from bitter to sweet, the fragrance is mellow and long, just like the ups and downs of life.

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