Tofu is high in protein, which is good for our bodies. At the same time, there are many ways to make tofu. Here are several home-cooked tofu recipes. Friends, let’s see which one will be your favorite dish.

2024/06/3008:51:32 food 1809

Tofu is high in protein, which is good for our body. At the same time, there are many ways to make tofu. Here are several home-cooked tofu recipes. Friends, let’s see which one will be your favorite dish.

Tofu is high in protein, which is good for our bodies. At the same time, there are many ways to make tofu. Here are several home-cooked tofu recipes. Friends, let’s see which one will be your favorite dish. - DayDayNews

Tofu stew, stew is particularly popular in the north. Whether it is a banquet, entertaining guests at home, or a restaurant sign, many people especially like to eat this kind of mixed assorted vegetables , tofu stew is One of all stews, I would like to introduce a popular method that suits many people's tastes.

Tofu, choose old tofu, steam it in a pot to remove the beany smell, or you can directly cut it into mahjong pieces. For vermicelli, choose dry vermicelli. Both potato vermicelli and sweet potato vermicelli are acceptable. The vermicelli must be washed in advance and fried into equal lengths and soaked in cold water. You can also soften them with hot water. The sweet potato vermicelli can be directly washed and put into a dish to stew together. system.

Prepare some side dishes: wash and slice the cabbage, clean and slice the pork belly. You can add your favorite meat and vegetable dishes on this basis.

Heat the mixed lard oil in a pot, add pork belly and stir out the fat, add onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper, star anise and stir-fry until fragrant, add soy sauce for color, light soy sauce to enhance the freshness, add thirteen spices, Sichuan pepper powder, and add some fresh soup Or water, stir-fry the meat until it becomes fragrant, then add the cabbage and stir-fry evenly. Spread the prepared vermicelli on top. When the vermicelli softens slightly, add tofu, simmer over medium-low heat for a few minutes and stir-fry evenly. Add salt, oyster sauce, Add a little pepper, chicken essence and MSG, stir evenly. After completing this step, it can be eaten out of the pot. For a richer meal, you can add meatballs, , pork slices, crispy pork, shredded kelp and other ingredients into it.

To make this stew more fragrant, you can add fried green onions and soy sauce to it, heat the oil in a pan, add chopped green onions and saute until fragrant, add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and salt. When fragrant, pour it directly into the tofu stew and stir evenly. The flavor of the sauce is very strong, whether it is eaten with rice or with steamed buns, it is very fragrant.

Tofu is high in protein, which is good for our bodies. At the same time, there are many ways to make tofu. Here are several home-cooked tofu recipes. Friends, let’s see which one will be your favorite dish. - DayDayNews

Box of Tofu, this dish belongs to Sichuan cuisine and is said to be improved from the Shandong Box of Tofu. After the dish is finished, the small tofu cubes are stacked one by one. It looks ordinary, but when you take a bite, it is full of meaty flavor. When cooked with fish sauce or tomato sauce, it has a unique flavor.

Cut the tofu into cubes of about 3 cm, hollow out the belly of each small tofu cube, and stuff it with the meat filling (chop the pork belly into fine pieces, add onion, ginger, pepper water, salt, MSG, egg white, water, soybean flour and mix thoroughly Serve as meat filling).

The oil temperature in the pot is 60-70%. Coat the tofu pieces stuffed with meat with egg liquid and starch and put them into the oil pot. Fry until golden brown and the skin is crispy, and then take it out of the pot.

Leave the bottom oil in the pot and add minced pickled peppers. If you don’t have pickled peppers, you can use finely chopped bean paste. Fry out the red oil. Add 2:1 minced ginger and garlic and spray in the fish flavor sauce (add sugar to the mixing bowl and pour in Add balsamic vinegar to cover with sugar, add soy sauce, a little salt, MSG, chicken essence, a little pepper, water soy flour and mix well), add chopped green onion and cooking oil, thicken the soup, and pack the fried tofu in advance Plate and pour the fish-flavored sauce on top of the tofu. The fish flavor is delicious, and the meat flavor and tofu flavor are perfectly combined. Friends who like it can try it.

Tofu is high in protein, which is good for our bodies. At the same time, there are many ways to make tofu. Here are several home-cooked tofu recipes. Friends, let’s see which one will be your favorite dish. - DayDayNews

Braised tofu with green onions. There are generally two methods of roasting tofu with green onions. One is to fry the tofu and then grill it with green onions. The other method is to directly boil the tofu in water and then cook it with green onions. The boiled version is more suitable for the elderly and children. It is not particularly greasy and retains the freshness and tenderness of the tofu.

You can make this scallion-roasted tofu, old tofu , tender tofu , first cut the tofu into pieces, put it into a hot water pot and blanch it in water. During the simmering process, add soy sauce and a little cooking oil, and cook it slowly over low heat. It is easy to cook over high heat. Boil the tofu. You can also put the tofu in a steamer and steam it for ten minutes, then cut it into pieces.

Remove the old skin from the green onions, cut into water chestnuts, and lightly scrape them with a knife to better stimulate the aroma of the green onions.

Heat the oil in a pan, add a little lard, add the green onions, stir-fry until the green onions become fragrant and slightly browned, remove the green onions, and add the stewed broth (to make the broth of braised pork , you can use fresh soup or water directly if you don’t have it. ), add soy sauce for color, light soy sauce to enhance the flavor, cook until slightly boiled and remove the tofu, simmer over low heat until the flavor is absorbed, add five-spice powder, salt, monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce, add fried green onions, and simmer briefly , pour in water and starch to thicken the soup, then take it out of the pot and put it on a plate. The green onions are fragrant and the tofu is smooth and tender. It is suitable for all ages.

Tofu is high in protein, which is good for our bodies. At the same time, there are many ways to make tofu. Here are several home-cooked tofu recipes. Friends, let’s see which one will be your favorite dish. - DayDayNews

dry pot tofu , the tofu is lubricated and tender. If you want to make dry pot , you must fry it first and then return it to the pot for stir-frying. Dry pot is about dry aroma, so when making dry pot tofu, you must add pork belly. In this way, the stir-fried dry pot tofu will be oily and non-stick to the pan, and the aroma will be doubled. But be careful not to add too much pork belly, so as not to overwhelm the guest. Half a pound of tofu and two and a half pork belly are enough.

Clean the pork belly, slice it with the skin on, cut the garlic sprouts into sections, slice the green pepper, mince the black bean and mince the bean paste. You can prepare some water to make it the fungus .

Cut the tofu into thumb-thick slices, dry the moisture on the surface, or stick some dry starch on it, fry it in a pan with 70% hot oil until golden and fluffy. It can control oil.

Heat oil in a pan, add pork belly and stir-fry, add finely chopped black soybean, bean paste, dry pot sauce or spicy sauce, add onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry till fragrant, add fried tofu slices, green pepper, fungus , quickly stir-fry evenly, add a little salt, soy sauce, pepper, MSG, chicken essence, and a little sugar, stir-fry evenly, add garlic sprouts, stir-fry evenly, and serve.

If you have a dry pot, heat the dry pot first, then add a little cooking oil on top, spread a layer of shredded onions, then pour the fried vegetables into the dry pot, garnish with coriander, and serve. Heat it while eating to release the aroma of the onions, allowing the aroma of the onions to be fully integrated into the dry pot tofu. The same goes for the same dry pot. The more you eat it, the better it tastes.

Tofu is high in protein, which is good for our bodies. At the same time, there are many ways to make tofu. Here are several home-cooked tofu recipes. Friends, let’s see which one will be your favorite dish. - DayDayNews

Oil-poured Tofu, a Shaanxi specialty, this dish is similar to Oil-poured Noodles . It tastes spicy. The tenderness of the tofu is paired with the spicy aroma of chili noodles. In the words of Shaanxi people: it is very beautiful!

Tofu uses brine tofu from the north (Shaanxi’s white water tofu and Yulin tofu are both very famous.) Steam the whole piece of tofu in a pot over high heat for ten minutes.

Take the steamed tofu out of the pot and break it into pieces. If you are afraid of burning your hands, you can break it into pieces before steaming it, or cut it into pieces and steam it directly. The steamed water must be removed.

Prepare slightly spicy dried chili peppers and dried Sichuan peppercorns. Clean them. The washed dried chili peppers are not easy to fry. Heat the pot and add a little oil. Add the dried chili peppers and dried Sichuan peppercorns. Stir-fry over low heat until fragrant. Stir-fry until crispy. Pour out and grind. broken.

Sprinkle the crushed chili powder on the steamed tofu, then add chopped green onion and minced garlic, splash the aroma with smoking hot oil, add balsamic vinegar, salt, light soy sauce, Yipinxian, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, and thirteen spices Mix well.

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