Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th

2024/07/0207:10:33 food 1379

The dog days of summer are the best season for maintaining health. I recommend 6 recipes of health porridge . It is hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink it. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with the diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. It’s hot and humid. Drinking porridge can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, eliminate moisture, but also replenish the body with sufficient water and nutrients. Especially for people with poor appetite, it has many benefits. Here are 6 recommendations for you Let’s learn about the health porridge suitable for hot summer days.

Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th - DayDayNews. Adzuki bean and barley porridge --- invigorating the spleen and removing dampness

Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th - DayDayNews

Prepare ingredients: barley , adzuki bean, buckwheat , rice, white sugar

Adzuki bean and barley porridge cooking method:

(1 ) Prepare all the ingredients and put them in the basin Wash the barley and adzuki beans separately in the pot and stir-fry to remove the coldness.

(2) Soak the remaining ingredients in hot water for a while, then transfer to a casserole, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes, and finally add an appropriate amount of sugar to taste. .

Food Tips: Adzuki beans are not red beans . Don’t buy the wrong ones. Only adzuki beans have the effect of dehumidifying . Stir-fry barley and adzuki beans, which can not only remove its coolness, but also make it cool. The dehumidification effect is doubled.

2. Lotus root and mung bean porridge --- invigorating the spleen and appetizing, clearing and soothing the liver

Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th - DayDayNews

Prepare ingredients: mung beans, millet, rice, lotus root, sugar or honey

Lotus root and mung bean porridge cooking method:

(1) First put the mung beans, Wash the rice and millet, and preferably soak them in hot water. They are convenient and delicious to cook.

(2) Clean the lotus root, peel off the skin, cut into smaller hob pieces, and soak in water after cutting.

(3) Add all the ingredients to the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Add some sugar or honey according to your taste before serving.

Food tips: Try to choose lotus root pink lotus root , the porridge will be softer, waxier and more delicious.

3. Oyster and scallop porridge --- strengthens the spleen and stomach , supplements zinc supplements calcium and iron

Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th - DayDayNews

Prepare ingredients: oysters, scallops, rice, shallots, ginger, green beans, wolfberry, salt, white pepper, white wine

Cooking method of oyster and scallop porridge:

(1) Wash the rice first, soak it in hot water for an hour in advance, add a little salt and cooking oil while soaking, and prepare chopped green onion and shredded ginger.

(2) Remove the shells of fresh oysters and scallops, take out the oyster meat inside, put it in a bowl and rinse it several times with running water, drain and put it in a bowl, add salt, a little white wine and white pepper, mix well Marinate for 10 minutes.

(3) Pour the soaked rice into the casserole, and pour in the rice soaking water together. Add some more water according to the situation. After boiling over high heat, reduce the heat and simmer until the rice grains bloom.

(4) After the rice grains bloom, add shredded ginger, oysters and scallops, continue to cook for 5 minutes, add salt, white pepper, green beans and wolfberries and cook for a while, a delicious oyster and scallop porridge is completed. It tastes really good. It's very delicious.

Food tips: Wash the rice first and soak it in hot water, add salt and cooking oil. This will make the porridge more fragrant; if you use dried oysters and scallops, add them with the rice. Just use the pot.

4. Recommended recipe: red dates, yam and millet porridge---strengthens the spleen and stomach, soothes the mind and helps sleep

Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th - DayDayNews

Prepare ingredients: yam, millet, red dates, wolfberry, brown sugar

Cooking method of red dates, yam and millet porridge:

(1 ) first Wash the wolfberries and red dates, remove the cores from the red dates, and soak the millet in hot water for 30 minutes in advance.

(2) Scrape off the outer skin of the iron rod yam, cut it into small pieces, and soak it in clean water.

(3) Prepare a casserole, add more water, add soaked millet, cook for 15 minutes, add yam cubes, red dates and cook for another 20 minutes, finally add brown sugar and wolfberry, cook for one minute. pot.

Food Tips: It is best to wear gloves when peeling yam to prevent the juice from touching the skin and make it red and itchy; remove the core of red dates before cooking them to prevent them from getting angry.

5. Recommended recipe: wolfberry walnut black rice porridge---nourishes yin and kidneys, relieves fatigue

Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th - DayDayNews

Prepare ingredients: black rice, millet, wolfberry, walnuts, appropriate amount of brown sugar

Cooking method of wolfberry walnut black rice porridge:

(1 ) Wash the wolfberries in warm water and soak them in advance. Wash the walnuts and break them into small pieces.

(2) Put the black rice and millet into the pot at a ratio of 1:1. After washing, add an appropriate amount of water and walnuts. After boiling on high heat, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes. Finally, add wolfberry and an appropriate amount. of brown sugar and cook for another 5 minutes.

Food Tips: When cooking porridge, leave a slight gap in the lid to prevent overflow.

6. Wolfberry spinach and pork liver porridge---supplements iron and blood, nourishes yin and moisturizes

Dog Days is the best season to maintain health. I recommend 6 healthy porridges, which are hydrating and healthy. The whole family loves to drink them. If you want to maintain good health, you must first start with diet and learn to make scientific and reasonable combinations. Th - DayDayNews

Prepare ingredients: spinach, pork liver, ginger, wolfberry, pearl rice, salt, white pepper, cooking wine, sesame oil

wolfberry spinach and pork liver How to cook porridge:

(1) First clean the spinach, cut it into small pieces, blanch it in boiling water to remove the oxalic acid, take it out and put it in a bowl for later use. Prepare the ginger foam and wash the wolfberry.

(2) Put pearl rice in the pot, wash it clean, add water and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer until thick.

(3) Cut the pork liver into thin slices, soak it in water to remove the blood, squeeze out the water and put it into a bowl, add salt, ginger powder, white pepper and cooking wine, marinate for about 10 minutes to remove the fishy smell.

(4) After the porridge is cooked until thick, add the marinated pork liver, cook over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes, then add spinach, wolfberry, salt, and white pepper and cook for one minute, turn off the heat, and finally pour in a little sesame oil. Can.

Food Tips: It is best to use pearl rice when cooking porridge. It will be more fragrant when cooked, and the marinated pork liver will be smooth and tender without being fishy.

Warm tips: Chinese medicine often says " winter diseases are treated in summer", so the dog days are also the best season for health care. Drink health porridge when the weather is hot, which not only replenishes water and nutrients, but also strengthens the spleen and stomach, which is very healthy. .

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