Mousse cake is a cake that can be made without an oven. It is a custard-style dessert made with cream, gelatin, egg yolk and sugar as the main ingredients. Different from ordinary cakes. There is no need to add flour to make mousse cake, so strictly speaking mousse cake is not co

2024/06/2905:30:32 food 1285

Mousse cake is a cake that can be made without the need for an oven. It is a custard style dessert made with cream, gelatin , egg yolk and sugar as the main raw materials. Different from ordinary cakes. There is no need to add flour to make mousse cake, so strictly speaking mousse cake is not considered a cake. Generally, our common mousse cakes will add cakes in the middle and bottom, which can not only eliminate the greasiness of pure mousse cakes, but also provide a more layered taste experience.

Mousse cake is a cake that can be made without an oven. It is a custard-style dessert made with cream, gelatin, egg yolk and sugar as the main ingredients. Different from ordinary cakes. There is no need to add flour to make mousse cake, so strictly speaking mousse cake is not co - DayDayNews

Mousse cake originated in Paris. By adding various auxiliary materials with different textures and flavors into the cream, these auxiliary materials have the function of stabilizing and improving the structure. The finished product has various shapes, colors, structures and tastes, and tastes better after refrigeration. . The reason why mousse cake appears is mainly due to people's pursuit of exquisite life, and mousse cake has a larger creative space and can better show people's inner understanding and artistic inspiration.

After continuous innovation and development, mousse cake has currently developed 6 schools, namely fruit mousse cake, cheese mousse cake , chocolate mousse cake , nut mousse cake, tea mousse cake cake and tart mousse cake. Different types of mousse cakes have different shapes, tastes, and raw materials used.

The raw materials for making mousse cake are mainly milk, fresh cream, sugar, gelatin flakes, egg yolks and other accessories. The purpose of using milk is mainly to improve the taste and quality of the mousse cake. If it is not available, water can also be used, but the taste of the resulting cake will be worse.

Mousse cake is a cake that can be made without an oven. It is a custard-style dessert made with cream, gelatin, egg yolk and sugar as the main ingredients. Different from ordinary cakes. There is no need to add flour to make mousse cake, so strictly speaking mousse cake is not co - DayDayNews

The addition of fresh cream can increase the milky flavor of the cake and also make the mousse cake taste more delicate. Animal cream is generally used. Gelatine flakes are the most important raw material in mousse cake. They mainly play a role in stabilizing the structure. When heating gelatine flakes, be careful not to exceed 60 degrees, otherwise it will affect its coagulation power.

Sugar has strong hygroscopicity, which can prevent the moisture in the mousse cake from being lost quickly, and can also make the cake more delicate, soft and elastic.

Some people may not like to add egg yolk when making mousse cake, but in fact mousse with egg yolk added has the best taste. This is because egg yolk has better coagulation and emulsification effects. The addition of

accessories can bring more texture to the mousse cake.

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