Refreshing shrimp ingredients: 200 grams of shrimp, 100 grams of beans, 50 grams of fresh lily, 50 grams of soybeans (soaked for 6 hours), and the auxiliary ingredients are oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, and chicken essence.

2024/07/0204:19:33 food 1483

Refreshing shrimp ingredients: 200 grams of shrimp, 100 grams of beans, 50 grams of fresh lily, 50 grams of soybeans (soaked for 6 hours), and the auxiliary ingredients are oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, and chicken essence. - DayDayNews

Refreshing shrimps

Ingredients: shrimps 200 grams, 100 grams of beans, 450 grams of fresh lilies, 50 grams of soybeans (soaked for 6 hours). Prepare the auxiliary materials: oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, and chicken essence.


1. Remove both ends of the beans and cut them into 2-3 cm long segments. Wash the lilies and soybeans appropriately;

2. Prepare 150 ml of warm water, pour the soybeans into the pot and cook for 6 minutes, then remove them. Heat up the pot, heat 50% of the oil in the pot, pour the shrimp into it and stir-fry for 2 minutes, then add the beans, lily, and soybeans and stir-fry for 2 minutes;

3, finally add 60 ml of warm water, an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, salt, and chicken essence , stir evenly, cover and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes and serve.

Refreshing shrimp ingredients: 200 grams of shrimp, 100 grams of beans, 50 grams of fresh lily, 50 grams of soybeans (soaked for 6 hours), and the auxiliary ingredients are oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, and chicken essence. - DayDayNews

Pan-fried and baked fish head in a casserole



Half a fat fish head (about 1250g).


dried onions 50g, ginger 50g garlic 50g, 1 egg, limes 2, color peppers 50g, parsley 50g, brandy 30g.


light soy sauce 15g, salt 5g, sugar 3g, seasoning powder 3g, corn starch 15g, chili 5g, Haitian soybean paste 15g.

production process

1. Wash the fish heads, cut them into pieces, and absorb the water.

2. Add seasonings to the fish head and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Fry in a frying pan over low heat until golden brown on both sides.

4. Heat the casserole, sauté the ingredients, add the fried fish heads and bake for 8 minutes.


1. The fish head must be cleaned, otherwise it will smell fishy and the effect will not be so good.

2. Fry the fish head before stewing it to make the fish head more fragrant and delicious.

3. You don’t need to add a drop of water during the whole process. Just pour the cooking wine again before taking it out of the pot. The fish head will have a richer aroma.

4. Fish heads are easier to cook. After frying, it is not easy to stew them for too long.

Refreshing shrimp ingredients: 200 grams of shrimp, 100 grams of beans, 50 grams of fresh lily, 50 grams of soybeans (soaked for 6 hours), and the auxiliary ingredients are oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, and chicken essence. - DayDayNews

Sauce-flavored spring bamboo shoots

Ingredients: 500 grams of spring bamboo shoots, 300 grams of soybeans, and 200 grams of lean pork leg.

Seasoning: 5g soy sauce, 30g white sugar, 20g cooking wine, 8g refined salt, 5g allspice, 10g green onion, 10g ginger, 5g garlic, 500g clear soup.


1. Cut the green onion into 1.5 cm long sections; pat the ginger loosely with a knife; cut the garlic into slices; soak the soybeans in clean water 8 hours in advance until soft.

2. Put soy sauce, white sugar, cooking wine, refined salt, five-spice powder, green onion segments, ginger cubes, garlic slices, and clear soup into a pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Then switch to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes to make brine, green onion segments, and ginger cubes. , remove the garlic slices and use them, then let the prepared brine cool and set aside.

3. Wash the spring bamboo shoots and pork and cut them into 1.5 cm square dices. Then put the diced bamboo shoots into boiling water and blanch over high heat for 20 seconds. Remove and drain. Put the diced pork into boiling water and blanch over high heat for 2 minutes before draining. spare.

4. Wash the soybeans, put them in a pot with diced bamboo shoots and diced meat, add brine and bring to a boil over high heat, then switch to medium heat and cover with a lid for 20 minutes. When the soup is gone, switch to low heat and stir-fry (with diced pork) It’s better if lint appears on the surface).

5. Stir fry the raw materials and bake them in the oven at 50℃ for about 14 hours. Take them out and let them cool. The key to making


1. The soaking time of soybeans in water must be sufficient, otherwise the heart of soybeans will not soften easily.

2. The drying time of the fried and dried raw materials must be sufficient, otherwise there will be too much water and the taste will be bad.

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