If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep

2024/06/0412:53:33 food 1493

If you eat too much fat-reducing meals the taste will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world, so today I want to share with you the 3 dishes. , which is what we prepare when we stay up late at family gatherings to watch football and dramas. Every bite is full of meat, your mouth is full of oil, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Now you have a glass of iced Coke or iced beer. You will be a sure winner in life. The recipes are here. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and like and follow. Save it so you can see the various delicacies I share as soon as possible.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

[Potato Skewed Chicken Wings]

Main ingredients: chicken wings, French fries, cooking wine, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, shredded ginger, pepper. The reason why it is called Potato Skewered Chicken Wings is because this dish has no fixed name. You can also call it chicken wings. Wrap potatoes, you have both staple food and meat. Together they will make you full, delicious and very satisfying.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

[Specific method]

1. First, remove the bones from the chicken wings you bought. If you don’t know how to remove the bones, use kitchen scissors to cut the middle of the chicken wings from the head and tail. Just don’t cut in the middle. There is no fixing method, but it can be removed. The bones are good, then peel the potatoes and cut them into slightly thicker potato strips.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

2. Start marinating the chicken wings. Put the chicken wings into a bowl, add 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, a few slices of ginger, a little pepper, mix well and marinate for more than 20 minutes. Marinate well. Then use potato strips to skewer the chicken wings. The reason why I ask you to cut thicker potato strips is because it is not easy to break when skewering the chicken wings, affecting the taste and appearance.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

3, Air fryer Put the chicken wings in and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Remember to turn the chicken wings over halfway. If you want the chicken wings to be charred, bake them in the air fryer for another 2 minutes and take them out. Then sprinkle with white sesame seeds and serve.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

[Garlic Crispy Chicken]

Main ingredients: chicken legs, minced garlic, oyster sauce, cooking wine, light soy sauce, sugar, salt, pepper, starch, real crispy chicken legs on the outside and juicy inside, this method makes crispy skin Chicken is no worse than the fried chicken made in fast food restaurants outside. It is recommended to make more chicken legs to make it enjoyable to eat.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

[Specific method]

1. The first step is to debone the chicken legs. Compared with chicken wings, it is slightly more difficult to debone the chicken legs. If you can buy boneless chicken legs, it doesn’t matter. The chicken legs with the bones removed are available. You can tap the chicken legs a few times with the back of a knife to make the chicken firmer.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

2. Marinate the chicken legs. Put the chicken legs into a bowl, add 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of minced garlic, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, a small amount of salt, sugar and black pepper, mix well and marinate 1 For more than 1 hour, if you like the garlic aroma to be stronger, you can mash the minced garlic completely and pour the minced garlic juice over it to marinate together.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

3. Take out the marinated chicken legs and evenly coat them with starch. Heat the oil in a pan and heat the chicken legs to 50%. Fry the chicken legs slowly over low heat until golden and set. It is the least likely to overturn over low heat. , if you have an air fryer, you can follow the method of frying chicken wings and bake them at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, which is even easier.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

[Double pepper cold chicken legs]

Main ingredients: chicken legs, millet spicy, Hangzhou pepper , minced garlic, chili powder, light soy sauce, olive oil, salt, ginger slices, white sesame seeds. The above two dishes are too greasy, so we will change them to a lighter version.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

[Specific method]

Put the chicken legs in the pot, add a little cooking wine and a few slices of ginger, cook on high heat for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. After cooking, rinse the chicken with cold water and set aside. Add 1 tablespoon of white sesame seeds to the bowl, 1 1 spoon of minced garlic, millet chili and pepper, add the appropriate amount according to personal taste, then add 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of olive oil, a little salt to taste. Finally, pour half a cup of water, stir evenly, pour it on the chicken, mix well and serve. have eaten.

If you eat too much, the taste of fat-reducing meals will become bland. Occasionally, you need to make a cheat meal with big fish and meat, so that you can taste the calorie bomb and the delicacies of the world. So the 3 dishes I want to share with you today are just for us. Prep - DayDayNews

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