01 It is said that when we first meet someone, they are the most beautiful, hypocritical, enthusiastic, fresh and romantic. This sentence applies perfectly to our relationship. When Chuyang first chased me, he happened to catch up with me losing my love. As soon as late at night,


said that was the most beautiful hypocritical, passionate, fresh and romantic when we first met. This sentence applies perfectly to our relationship.

When Chuyang first chased me, he happened to catch up with me losing my love. As soon as late at night, I turned on my emo switch, and every pore was like a faucet that had been turned on, and sadness was flowing out.

At that time, Chuyang people lived up to their name. Every night they patiently listened to my frustrating words, comforted me gently, and coaxed me to sleep.

College students on vacation all use mobile phones to communicate with each other, and the same is true for love..

"What are you doing?"

"Little cutie, wait for me, I will reply to your message while washing my hair"

"Oh, then don't reply to me now. Really, I won't blame you."

If there was a camera that could record my state, it would be a person holding a mobile phone, eyes narrowed into slits because of a smile, looking silly and happy.

Hehe, it feels so good to know that I am cared about through the screen of my mobile phone.

"The price of this store has increased. Before the holiday, fried noodles and were only 7 yuan, but now they are 9 yuan."


"My dad will come back to cook for me later. What are you having for dinner?"

... Same as around.

I responded to him with the same enthusiasm, and there were endless topics to talk about every day.

So, even though I haven't completely gotten over the hurt from my last relationship, we have come together.


It is said that graduation season is also the breakup season. If we fail the postgraduate entrance examination, we can only go to the school recruitment.

Although one of us went to a public school in the north and the other went to a private school in the south, although I was extremely unsure and although I took the initiative to break up because I was worried about the distance, we still did not separate.

html September 14th

At half past five in the afternoon, I looked at the WeChat message he sent "Baby, I just finished the meeting"

"Huh? It took so long?" I replied incredulously on the other side of the screen

"Yes, there is an exam next week. Our director said a lot. After the director finished speaking, the prefect said again. The meeting ended after the prefect finished speaking." I could feel his fatigue through the screen.

"Then you go quickly. Eat something, don’t you have to watch the evening self-study later?”


15 minutes later, he sent another message

“Baby, I’ve finished eating. I’ll take a nap in the office for a while. I love you.

private School is really too busy and tiring, and Chuyang devotes most of his time to work, but this "always communicating" situation does give me a great sense of security.

I thought we would be a happy couple in a long-distance relationship.


html January 2

Because the final exam is coming soon, as teachers we are all very busy, especially teachers in private schools. Chuyang not replying to messages for several hours has gradually become the norm.


The first class after the lunch break is my unbeatable coffee time. After drinking the first sip of coffee I brewed, I frowned and picked up my phone and texted him

"I put too much coffee powder today. It’s so hard."

15:00 Guessing that he had no class, I picked up the phone and asked him, "Are you still busy?"

15:26 "I was reviewing homework just now." Although it was only six words, it also calmed my emotions. Nervous

I replied instantly "How many more are there?"

15:41 "There is another class"

"Okay, then you are busy"

Maybe it is because I am too busy, so some of the shares from me are not responded to. I didn't blame him either.

Emotions should be understood by each other.


Is losing the desire to share the beginning of the end?

As a teacher who is in a long-distance relationship, what she is most looking forward to is the vacation, even though due to the epidemic, we are destined not to see this winter vacation.

But as long as I think that we can be the same as before, I think it doesn't matter.

But things have changed. He is no longer the Chuyang who enthusiastically shared all the trivial matters of life with me.

The daily chats are like the morning and dusk rituals between concubines in ancient times. In the morning, he told me that he woke up, and after chatting a few words, he went to play his games. At noon, he told me that he had finished eating and went to take a nap. Even the longest one At night, our total communication would not exceed an hour.

html February 3

19:45 With the idea of ​​​​solving the problem, I picked up the phone and sent him a message in a coquettish tone "Baby, I feel that our communication is very little, not as much as when we were at work before. "

19:56 "What are you thinking about?" His slightly reproachful tone was what I expected.

"I just want to be objective. Well, you don't want to share it with me now."

"I I don’t want to share it with you, don’t you know what I do in a day?”

“Then, please pay attention to me, I miss you so much”

“Okay, okay”

Are you curious why I didn’t Argue with him? Forget it, that’s it.

doesn’t know if he deliberately confuses the concept, but this is not the first time I have discussed this issue with him. Since has failed before, why should I expect that there will be an exception this time.


Feelings and life pass with the passage of time in a dull way. The disappointment of not getting a response when sharing, and the anxiety when not waiting for a reply have become accustomed to it.

html March 6th

7:40 "I had already left the unit before I realized that I had left the u disk at home, and I was almost late to pick it up again." The words had already been typed, but after thinking about it, I silently deleted them. .

8:30 The status bar of my mobile phone reminded me that I received a new message on WeChat "Baby, I read it early after reading it"


March 24th

17:00" I bought a grilled sausage, it was so hot, the oil It burned my tongue and made it blister."

17:35 He: "Baby, I'm off work"

17:36 "Hmm"

Now I'm used to not getting a response for some sharing, and I'm also used to him being selective. Share it with me, but we are still not separated.

But this does not mean that the desire to share is not important. On the contrary, I believe that our relationship has reached the end of the road.

In the early stage of love, we learn about each other through sharing to determine whether two people are suitable. In the later stage of love, we maintain a relationship through sharing .

Two people in a relationship share love. The "trivial things" shared with each other will make the other person feel that they are a part of the other person's life.

Although the story of Chu Yang and I is not over yet, it will eventually end as expected.

The continuous desire to share is the most important secret in the process of "growing old together", and the loss of the desire to share is also the beginning of two people drifting apart.

After all, the desire to share is the best way to express love.