What people fear most in this life is probably birth, old age, illness and death, or being alone in their later years. After reaching a certain age, this feeling will only become stronger. If young people still have some motivation and can face death and illness bravely, then in

What people fear most in this life is probably birth, old age, illness and death, or being alone in old age. After reaching a certain age, this feeling will only become stronger.

If young people still have some motivation and can face death and illness bravely, then in old age, only fear is left.

They are afraid that they will no longer be able to accompany their families, that one day it will suddenly come to an end, and they are even more afraid that they will not live well in their later years and live in fear.

But if you think calmly, you will find that this kind of worry is unnecessary. Because a person's situation in his later years cannot be improved by worrying all day long. "Forget when you need to, forgetting will solve a thousand worries." As an elderly person, forgetting the following three things is a blessing.


Forget your age and seize the day.

has a word called " ageless ". Life has length, but width and height are not limited. Getting older is inevitable, but you can get better while getting older.

Life is endless and work is endless. In fact, this is one of Lantianye 's health care methods. He believes that the elderly should forget their age and think that they are still "young". If they always think that they are "old and useless" ”, that will only increase worries.

Staring at your age every day will make you feel afraid of getting old. Invisibly, you will feel that you have a lot of things to do and need to speed up.

Old people, think of age as a number. You only need to blur this number, forget your real age, occasionally change the age numbers left and right, arrange them from small to large, and dream about a dream at that age. Then, take action to fight aging.


Forget about what happened a hundred years later, and you will be raised well but buried poorly.

What will happen in a hundred years? We can’t tell clearly, but in ancient times there was a man from Qi State who set an example - people worry about the world in vain and seek trouble for themselves.

There are two things in " Confucius Family Sayings " that explain the principles of life and death.

When Confucius was in the Song Dynasty , he saw Sima Huanxi designing a coffin for himself, and it took him three years to complete it, but it was not completed. Confucius looked melancholy and said : "If you are too lazy, it will be better to die than to recover quickly."

People are still alive and think about things a hundred years from now. How can they be satisfied? It should be a matter for the children and grandchildren, but the old people have done it themselves. Instead, the children and grandchildren will be idle and feel ashamed.

No matter how great breakthroughs medical research makes in delaying aging, physiological aging is still unavoidable. Starting from the age of thirty, our heart's pumping function decreases year by year; around the age of forty, muscle strength begins to decline, and bone density is lost at a rate of 1% per year; by the age of eighty, we will lose nearly 25% - 50% of muscles; similarly, the brain's processing speed begins to decrease from about forty years old, and by the age of eighty-five, 40% of people are likely to suffer from Alzheimer's .

From a social psychology perspective, the probability of death begins to increase when people reach old age. The unknown about death is one of the reasons why people fear death.

From the perspective of the old man himself, death means saying goodbye to the people closest to him. If the family relationship is harmonious, the fear of death will be deeper if they miss each other. So for the elderly, this can easily bring about a sense of loneliness.

It is impossible not to be afraid of death, but the elderly must learn to treat this issue scientifically. After all, some things cannot be decided by ourselves. Maybe all we can do is live happily every day.


Forget the merits and demerits of life and remove the halo.

Zen Master Zongyan once said: "The birth and death of a human being is like a drop of water. It regenerates and dies, and then returns to water."

There will always be some ups and downs, ups and downs, gratitude and resentment in the journey of life. There is no need to regret the past. The matter is brooding.Someone said: "The best way to hurt yourself is to remember the things that make you unhappy. If you 'miss' it once, it will hurt you once." Why do you want to hurt yourself? The survey results of our country's scientific workers on long-lived elderly people show that cheerfulness and peace of mind are their common character traits. If the elderly want to have a peaceful mind, the best way is to be tolerant and open-minded, and install a filter in their memories to filter out the unpleasantness of the past, leaving only happiness to accompany them.

Forget the merits and demerits, there is no halo, no sadness, and the mood is relaxed. People are afraid of being obsessed with false fame and bringing trouble to themselves.

The blessing of old age lies in the word "nurture", the most valuable thing lies in the word "forget", and its implementation lies in the word "movement". Nourish your own spirit, forget about the bad people and bad things in the past, don't care about where you will be after a hundred years, let go of meaningless fame, exercise your body, change your thoughts, everything will be fine. The rest of your life is short, learn to forget, and don’t invite everything into your life. The best life is to live in abundance and frugality. The best life is to add and subtract nature.

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