Just now, Henan Real Biotechnology Co., Ltd. announced that the results of the registration phase III clinical trial of Azivudine Tablets for the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia have met expectations.

2024/07/0210:56:33 science 1196


came out after a long time!

my country’s first oral anti-coronavirus drug is finally coming!

Just now, Henan Real Biotechnology Co., Ltd. announced: Azivudine tablets for the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia indication registration phase III clinical trial results have met expectations. Recently, a marketing application has been officially submitted to State Drug Administration and .

Just now, Henan Real Biotechnology Co., Ltd. announced that the results of the registration phase III clinical trial of Azivudine Tablets for the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia have met expectations. - DayDayNews

Relevant clinical trial results show that Azivudine tablets can significantly shorten the symptom improvement time of patients with moderate new coronavirus-infected pneumonia, increase the proportion of patients with improved clinical symptoms, and achieve clinical superior results.

Some people may find it strange: Azivudine tablets are not intended to treat AIDS. How come it suddenly became a specific drug for the new coronavirus?

Guest Officer, you don’t know, this HIV is not an RNA virus?

The new coronavirus is also a virus that uses RNA as its genetic material.

Then, Azivudine , as an antiviral small molecule oral drug, has a broad-spectrum inhibitory effect on RNA virus replication. In other words, it can even deal with HIV, let alone the new coronavirus!

Its key mechanism for defeating viruses is to achieve the purpose of fighting viruses by inhibiting the replication of RNA viruses such as HIV, HCV, and EV71.

In other words, doesn’t the new coronavirus keep replicating and spreading?

I'm sorry, the devil is as good as the road, I have reduced the virus's replication ability to a low level, which will provide a divine assist for the human body's immunity to defeat the virus!

Now, Azivudine has been undergoing phase III clinical trials at home and abroad. The results show that the drug has achieved good results on more than 800 subjects at home and abroad. The specific drug

Just now, Henan Real Biotechnology Co., Ltd. announced that the results of the registration phase III clinical trial of Azivudine Tablets for the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia have met expectations. - DayDayNews

has officially submitted a marketing application to the State Food and Drug Administration, indicating that it is just a step away from being launched!

Yes, you read it right, the great nemesis of the new coronavirus is finally coming!

Starting today, China’s vaccine arsenal to defeat the Omicron virus finally has a powerful weapon that has officially entered actual combat!

Human beings have and only three strategies to fight the virus: isolation, drugs and vaccines!

1. Isolation is actually about reducing contact.

On the one hand, new patients are discovered as soon as possible and they are isolated in specialized medical institutions;

On the other hand, large-scale movements of people and public gatherings are restricted, good hygiene habits are established, and the probability of infection during contact is reduced.

But now, as the Omicron virus spreads all over the world, it is becoming like influenza , a disease that has existed in human society for a long time. Even if our country blocks it for a while, as long as the door of the country is opened one day, It is likely to come back from abroad.

2. Vaccines are effective, proactive, and minimally cost effective in preventing viral infectious diseases!

In the final analysis, vaccines are actually specially treated viruses. They will not cause illness when injected into the human body, but they can teach the immune system to recognize the virus. Next time we encounter a real virus, grandma’s, where have we seen it? Antibodies are then produced to kill it.

But there are problems with the vaccine. One is that the virus mutates too fast. As soon as the vaccine came out, a new virus mutation strain was produced. On the other hand, the effectiveness of vaccines cannot reach 100%. There are always some fish that slip through the net and break through the defense line.

3. Once the virus breaks through the immune defense line and invades the human body, it is the turn of drugs to show their talents.

Although most of the antiviral drugs currently invented by humans cannot completely eliminate viruses, they can partially delay the process of viral infection and alleviate disease symptoms.

Some people may ask: You said it so cheerfully, so what is the effect of Azvudine's new crown specific medicine?

According to reports, since April 2020, Azivudine has been approved to conduct Phase III clinical trials at home and abroad. The clinical trial results are very eye-catching:

1. Significant improvement of clinical symptoms : After the first administration, the proportion of subjects with improved clinical symptoms on the 7th day was 40.43%.

2. Inhibiting the new coronavirus : Azivudine has the activity of inhibiting the new coronavirus, and the virus clearance time is about 5 days.

3, and there are no side effects : Azivudine tablets are generally well tolerated and do not increase the risk to the subjects.

If these words sound too professional, let’s talk about a case.

At the China Pharmaceutical Development Conference held on April 16, 2022, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Academician Jiang Jiandong explained the clinical efficacy of Azivudine based on the clinical data of 20 previous people. :

The nucleic acid test turned negative after 3-4 days of oral medication, the average medication time was 6-7 days, and the patient was discharged from hospital in an average of 9 days.

Just now, Henan Real Biotechnology Co., Ltd. announced that the results of the registration phase III clinical trial of Azivudine Tablets for the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia have met expectations. - DayDayNews

Academician Jiang Jiandong spoke, source: China Medical Development Conference

Some people may ask: Will such a great medicine be sold at a sky-high price once it is put on the market?

According to Beijing Daily report, real biological experts revealed at the meeting that a single course of Azivudine treatment for COVID-19 lasts for 7 days, with a dosage of 5 mg per day and 35 mg per course.

corresponds to the current pricing of AIDS drugs, and corresponds to a single course of treatment for COVID-19 at only 900 yuan. Once

is mass-produced, raw materials will be further reduced to 400,000/kg. The corresponding raw materials will decrease at the same proportion, and will only cost 240 yuan for a single course of treatment.

Compared with the current purchase price of Pfizer 's Paxlovid in the United States, it is US$529 per course of treatment, which is approximately RMB 3,560. Once

is on the market, is expected to be priced at most 1/10 of Pfizer Paxlovid, while its efficacy is even worse!

Practice shows that the moon in foreign countries is not rounder than that in China!

Recently, after our country adjusted many measures in the new version of the epidemic prevention and control plan, it announced that the asterisk will be removed from the itinerary card. A series of blockbuster news released a clear signal:

It is necessary to prevent excessive layers of epidemic prevention, and It is necessary to prevent slack, omissions and ineffective epidemic prevention, and coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic development more accurately and efficiently.

Some people may say that there is no need to engage in epidemic prevention and control and dynamic clearing. Isn’t it good to coexist with viruses? Let it go completely.

For these people, I just want to ask them: Have you ever thought about what China’s current full liberalization means?

A very serious consequence is that once is rashly released, this highly contagious disease may cause panic and cause a run on medical resources. Before the vaccine is fully vaccinated and effective drugs are not available on the market, it is likely to affect social stability. !

is like the Anti-Japanese War. Chairman Mao told us in " On Protracted War" that although we will not be able to eliminate the Japanese invaders for a while, as long as we persist in fighting a protracted war, we will definitely win.

In his book, Chairman Mao also divided the entire Anti-Japanese War into three stages: first, strategic defense, then strategic stalemate, and finally strategic counterattack!

I think there are three prerequisites for to launch a strategic counterattack: first, basically all vaccines are vaccinated, second, specific drugs are on the market, and third, publicity and education are popularized!

Before this, we cannot lie flat like Western societies, but must continue to adhere to normalized epidemic prevention and control, prevent external imports, prevent internal rebound, and "dynamically clear to "!

The "dynamic clearing" mentioned here does not mean to achieve "zero infection", but to maximize early detection, early treatment, and early disposal to minimize the risk of the epidemic.

Specific to each of us, we must not be slack and paralyzed. We must obey orders in all actions, maintain good personal hygiene, insist on doing nucleic acid tests as required, wash hands frequently, wear masks, maintain social distance and other normal epidemic prevention measures, still need to Be serious to the end!

Fortunately, the dawn of victory has appeared, and spring will not be too far away! Comrade

, please hold on! !

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