Some people say, what is the biggest difference between people? There is a highly praised answer: thinking. Indeed, thinking determines behavior, and behavior determines results. Positive thinking will achieve positive results, while negative thinking will achieve negative result

2024/06/2706:09:33 emotion 1227

Some people say, what is the biggest difference between people?

has a highly praised answer: thinking.

This is indeed the case, thinking determines behavior, and behavior determines results.

Positive thinking will achieve positive results, while negative thinking will achieve negative results.

What kind of thinking you have, what kind of life you will have.

learn these 3 thoughts to make your life grow explosively.

compound interest thinking

When it comes to compound interest, what do you think of?

investment? ten thousand hours rule ?

Everything that can be accumulated will have compound interest.

There is a story mentioned in the book "Breaking the Rules".

Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang are college classmates. After graduation, they entered the same company to work in media marketing.

They all work hard, with equal abilities and achievements. Facing the uncertainty of the future, they all have a positive attitude and constantly recharge themselves after work.

Xiao Zhang joins various reading check-in groups after get off work every day to improve his knowledge and enrich himself through reading. Over the past year, he has read a total of 50 books on various subjects.

As for Xiao Wang, he still focuses on the field of marketing. In order to be able to complete practical operations independently, he will operate his own accounts in various domestic and foreign media every night, where he will share some of his industry-related experiences and thoughts. Gradually, All kinds of businesses and companies are very happy to contact and make friends with him.

Some people say, what is the biggest difference between people? There is a highly praised answer: thinking. Indeed, thinking determines behavior, and behavior determines results. Positive thinking will achieve positive results, while negative thinking will achieve negative result - DayDayNews

html After 2004, Xiao Wang was poached by a larger company and served as the global new media director. But Xiao Zhang is still standing still.

When Xiao Wang resigned, other colleagues were very sad and said to him: "Xiao Zhang also works hard, but he is not as lucky as you."

Xiao Wang just smiled and replied: "I work hard too, but The results of my efforts can just feed back into my current career.”

Yes, both of them worked hard, but why is there such a big gap in the results?

Although Xiao Zhang works hard, he does things unrelated to his job and allocates his time and energy to another track.

Xiao Wang concentrated on research related to his own work, and continued to deepen in this field, and finally summed up his own system.

Xiao Zhang seems to be working hard, but what he does is contrary to his own job. He does not achieve the value of continuity and has no compound interest. Therefore, he does not do his job well, but he only improves his own awareness.

choose a field and continue to study it in depth. Every time the value is created, we must consider how to create value for the next cycle, then the effect of compound interest will be achieved.

Everything can be accumulated and has compound interest.

Knowledge, choices, interpersonal relationships, reputation, etc., as long as they can be accumulated, there will be compound interest.

Before choosing to do something, you might as well ask yourself: Can this thing bring long-term value to yourself?

If it doesn't work, you can just give up without hesitating.


Goal-oriented thinking is to establish a clear goal at the beginning and analyze the path needed to achieve it.

Having a goal-oriented mindset will greatly reduce our error correction costs, make our actions more focused, and make our execution methods more flexible.

Bai Ren's friend Keke, the author of "Breaking the Rules", once had two goal-oriented assistants, both of whom were very good.

Some people say, what is the biggest difference between people? There is a highly praised answer: thinking. Indeed, thinking determines behavior, and behavior determines results. Positive thinking will achieve positive results, while negative thinking will achieve negative result - DayDayNews

White Coat | Machinery Industry Press

The first assistant is called Dandan. She works hard and is a very competent and good employee. Every task assigned to me is completed on time and on time; I speak cautiously, and when with my boss, I am quiet and calm, and don’t talk too much; I also know the internal situation of the company relatively well, and rarely make mistakes in handling things; when the company comes, I need to receive customers. , and the preparations are basically in an orderly manner.

’s second assistant is called Lulu. Compared with Dandan, she is more outgoing and has a more personal touch in doing things. Every time you arrange a business banquet, you can choose a restaurant according to the guests' needs, ensuring everyone is satisfied.Moreover, she will keep a list of all the partners that her boss Keke has brought her to meet. During every holiday, she will ask her boss if she wants to do customer relationship .

Later, Lulu’s salary also increased. After working as an assistant for two years, she chose to leave her job and opened a company of her own. Although it was not easy to start a business at the beginning, the company survived, with a profit of more than 1 million yuan a year. .

Dandan, the first assistant, is still working as an assistant to the boss of a larger company, studying for an MBA in his spare time, and doing well.

Some people say, what is the biggest difference between people? There is a highly praised answer: thinking. Indeed, thinking determines behavior, and behavior determines results. Positive thinking will achieve positive results, while negative thinking will achieve negative result - DayDayNews

Both of them have goal-oriented thinking, but there is a difference.

Dandan’s work process is “what-do (task-execution)”, while Lulu’s work process is “what-why-how-do (task-why-execution-how-execution-execution)”.

It is not difficult to see that Lulu’s thinking in doing things is more specific and comprehensive, and she is also able to train herself. Therefore, in just two years, she achieved explosive growth and opened her own company.

It is important to be goal-oriented, but it is more important to think about "why and how", because these two parts are the space for one's own growth. Only by thinking about these two aspects for a long time can it be possible to grow faster and things will be completed. Pretty good.


process-oriented thinking is more like exploring and accumulating according to a process and framework. It is impossible to determine a specific implementation time, and it cannot guarantee that things will develop in the way you envisioned. You can only follow the correct accumulation. Gradually, your own results emerge. There is a story mentioned in the book


A father is very ordinary. He is a laid-off worker and has not achieved much in his career. However, he has a pair of wise eyes and thinks that his son is a good prospect. Therefore, he thinks of finding a rich dad for his son to train him. , educate him.

He locked in on a relative who used to be a teacher. Later, because of his outstanding talents, he served as the principal. He was also considered a man of influence in the entire family.

Therefore, he made a special trip to visit this relative and gave him many gifts. The relative thought he was asking for help and became somewhat defensive.

But after he explained the situation, the relative agreed to his request, agreed to let his son play with his own son, and would also take time to guide the child.

Some people say, what is the biggest difference between people? There is a highly praised answer: thinking. Indeed, thinking determines behavior, and behavior determines results. Positive thinking will achieve positive results, while negative thinking will achieve negative result - DayDayNews

would often invite the father's son to play with him at home, and share toys and books with him. After frequent contact, he also gained a lot of knowledge.

Later, this child successfully entered a very good university and received a scholarship to study abroad. He became the pride of this ordinary family and the pride of this ordinary town.

This father knew that he could not educate an outstanding son, so he did not set a high-quality goal for him, but created a high-quality process for him. He found a father who was smarter than himself to educate him, and finally succeeded. Raise a great child.

When we don’t have the ability to create a good growth environment for ourselves, we can change circles for ourselves, learn to use our strengths, let ourselves have access to better people and a better environment, and create a high-quality process for ourselves.

In this way, you can achieve explosive growth.

has a saying, would rather stand among the rich and be the worst; than stand among the poor and be the best.

Yes, in an environment of scarcity, it will only limit our thinking and prevent us from making breakthroughs; but in an environment of abundance, it will subtly influence us, push us forward, and have a growth mindset.

learn to create a high-quality environment for yourself, experience this process, and you will grow rapidly.

is written at the end

. The reason why people create distance lies in their thinking and environment.

People are the product of the environment. Only by changing their thinking can we create a high-quality environment. If

wants to achieve explosive growth, it must learn these three points.

has a compound interest mindset. Before doing anything, ask yourself: whether this matter can accumulate and whether it can continuously create value.

has a goal-oriented thinking, clear goals, and think about "why and how to execute".

has a process-oriented thinking, creating a high-quality process for itself and accelerating the pace of growth.

After clarifying the goal, and then refining the process, you can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

hopes that you will have compound interest thinking, clarify what you do, refine the process, create a good environment for yourself, and achieve explosive growth.

I am @xianglin​, and I will accompany you to write for life

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