The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h

2024/05/2221:06:33 emotion 1799

The man in front of me is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When he got the identification results, he was dumbfounded. In order to express his inner anger, Xiao Jia specially wore a cuckold, with the words "Please wear this cuckold at the scene of the rape." written on it.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

Xiao Jia

Xiao Jia went to her parents-in-law's house many times while wearing a cuckold to ask for an explanation. However, her parents-in-law were very protective of their daughter and refused to admit her daughter's affair during marriage. They even accused Xiao Jia of forging a paternity test in order to damage it. Their family's reputation.

So, Xiao Jia’s wife really cheated on her during marriage? Why does Xiao Jia suspect that his son is not his own?

Xiao Jia's wife is named Zhao Mei. They are similar in age and met through a blind date. From acquaintance to marriage, they were in a hurry, and it can be said that they have no emotional foundation.

Xiao Jia was born in the countryside. His parents are honest farmers. The house at home is still a bungalow from decades ago, covered with cow felt. However, due to disrepair for many years, the holes in the house are clearly visible. On rainy days, the inside of the house Rain leaks everywhere.

Xiao Jia's mother was bedridden in her early years, and all the burdens of the family fell on her father. In addition to farming, his father also had to go out and do heavy physical work to make ends meet.

In order to reduce the burden on his family, Xiao Jia chose to drop out of school and go out to work after graduating from junior high school. After being introduced by an acquaintance, he came to work as an apprentice in a car repair shop in the town. Xiao Jia has been working in the

industry for more than ten years. After returning from his studies, he also opened a car repair shop and became the boss.

Time flies, Xiao Jia has also reached the age of getting married, and after being introduced by a matchmaker, he meets Zhao Mei.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

Zhao Mei

Zhao Mei is also from the countryside. After graduating from junior high school, she chose to go out to work and has worked in more than ten jobs. When she reaches the age of marriage, her parents hope that she can find an honest, reliable man with a skill to rely on.

I don’t know if it’s because she watches too many idol dramas, but Zhao Mei has different ideas about her other half. She hopes to find a handsome, sunny and wealthy man to spend her life with. Although

has been putting this idea into action for many years, it has not been able to realize it due to its own limitations.

Parents watch their daughter getting older day by day, fearing that she will become an old girl and no one will care about her. So after understanding Xiao Jia's actual situation, he did not hesitate to force his daughter to agree to the marriage.

Zhao Mei could not bear to go against her parents' wishes, so she agreed to date Xiao Jia. According to Zhao Mei later, this marriage was destined to be a tragedy from the beginning, and the two had no emotional basis.

Getting married and having children is like completing a task for Xiao Jia. In order to avoid his parents and his seven aunts and eight aunts from urging him to get married all day long, Xiao Jia also agreed to date Zhao Mei.

Less than a month after they met, the two young people were forced to get married by their parents, relatives and friends.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

After getting married, Xiao Jia used his savings to renovate his hometown, and Zhao Mei also moved in to live with her father-in-law and mother-in-law. After all, the two had no feelings. Not long after their marriage, the two often quarreled over trivial matters. For Xiao Jia's parents, they naturally sided with their son, which made Zhao Mei feel very aggrieved. In Zhao Mei's view, her father-in-law and mother-in-law were deliberately targeting her.

As the quarrel escalated, Zhao Mei gradually began to lose herself. She changed her former image of a good daughter-in-law and began to hang out in mahjong parlors and KTVs.

Gradually, she became obsessed with playing cards and gained many poker friends. Xiao Jia felt that it was not a good thing for his wife to indulge in gambling all day long, and hoped that she would go out and find a job to pass the time.

Zhao Mei was not happy. She felt that her husband not only worked with her parents to target her, but also wanted her to give up the hobbies that she had finally cultivated. So the two had many quarrels over this matter.

Xiao Jia saw his wife getting deeper and deeper into gambling, so he took back the financial power of the family and only gave Zhao Mei 2,000 yuan in living expenses every month. Zhao Mei felt very aggrieved by this.

In addition, there is another thing that makes Zhao Mei worried. One of Xiao Jia's cousins ​​needed to borrow 50,000 yuan to renovate a house. Xiao Jia lent the money privately without discussing it with Zhao Mei. . It was originally promised that the money would be returned in three months, but the money has been delayed for a long time with no intention of returning it. Xiao Jia disagreed and had no intention of asking his cousin for the money he owed.

Her parents-in-law deliberately targeted her, and her husband deprived her of financial power and borrowed money privately. All this made Zhao Mei feel that she was completely dispensable in this family.

In Zhao Mei's opinion, the reason for this situation is that the two have no feelings, so she decided to find happiness again.

Most of Zhao Mei's poker friends are men, and one of them is close to Zhao Mei. This man has been divorced for many years, and one of his daughters was sentenced to his ex-wife. This person is engaged in renovation projects in other places and is a small boss. After

went back and forth, Zhao Mei and this poker friend became good friends and talked about everything. Zhao Mei often told the poker friend about the pain of her marriage.

A poker friend proposed to go on a trip together to relax. Zhao Mei and Xiao Jia happened to have had a fight at that time and were still angry, so they agreed to the poker friend's suggestion.

It was because of this trip that Zhao Mei's marriage was in dire straits.

During the trip, the two broke through the boundaries of being ordinary friends. More than a month later, Zhao Mei found out that she was pregnant.

At first, she thought it belonged to her husband Xiao Jia, but after careful calculation, she found that the time did not match. But she didn't confess this to Xiao Jia, and Xiao Jia became a father in a daze.

In the second year, the child was born. Xiao Jia was extremely happy to face the arrival of the little life. He promised Zhao Mei that he would not quarrel with her in the future and would love their mother and son well. In order to show his sincerity, Xiao Jia will The bank card is given to the wife for safekeeping.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

Xiao Jia

At this time, Zhao Mei felt guilty. She also knew that she had done something very sorry for her husband.

As the saying goes, there is no airtight wall in the world. Four years later, a paternity test completely solved the mystery of the child's life experience.

So, how did Xiao Jia know that the child was not his own? First of all, as his son grew up, Xiao Jia discovered that his son was completely different from him in appearance and temperament. Considering that the child might follow his mother, this idea cannot be used as a basis. Secondly, the neighbors' rumors about the child made Xiao Jia feel the need to find out whether the child was his own. Xiao Jia heard neighbors talking privately more than once, saying that the child was the illegitimate child of Zhao Mei and another man.

As soon as he saw the child's appearance, Xiao Jia felt more and more that what the neighbors said might be true. So one time, without telling Zhao Mei, she quietly took her child for a paternity test. The identification results showed that the child and Xiao Jia had no blood relationship. An angry Xiao Jia took the identification results to Zhao Mei, hoping that she could give a reasonable explanation and ask her to tell who the father of the child was.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

Zhao Mei was evasive and didn't know how to answer, so she insisted that the paternity test results were forged and swore that the child was Xiao Jia's biological flesh and blood.

The next day, Zhao Mei quietly returned to her parents' home with her child, and she did not come back for a long time.

The more Xiao Jia thought about it, the angrier he became. When he thought of his wife cuckolding him, he had the idea of ​​​​purchasing cuckolds online. He also wore this cuckold and walked to his parents-in-law's house many times, attracting neighbors to watch. The parents-in-law felt that this was an attempt to ruin their family's reputation, so they kicked Xiao Jia out of the house many times.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

However, problems always have to be solved, and Zhao Mei's evasive attitude leaves Xiao Jia at a loss.

In the end, Xiao Jia found a reporter and decided to expose the matter. After the reporter learned the truth of the matter, he took a special look at the cuckold Xiao Jia purchased. It was obvious that this cuckold was specially customized and had several dazzling words on it: "Please wear this hat when catching an adulterer."

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

The reporter accompanied Xiao Jia to the home of his parents-in-law. When he saw his son-in-law arriving, his mother-in-law had been waiting on the roadside for a long time. Xiao Jia brought the paternity test results this time in order to prove that what he said was true. The mother-in-law became furious. She accused Xiao Jia of trying to frame her daughter and said that his identification results were false.

The reporter calmed the mother-in-law's emotions and explained that the identification result was authoritative and could not be falsified. He hoped that she would let Zhao Mei come out and face the matter.

The mother-in-law thought for a while and decided to let her daughter come forward to settle the matter.

Zhao Mei asked reporters to send Xiao Jia away, and then told that the marriage between herself and Xiao Jia was unhappy. The two of them were together purely without feelings, just to rely on each other. Regarding the child's life experience, Zhao Mei confidently stated that her husband's family and husband had always disliked her, and she just went out to vent once. If they could be nicer to me, this situation could be avoided.

The reporter saw that Zhao Mei talked about the affair in such a high-sounding way, so he criticized Zhao Mei. Since they don't love each other, then the two of them can break up peacefully, and there is no need to describe the cheating as revenge.

When a reporter asked Xiao Jia if there was any room for saving the marriage, Xiao Jia said bluntly that there was no chance. The reporter suggested that they go to the local judicial office for mediation.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

In the mediation room, Xiao Jia hoped to dissolve the relationship between the two and asked Zhao Mei to compensate for the four years of raising the child, plus mental damages totaling 200,000 yuan.

Zhao Mei said that she would rather go to jail than pay the money.

In the end, after several hours of mediation, the mediator obtained Xiao Jia's opinion and reduced the requested amount to 100,000 yuan. This time, Zhao Mei agreed to pay. The next day, the two applied for a divorce certificate. As for the child, Zhao Mei would raise it alone.

The man in front of him is named Xiao Jia. He is in his thirties. He has been married to his wife for seven years and has a son. But not long ago, he became pregnant with a son who was not his own, so he secretly took a paternity test with his son without telling his wife. When h - DayDayNews

In today's society, affairs within marriage often happen. This kind of thing can easily happen to two people whose marriage is in rift. Some people have relationships with others out of revenge, seemingly humiliating their husbands, but in fact they are ruining their happy families. Therefore, marriage requires two people to work together. There is no couple in the world who does not quarrel. What everyone needs is patience and understanding.

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