If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that

2024/06/1107:21:33 emotion 1783

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that she could not remarry until she remarried. By the time you know that you cannot remarry, it is already too late to say anything. I hope this case can remind all the elderly that if you also have this idea, you should take a closer look at this matter. Remarriage is not as beautiful as imagined. Let's take a look at this together.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

case story sharer,

63-year-old Aunt Li:

I was wrong, I should not have remarried. I used to think that I would be happy after remarrying. After all, there is someone who accompanies you and takes care of each other. What's wrong? Many old people choose to remarry because of this idea. I thought the same way at the beginning, even if my son wanted to sever ties with me and leave me alone. I still choose to remarry.

My son told me, we can support you, we can take care of you, why do you want to be with others? How will you explain it to your father after you are with someone else? Although your father has left you, there is no need for you to be with someone else. If there is nothing you can do, you will not be able to survive.

Let me put it another way. The problem is that the conditions are very good now. You have more than 1,000 yuan a month in pension, but you can barely spend it. Not to mention that we will give you money every month. If you want it, we will give it to you. We will give you as much as you want. Not living a good enough life? There was food and drink. I told my son that this is true, but not everything can be compensated for with money. You work outside every day, so what's the point of giving me money? What I need is companionship. Not long ago, a relative passed away in front of me. I have a very good relationship with that relative. I remember I told you about this too.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

I visited that relative two days ago. We made an appointment to go to the hospital with him for a checkup in a few days. On the appointed day to see how he was doing, the relative died at home. When I arrived, that relative had passed away. If I hadn't discovered it, do you think anyone would have discovered this?

How uncomfortable it would be if I didn't find it. In order to avoid these things happening. I feel that it is necessary for me to be with others. When I am with others, those things will not happen. If anything happens, he will call the police for me. If you can't help me, you can always call the police for me. And you are far away. How long will it take for you to come out?

It doesn’t mean that you are unreliable, but that you have your own life and your own world. If I rely on you, I might as well rely on myself, don’t you think? My daughter-in-law was left speechless by what I said. Then I chose to remarry. I didn't tell anyone when I was messing around again. You didn't tell your children about the time of remarriage. They only knew that I had remarried, but they did not expect that I would remarry so soon. I just want to be together as soon as possible and avoid long nights and dreams. After all, they don't approve of my remarriage, but I don't want to remarry. If I wait any longer, I'm afraid something unexpected will happen. So hurry up and get together.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

Just like this, Zhang Sheng and I were together. Shan Zhangsheng is an old colleague from my previous workplace. The two of us have known each other for a long time. He told me that remarriage is to accompany each other and take care of each other. I don’t want to trouble my children with my own affairs, and I don’t want to trouble my children with my own affairs. I think you remarried me because of this matter.

Of course, the main reason why I chose to remarry you is because I get along better with you. I have known you all my life and have a certain emotional foundation. I believe that the two of us will be happy in the future. This is how many old people choose their wives when they choose to remarry. I thought I had known him for a long time and had a relationship foundation. There will definitely be happiness in the future. I want to say that there is a gap between ideals and reality. Ideals are ideals and reality is reality. Even if there is a basis of affection between you.But it is still vulnerable in real life. Only when something goes wrong will you realize that a man is not staying with you just to take care of each other.

You won’t know their true purpose of remarrying you until something happens. Don't think that the person I met is bad. What I want to tell you is that they are all the same. The purpose of a man's remarriage is the same as yours. Never think that your man is different from my partner.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

Although it cannot be 100% identical. But what I am sure of is that most men, or most men, are the same. Their purpose for remarrying you. It's not as simple as you think. Do you think they really take care of each other? wrong. After we got together, I discovered that I had been cheated.

He doesn’t want to accompany me and take care of each other at all. After we are together, I am the only one who pays. Not only do I have to take care of him. I also have to help him take care of the kids. I work hard in this family. But in their eyes, I am still an outsider. I took care of them. But his children still can't accept me.

His children told me, if it weren’t for my father insisting on being with you, we wouldn’t agree. With these words, I knew that they couldn't accept me at all. Busy from morning to night, from Monday to Sunday, from the 1st to the 31st. No one knows how tired I am.

agreed at the beginning to accompany each other and take care of each other. Now I am the only one paying. Many people say why not let him pay? Do you think I don't want to? He doesn't listen to me at all and hangs out every day. Leave the things at home to me. I didn't want to do it either, but he came back and saw that I didn't do the housework well. Then he would keep talking about me.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

sometimes doesn't even give me food. He also asked me to give him a massage. As long as I'm a little bit disobedient. He would hit and scold him. Only then did I realize the true purpose of a man’s choice to remarry. It's not that he wants to accompany you and take care of each other, he just wants to find a nanny. This society is so realistic.

I discovered this problem after I got remarried, and I still want to escape. But I found that I couldn't escape if he and I just lived together. I can go home, the problem is that he and I are already married. What does getting married mean? It means we are a family. Where else can I go? And he took everything from me. All my previous belongings were taken away by him. Don't show me the phone. He didn't give me my ID card , and he didn't give me my money either. He told me that you don’t need money at home, so you can use my money to eat and drink from me. This time I will just keep the money for you. Just tell me what you want to buy and I will buy it for you. What he said was better than what he sang.

Then he took my money and my ID card as a matter of course. Now I can't even leave even if I want to. My son's home is more than 100 kilometers away. Now I want to tell my second sister about this matter. Firstly, I don’t dare to say it. Secondly, I don’t know how to say it. Thirdly, I can’t say it. Because I don’t even have a mobile phone, how can I tell my son?

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

And what’s the use if I tell my son? Others think I am living a good life, and their family here treats me well. In fact, what you see is that when outsiders are around, they are very nice to me, and when outsiders are away, I am their nanny. Not only have to take care of Zhang Sheng.

I still have to take care of his family. When I was living alone, I just had to take care of myself. Now I am the nanny for their family of 8. He has two sons. Then there were 4 more grandchildren. There are also two daughters-in-law...if Zhang Sheng is added to the list. Then I have to take care of 9 people. If I add myself, I have to take care of 10 people. When I was at home before, I never had to take care of myself among so many people. I just had to take care of myself. When I go to my son's place, I sometimes have to take care of them, but most of the time my son and his friends will be considerate of me and won't bother me too much.

wouldn't give me much to do, and after I came here, I was busy from morning to night, and they couldn't see me taking any time off.If you see that I have free time, you will let me do this and that. I even found some temporary workers to do it for me. Anyway, there is absolutely no way for me to be idle. If I couldn't work outside, they would take those handicrafts home and let me do them inside.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

They told me that there is a lot of pressure at home. We are all working outside to make money, and it would be too boring for you to be alone at home. You should do more of these crafts when you are free. Although we don’t make much money, it’s enough for our food expenses this month, or our electricity bill. Just make a little more, tell us when you're done, and we'll get it for you.

I want to refute, but I can't. No matter how I refute, now he can't leave even if we leave this. I was his wife, and one time the police came. Someone nearby had something stolen. House-to-house surveys were then examined. I quickly grabbed the policeman's arm.

told them about this and asked them to take me away. But Zhang Sheng and the others told the police that this person is my wife and this is our marriage certificate. You don't know what's going on, she's a little out of her mind...because he didn't hit me very much. So there are no traces on my body at all.

But it made me feel very wronged. Now the police don't believe me no matter what I say. Then he saw that he and I were members of the same family, but the police had no choice but to ignore it. Then they pulled me back in front of the police. Tell me when you are free to take me to the doctor. Let me call the police if this is really the case... What else can I say? I want to leave here but I can’t.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

Would this happen if I had not remarried? When I was living alone, I had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry. This happened only because I got remarried. The real purpose of those men who remarry and don't want to take care of each other with you is to make you his nanny. It sounds very nice to say nanny, but actually I think it should be a slave.

Because after you remarry, you will find that you have become their slave. If you want to live without dignity, whatever they say will be yours. That kind of thing that no one else can resist. If you dare to resist, I'll beat you. You and he are legally married. Where else do you think you can run? The more I think about it, the more I regret it. It's too late to say anything now, I can't leave even if I want to. I told him about divorce, but he didn't agree. Even if I didn't agree, he slapped me in the face. This slap scared me so much that one of my teeth was knocked out. I shouldn't have remarried.

If he had not remarried, all these things would not have happened. If he had known this, why would he have done it in the first place. Therefore, old people really cannot remarry. Don't wait until the end to find out the true purpose of those men remarrying you. By then it will be too late to say anything. It's better to live alone. If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews


If we had known this, why would there be so many old people who were happy when they remarried? Very few, very few, most old people are not happy when they remarry. I respect this old man as one of them. Many old people only find out the true purpose of someone else remarrying you after they get married. Just like the party member in the article, when you discover the true purpose of others, it is already too late.

Don’t people want to take advantage of you when they are with you? Otherwise, why would I be with you? You have to understand that people originally have their own families and their own world, so why do they want to be with you? Why add another burden? Just think about it and you will know why I want to be with you. Don’t you want to use you? Don't you want to bully you? so. If you are able to not remarry, try not to remarry. You can live alone. You can live alone and have enough food for the whole family. Wait until you can't do it now before you go to your children. By then your children will be responsible for you.

If you remarry, you want to run away but cannot run away from your children, want to be responsible for you but cannot be responsible for you. By that time you will know how uncomfortable it is to care, just like this incident in the article.If that's the case, you will definitely regret it. In order to avoid these things from happening, we must take a warning.

If the elderly can never remarry, they should try not to remarry. Because remarriage is not as simple as you think. Basically, few old people gain happiness through remarriage. Is it difficult for you to live alone? Why remarry? Just like the aunt in the article did not know that - DayDayNews

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