Ms. Huang, now 38 years old, suddenly received ambiguous photos of her husband having sex with another woman! Not only that, she also received a provocative text message from the woman, who asked Ms. Huang to either abdicate in favor of someone else or take her husband Guo Bin aw

2024/05/2023:26:33 emotion 1159

Ms. Huang, now 38 years old, suddenly received ambiguous photos of her husband having sex with another woman! Not only that, she also received a provocative text message from the woman, who asked Ms. Huang to either abdicate in favor of someone else or take her husband Guo Bin away from her.

Faced with the fact that her husband had cheated on her, Ms. Huang said that it was difficult for her to accept it for a while. But before she could figure it out, a third party came to the door and asked Ms. Huang why she didn't dare to add her contact information. He also asked Ms. Huang to divorce her husband Guo Bin as soon as possible and move out of that home.

Why is the mistress so arrogant? How did she and Ms. Huang’s husband get together? What is the attitude of Ms. Huang's husband Guo Bin when faced with the provocative mistress?

Ms. Huang, now 38 years old, suddenly received ambiguous photos of her husband having sex with another woman! Not only that, she also received a provocative text message from the woman, who asked Ms. Huang to either abdicate in favor of someone else or take her husband Guo Bin aw - DayDayNews

(Internet pictures have nothing to do with the content of the text)

Ms. Huang confided to me that she and her husband Guo Bin met twenty years ago.

She is a college student, but her husband Guo Bin is a working man in the society. A heavy rain made her meet Guo Bin in a hurry at the door of the bookstore. Perhaps it was pity to see her standing alone at the door of the bookstore holding a book, so Guo Bin only hesitated for a moment and handed her the umbrella in his hand.

This was originally just an unexpected encounter, but for Ms. Huang, who had never been in love before, it was like a romantic plot in an idol drama, especially when the other person was pretty good-looking.

Twenty years ago, mobile phones were popular, but they were not as convenient as they are now. In order to return the umbrella in time, Ms. Huang will go to the bookstore whenever she has time. Huang Tian paid off her hard work. Half a month later, she "encountered" Guo Bin again and left her contact information.

At the beginning, the two people just chatted without saying a word. Guo Bin told Ms. Huang that his family's conditions were not good and he stopped studying after high school. He was currently working in a factory and was engaged in sales work. Because of his introverted personality and poor performance, he was often scolded by his boss.

Ms. Huang felt very sorry for him. While comforting him, she would also give him advice. Gradually, Guo Bin's personality began to become cheerful, and he seemed to be able to do business with ease.

When Ms. Huang was 19 years old, the two established a romantic relationship, which lasted for three years.

After graduating from college, Guo Bin proposed to Ms. Huang, and Ms. Huang agreed without even thinking about it. However, this marriage was strongly opposed by Ms. Huang's parents. They believed that the Guo family's conditions were not good and the family burden was heavy. Even if Guo Bin himself made progress, he would not be able to escape the influence of his original family. His daughter might not be able to enjoy happiness if she marries, but she will definitely endure hardships. .

Ms. Huang, who was immersed in love, couldn't listen to her parents' advice at all. When Guo Bin's family couldn't get the bride price, couldn't give three golds, , or even a new house, she secretly received the "Marriage" with Guo Bin. "Certificate", it turned raw rice into cooked rice.

Ms. Huang, now 38 years old, suddenly received ambiguous photos of her husband having sex with another woman! Not only that, she also received a provocative text message from the woman, who asked Ms. Huang to either abdicate in favor of someone else or take her husband Guo Bin aw - DayDayNews

(Internet pictures have nothing to do with the content of the text)

But Ms. Huang’s efforts did not win Guo Bin’s family to treat her differently. Instead, Guo Bin’s parents believed that she was in a hurry to marry their son. The day after she received the certificate, her parents-in-law mentioned other girls in front of her, saying that the girl from that family was tall and had a good figure, that the girl from that family had big eyes and was beautiful, that the girl from that family was capable and could earn A lot of money. In short, those girls had one thing in common, they all liked their Guo Bin, but only Ms. Huang missed it.

Guo Bin's parents believe that Ms. Huang has accumulated great virtues by being able to marry Guo Bin.

Although Ms. Huang felt aggrieved, for Guo Bin's sake, she didn't care about his parents. She thinks that she lives her life with Guo Bin, as long as Guo Bin understands her and treats her well.

But marriage is not a matter between two people. Even at the beginning, Guo Bin would still protect her and think about her. As time went by, he was influenced by his family members and felt that Ms. Huang was a high-ranking person when she married him. It is appropriate not to give a bride price at this time, and I think Ms. Huang is not qualified to ask for it. I think Ms. Huang's family is in good condition and it is appropriate to subsidize their small family.

After her son was born, her parents-in-law found various reasons not to help take care of her, so Ms. Huang had no choice but to ask her parents for help.From the child's birth to elementary school, from the milk powder the child eats, the diapers he uses, to the clothes he wears, the car he uses, and the toys he buys, all are given by Ms. Huang's parents, including the expenses for the child's kindergarten. Ms. Huang's parents paid for it.

From the perspective of Ms. Huang’s parents, as long as their daughter lives a good life, it doesn’t matter how her parents-in-law are. One generation does not care about the affairs of the other generation, and the old couple may not be able to take care of them.

With the help of Ms. Huang’s parents, the young couple saved money to buy a house and a car, and finally settled down in this city. However, as his position became higher and higher and his income increased, Guo Bin not only did not try his best to make up for Ms. Huang and treat Ms. Huang's parents as he had promised, but instead thought that Ms. Huang's parents were interfering with them. Marriage and life, I think the reason why they are willing to take care of children is because they are competing with their parents for children.

Because of these things, there were many disputes between Ms. Huang and Guo Bin. Ms. Huang wanted Guo Bin to understand that it was because of her that her parents provided money and effort to help them, and the reason why she supported her family was because she loved Guo Bin and wanted to live a good life with him. But Guo Bin didn't understand. He thought this was Ms. Huang showing off and accusing his parents of being incompetent and his incompetence.

Ms. Huang, now 38 years old, suddenly received ambiguous photos of her husband having sex with another woman! Not only that, she also received a provocative text message from the woman, who asked Ms. Huang to either abdicate in favor of someone else or take her husband Guo Bin aw - DayDayNews

(Internet pictures have nothing to do with the content of the text)

Regarding his cheating, Guo Bin did not deny it. He said that the reason why he cheated was because Ms. Huang was too careless and domineering, always wanting to dominate in the marriage. .

But when Ms. Huang asked him how he did it, the examples Guo Bin gave were untenable.

He said that Ms. Huang was lazy and that she was unwilling to go to work after the birth of her child. When Ms. Huang asked him what to do with her child when she went to work. Guo Bin's answer was: "Are your parents looking after the child?"

Ms. Huang's parents are helping her take care of the child, but the care is not all day because the parents have their own things to do. 24 hours a day, Ms. Huang has to look after her for at least 18 hours.

He said that Ms. Huang was unwilling to wash clothes and cook, but after more than ten years of marriage, Ms. Huang washed all his clothes, including socks. Even when he went on a business trip, he would buy dozens of pairs of socks, pack the socks he changed out, and drag them home for Ms. Huang to wash together.

He said that Ms. Huang did not make money, but since her son entered kindergarten at the age of two and a half, Ms. Huang found a job very close to home. Not only did she not ask Guo Bin for living expenses, she also used her own salary to pay the mortgage. Purchase daily necessities and clothes for Guo Bin for all seasons.

In the end, Guo Bin, who had nothing to say, attributed his change of heart to Ms. Huang's appearance, thinking she was not pretty enough. He also said that the reason why he married her was not because of love, but because she was a nice person.

Faced with such a heartless husband, Ms. Huang was heartbroken. She agreed to divorce Guo Bin, but the marital property must be divided equally, and the custody of her son must be given to her.

Regarding the custody of his son, Guo Bin has no objection, but he is unwilling to share the marital assets such as the RV with Ms. Huang equally. The reason is that Ms. Huang has not earned much money in the years after marriage, and the down payment and mortgage for the house are all. He earned it. Although the son was raised by Ms. Huang, the custody rights were also given to her, so Ms. Huang would not suffer any loss. He also generously expressed his willingness to pay alimony after the divorce.

It was because Ms. Huang was unwilling to leave the house with her child that Guo Bin allowed his mistress to come and provoke her. Faced with the aggressive and arrogant third party, and her husband who blamed all the mistakes on herself and asked her to leave the house with her children, Ms. Huang was angry and resentful.

In the end, she decided to take up the legal weapon to defend herself and her son's legitimate rights and interests. The things the mistress sent her were the most direct evidence that her husband Guo Bin had cheated on her during the marriage.

As for the mistress, her original identity was Guo Bin’s colleague, and she was also a single and divorced woman. Ordinarily, as a divorced woman, she should understand the difficulty of marriage and the hardships of women, but she did it regardless and became a mistress, and even shamelessly came to find trouble with her original wife. I have to say that she and Guo Bin are truly a perfect match.I personally suggest that Ms. Huang get divorced as soon as possible and stop entangled with such people. As for her heartless ex-husband, just give it to the mistress who has no bottom line.

original article, reprinting is prohibited. Guo Bin is a pseudonym in the article, and any similarity is purely coincidental.

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