At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure?

2019/10/0516:20:11 emotion 483


A few days ago, I saw a hot topic on Zhihu.

At the age of 25, I didn't accomplish anything, how can I get out of this failed life?

You know friends comment: "No house, no car, deposit less than 50,000; work often, lack of experience, slam slam..."

This answer is like most people 25 years old.

Work for two or three years, with a salary that is neither high nor low. Seeing the success of other people in their careers, sighing about what they are doing, and looking forward to when they will be like him.

Walking on the street, I saw the young couple who was playing and making a fuss, and at the same time swearing naively, I suddenly found that I seemed to be a big boss, envied and anxious.

Dissatisfied with the present, but it seems that there is no goal or motivation. Like an ant on a hot pan, frightened and confused.

I once asked several young people in the company what it means to do nothing, and the answer is this:

25 years old, never had a relationship, have a job that I don’t like, no house or car , Still in debt, more than a year after graduation, the job is erratic.

27 years old, has a bad relationship with colleagues, the company atmosphere is depressed; I can't find a partner and always get married.

30 years old. After graduation, I returned to the small county and lived a comfortable life for 6 years. I regretted that I didn't continue the postgraduate entrance examination. I slowly lost myself in the small county and lost my will.

Open your mouth and shut your mouth: I’m too difficult.

But whose 25-year-old is not like this?

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews


I watched a very interesting video:

Taiwan 104 Foundation, find business owners and executives from various industries, yes Several anonymous resumes for evaluation.

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews

These resumes have been rejected without exception.


The first one comes from director Ang Lee.

The second copy is Wu Baochun, the world champion baker.

and the last one is from people around them.

Even they are surprised, how could it be "him"?

Look: Most people are 25+ years old, and they can do nothing or have nothing.

Li Ang didn’t have any formal work before the age of 33, but it did not prevent him from shooting "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Fantasy Drifting of the Youth Pie" and other excellent works. He won two Oscars and Best Director. prize.

Haruki Murakami only started writing at the age of 29. He woke up at 4:30 in the morning and went to bed at 9 in the evening for 35 years in a row. It was so thunderous that he achieved today's results. Obama retired at the age of 55, and Trump only became president at the age of 70.

You will find that everyone has their own life and the way they need to go. No one's life is exactly the same, and no one's progress is exactly the same.

25 years old, nothing, in fact, it is not that scary.

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews


Harvard University has done a study:

There are nine root causes for a person's failure: indecision, delay, three-minute popularity , Fear of rejection, self-limitation, escape from reality, always make excuses, fear, and refuse to learn.

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews

A 25-year-old netizen once analyzed that he did nothing. It is very appropriate:

Knows to work hard and earn money, but it is always three minutes of popularity and love Procrastination, I finally got motivation, and it disappeared after a few days. The days of muddling every day are a true portrayal.

Three minutes of heat, make excuses, don’t learnXi is a common problem for most young people who do nothing.

"I picked up a book, flipped a few pages, put it down, picked up my phone, and watched TV shows on Weibo, which celebrity got divorced again.

I want to exercise, but I just insisted on it. Good day, I feel tired from exercising, so give up.

I want to learn PS. I have learned it for a few days. I am not this material. Forget it. "

That took two high school entrance examinations, three college entrance examinations, college entrance examination mathematics Everyone knows those who only scored 1 point on the test, applied for 10 times and were rejected by Harvard, and were rejected 30 times for a job.

is such a person who refuses to admit defeat and does not give up. He founded Alibaba when he was 35 years old.

Ma Yun said: At that time no one believed that I would succeed, but I believed that something was waiting for me and I needed to work hard to prove myself.

So, you will understand that behind nothing is done, there are beautiful excuses.

Confused, often just avoiding hard work.

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews


If nothing happens, how can I change my destiny?

  • Get out of your comfort zone and refuse to set your own limits.

Everyone is afraid of the unknown inside, but always lying in the comfort zone, it is impossible to grow.

Last year, there was a 74-year-old Guangxi grandma who became popular on the Internet.

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews

This grandma has only a diploma in the third grade of elementary school. With her own efforts, she already speaks 11 foreign languages ​​including English, French, Spanish, Japanese and Korean, most of them You can simply communicate.

21 years ago, the 53-year-old grandma made a living by farming and selling water under the Moon Mountain in Yangshuo.

In the process of communicating with foreign tourists, grandma learned English by herself.

Over 50 years, never touched English books, grandma relied on her persistence and kept communicating with foreign tourists, her spoken English became better and better, and more and more foreign tourists came to her as a tour guide many.

There is a famous flea principle in psychology. It is said that the jumping ability of a flea is extraordinary, and the height that it can jump can generally reach 200 times its body length. But if you put the fleas in a cup and cover the lid, the fleas can only jump up and hit the lid. After a while, even if the lid was removed, it was discovered that no matter how high a flea jumped, the lid was as high as the lid.

The flea has gradually adapted to its jumping height invisibly. Even if the obstacles that hindered it no longer exist, it can no longer jump to a new height.

In life, why don't most people lead a "flea life".

Dare to try, life can change. The most precious thing in life is not wealth, power, or fame, but the path you have traveled.

  • Setting goals and plans

Some people say: Life without goals is called toss, and life with goals is called Pentium.

I once watched an interview with Zhou Xun and heard her talk about her 10-year goal: I hope I will become the best actress in ten years, and at the same time I can release an album of my own.

Imagine that ten years later, at the age of 28, he is already a popular star and he has released an album at the same time.

So when I was 27 years old, in addition to filming movies by famous directors, I must also have a complete music work that can be given to many record companies.

When I was 25 years old, I must continue to study and think in my acting career. In addition, there must be great works in music to start recording.

At the age of 23, you must receive all kinds of training and training, including music and physical.

When I was 20, I started to compose music and lyrics. In terms of acting, I will take over larger roles.

After 10 years, she really did it.

This is a life with a goal, it will drive you towards your dream, closer, closer.

After we find the goal, we must learn to make a plan:

  1. Think about what we will be like in three, five, and ten years?
  2. push forward, what goals will be accomplished each year.
  3. is like peeling an onion, disassembling the big goals each year, specifically what to do every day.
  4. Be your own supervisor: execute strictly according to the plan, and conduct regular reviews every week and every month.
  • Find your own rhythm

Many people’s pain stems from wrong comparisons.

There is a passage in the TED talk "Don’t let anyone disrupt the rhythm of your life" that touched me:

"Some people graduated at 21, and didn’t find a satisfactory job until 27;

有的人graduated at 25 years old, but immediately found a job;

Some people did not go to college, but found something they love at the age of 16;

Some people found good after graduation Work, make a lot of money, but have a bad time;

Some people get married, but wait 10 years before they have children;

Some people have children but are still single."

Everyone has their own rhythm of life, we don’t have to spend our lives in accordance with other people’s scripts.

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews

Therefore, instead of eagerly pursuing success in the eyes of others, perhaps we should learn to redefine "failure".

Yang Lan once said: "Twenty When you are investing and saving, you must raise your future capital. The charm of thirty will not fall from the sky. If the previous 29 years did not work hard enough, then there will be no miracles after 30 years of age."

20 How old is the critical moment of growth, there is really no need to label yourself too early, as long as you get out of your comfort zone and find your own rhythm, failure is never worse than anyone else, but you never Tried to make life more exciting.

At the age of 25, there is still nothing, life is doomed to failure? - DayDayNews

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