"In the past, we were very worried about unsupervised children at home during the summer and winter vacations. But now every town has summer day care classes, and everyone feels more at ease." On the afternoon of July 14, a doctor from Yangcheng Lake People's Hospital in Suzhou "

2024/07/0306:32:32 education 1109

"In the past, we were very worried about unsupervised children at home during the summer and winter vacations. But now every town has summer nursery classes , and everyone feels more at ease." On the afternoon of July 14, Yangcheng Lake, Suzhou The "Pioneers of Humane Medicine" from the People's Hospital went into the lakeside community of Suzhou Xiangcheng Resort (Yangchenghu Town) and brought several colorful and interesting medical courses to the children in the summer nursery there.

In order to allow the children to increase their medical knowledge without making it boring, the medical staff of the hospital carefully prepared the lecture content. Not only are there PPTs in the form of videos and comics, but there are also “real materials”.

Xi Ping, a party member doctor from the hospital's internal medicine department, was the first to take the stage. He explained the basic skills and precautions of "cardiopulmonary resuscitation" to the children. He said, "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a very important skill. If teenagers master this skill from an early age, it will be useful throughout their lives!" In addition, Xi Ping also cited some common infectious diseases and preventive measures in children based on her own clinical experience. . Basically, the transmission routes of many infectious diseases are related to the respiratory tract and digestive tract. He emphasized the importance of wearing masks and washing hands. After each class, he also gave the children assessment questions.

The safety of teenagers and children during holidays is also a matter of great concern to schools and parents, so the second doctor Zhu Jie will talk about emergency care and accidental injuries that are common in people's lives. "Such as drowning, clicks, burns, etc., these are all likely to be encountered in person, so learn some first aid methods and emergency measures. One can protect yourself, and the other can also minimize the harm of the injured person. "In the lecture, the doctor also pointed out that some injuries can be prevented or avoided, such as swimming drowning. Children must not swim alone in wild rivers during holidays. If they want to swim, they must go to a regular swimming pool with their parents.

The last person to share with you “real materials” is Gu Yuhong, a pharmacist at the hospital. She collected some ingredients with the same origin as medicine and food from her kitchen at home, and used them as lecture content to spread the culture of traditional Chinese medicine to the children, which was warmly welcomed by the children.

Although the afternoon class was a bit long, the children were very serious and actively spoke and interacted with the teachers. They enthusiastically shared their own or their family’s experiences with the teachers, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"I have never given lessons to children before. This is my first time. I didn't expect the results to be quite good!" Zhu Jie, who walked onto the podium for the first time, said with a smile: "I was a little nervous at first, but I will participate more in this class if I have the opportunity in the future." It is very meaningful to spread this knowledge to children! Maybe this class is a seed of medicine!”

Correspondent Gu Yuhong Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Tianyi

Proofreading Sheng Yuanyuan

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