I am an only child from Nanchang, Jiangxi. My parents have been laid off for many years. When I was in high school, my father went out to work. My mother was not in good health and she stayed at home to study with her. He studied editing and publishing at East China Normal Univer

2024/07/0302:11:34 education 1848

I am an only child from Nanchang, Jiangxi. My parents have been laid off for many years. When I was in high school, my father went out to work. My mother was not in good health and she stayed at home to study with her. He studied editing and publishing at East China Normal Univer - DayDayNews

A classmate: Hard work, self-improvement and self-reliance

I am an only child from Nanchang, Jiangxi. My parents have been laid off for many years. When I was in high school, my father went out to work, and my mother was in poor health and stayed at home to study with me.

studied editing and publishing at East China Normal University when he was an undergraduate. He joined the Communist Party of China in his sophomore year and won three professional scholarships, one third-class scholarship, two second-class college scholarships, one national second-class scholarship, and one outstanding student cadre of the school. Later, he was recommended to East China Normal University for postgraduate study in cultural theory and editing and publishing practice. When

was studying, her family was under great financial pressure. Her income was only enough to cover her study expenses and daily living expenses. Her classmate’s mother did not have much education. Although she could not tutor her in her studies, she would silently support her. She was very open-minded and unlike other students. The parents of her classmates are also asking about the rankings because she has confidence in their children.

Her mother often praised her in front of her neighbors, saying, "My child has had good study habits since she was a child, has excellent grades, is very obedient, and can do what she is supposed to do without me having to say anything."

Her parents' open-mindedness has helped her since she was a child. He is very independent and very independent..

After going to college, her mother went to the city where her father worked. From that moment on, she was determined to be self-reliant, study hard, and earn money part-time.

’s eyes turned red when she talked about her parents’ long-term frugality.

The tuition for the first year was financed by a loan. Starting from the second semester, I applied for a scholarship through hard study, plus the income from my part-time job in freshman year and my parents’ savings. Basically, the tuition was enough, and I earned my own living expenses.

I have never bought any new clothes or cosmetics. It can be said that I have always been very rustic and envious of Shanghai girls who dress fashionably and have no worries about food and clothing.

B classmate: clear goal, persistent pursuit

I am from Jingmen, Hubei Province, and my income from farming is pitiful. My parents are not very smart people, so I farm steadily.

studied at the School of Public Administration of Central South University in Hunan Province, majoring in administrative management, and minored in foreign trade English at the School of Foreign Languages ​​at Central South University, and received a minor degree certificate. After graduation, he was recommended to School of Public Affairs at Xiamen University to study for a master's degree in public administration. postgraduate.

For a student who is also a minor in foreign trade English and also wants to make money part-time, you can imagine how much patience and perseverance it takes. It can really be called hard work.

lived a very poor life before high school. When he was growing up in high school, his monthly living expenses were only RMB 1 yuan. He would not buy instant noodles that cost more than one yuan. He also joked, "My lean figure was saved at that time." "Although his family did not provide much financial support to him during college and graduate school, the diligence and hard work of his family members had a profound impact on him, making him not afraid of hardship or tiredness.

C classmate: Experienced hardship and adapted to society

was born in an ordinary peasant family. He supports his family through farming. There are four people in the family, and he has a younger brother who is in high school.

studied Chinese language and literature at Shaanxi Normal University as an undergraduate. He received scholarships every year during his studies. He served as the editor-in-chief of "Chinese Information Materials" in the School of Liberal Arts, and the editor and reporter of the base class publication "Lanwan".

"Because I was young and ignorant, the thing that impressed me most about my parents is that I only understand it now. It was the scene of the whole family working in the cotton fields under the scorching sun. My parents were always walking in front of my brother and me. "

Before high school, like many other poor students, he relied entirely on his family's financial and psychological support. His two children went to school, and it was really difficult to just farm the acres of cotton. As for labor, the cycle of picking cotton alone is as long as three months, and there are also paddy fields. You can imagine how hard it is. Now that rural policies have improved, the pressure has been slightly relieved.

D classmate: Caring for others, brave and tenacious

A native of Huanggang, Hubei Province, she studied at Central China Normal University for her undergraduate degree. She is not particularly outstanding among these classmates, but she is the one who impressed me the most.

"The family conditions are not good. I have a younger sister and a younger brother who are studying. My father was re-employed by his employer after he was laid off. He only earns less than 1 yuan per month. My mother farmed at home and basically had enough to live on, but she could not afford the high tuition fees. , so my tuition fees will be paid by loans for the next three years. "

" The student loan application form written by my father is full of a father's helplessness and hope. My father will cry every time I see this. The love for me is very implicit and can only be felt if you feel it with your heart. It is also this thing that brings me closer to my father."

She worked a lot of part-time jobs in college because she never paid. Adds extra burden to home.

sent money to her family as soon as she got her salary after working, and planned to save money to repay the loan. She comforted her parents not to worry about repayment, as long as she was there.

She is a very filial and caring girl.

She said "For four years in college, I worked a lot of part-time jobs outside of school, especially tutoring, almost without interruption since I was a freshman. Since I just came to school as a freshman, I didn't know much about the surrounding environment. I didn't go through an agency until the month of January. I found a tutor at Yangjiawan and went there three times a week. Although it was not far away, it happened to be winter at that time, so I still faced the wind every time and it was quite cold. Fortunately, I was there. The people were very kind to me. During the summer vacation of my freshman year, I saw "Crazy English" recruiting agents on the school wall, so I found it difficult at first because I had never been exposed to it before, so I used the stupidest one. The method was to find a dormitory for freshmen, but the effect was quite good. Later, it was praised by some people, so my self-confidence was greatly improved, and I was able to do any part-time job in the next two years. I mainly work as a tutor, which is very hard during this period. I have to go to the tutor's home every day and go back to school. It's very tiring. Sometimes I really want to give up. Like others, I study when I want to and rest when I don't want to study. . But when I thought about the living expenses and the good tutoring, I didn’t quit until I graduated from college, which was a good start.”

E classmate: hardworking and determined, staying happy

I am from Chengdu, Sichuan, and my parents are farmers. The farmer has a simple and hard-working character. She once opened a small grocery store. Later, someone else opened a large, spacious and bright supermarket in the town, so her small shop closed down. Fortunately, she did not lose money. Later, I raised pigs and chickens, but they were unsuccessful, and the family's situation never improved.

studied as an undergraduate at Huazhong University of Science and Technology , and was the local top scorer in liberal arts in the college entrance examination.

She said "It is very difficult for parents to provide education for our three children. Nowadays, some families in rural areas have difficulty in providing education for one child. You can imagine the difficulties of our family.

Later, my eldest brother left school. It wasn't because of bad grades, but because I was rushed home by my teacher to collect my tuition fees, and was laughed at by my classmates. I felt that my self-esteem was hurt, so I got angry and took a few clothes and went to work, and I didn't finish high school. The pain in his heart is also the pain in my heart.

In school, because of my poor family background, I was not as good as others in food and clothing. I also shed tears secretly, but I always felt that I was lucky. My parents did not favor boys over girls and did not let me study. , the school’s scholarships and student loans relieved my living expenses pressure a lot, and coupled with my crazy summer part-time job, I successfully graduated. "

My parents are very down-to-earth, responsible, and able to endure hardships. Very hardworking, which has a relatively large impact on the formation of a character with strong self-esteem and striving to do well in everything.

Good family education is the foundation for poor students to become talented

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has placed family education in a very prominent position. The ancients said, "If you want to rule your country, you must first rule your family." "If the family is in order, the country will be governed, and if the country is governed, the world will be peaceful." Teach your children to establish good conduct, and the family will assume greater responsibilities. Family education is a factor that cannot be ignored in a person's success and is the foundation for the success of students from poor families.

1. Characteristics of good family education

The concept of family education is changing from one-way decision-making to two-way parent-child interaction, which shows that more and more parents not only have aspirations, but also begin to master scientific parenting methods.Good family upbringing has its own characteristics, specifically the following points:

First, the parent-child relationship is close.

In a family with good family education, the relationship between parents and children is close.

A normal parent-child relationship should be a sub-equality relationship. Parents have a certain degree of authority in front of their children, and at the same time, children also have sufficient democracy.

The relationship between parents and children is one of mutual care, mutual support, and mutual understanding. Children’s opinions are sought when making decisions related to their children. Children can put forward their own opinions on many issues, and they can also express their opinions on certain decisions made by their parents. Oppose the practice.

The relationship between parents and children is basically equal. There is not only family affection between parents and children, but also friendship between friends.

The second is the atmosphere of democracy and equality.

Families with good family education establish a sense of democracy and equality and create a harmonious family atmosphere.

In a family with a good family education, parents listen to their children's conversations, understand their children's material and psychological needs, communicate on an equal footing, and respect their children's choices. In a family with a good family education, the parents navigate carefully, are not authoritarian, are not laissez-faire, and create a true Democratic family. "Democracy" is not only a necessity in political society, but also crucial in family education. It plays a positive role in cultivating children's good conduct and abilities.

Third, parents are in step with each other.

Due to different life backgrounds and experiences of parents, educational attitudes and methods may be different, or even very different. In a family with good family education, parents give their children sincere love, work in unison, jointly shoulder the responsibility of educating their children, study hard together, learn by doing, have a unified understanding, work together, and divide labor according to each person's specific situation. Even if the other party finds that there is something inappropriate in educating the children, they will not sing the opposite, do not expose the differences in front of the children, but coordinate afterwards.

The fourth requirement is reasonable and moderate.

In a well-educated family, parents respect their children, are loving but not coquettish, strict but dignified, loose but not permissive, and free but not indulgent. Parents should show appropriate love, appropriate demands, and appropriate control in the process of family education.

Fifth, the content is active and comprehensive.

In a well-educated family, parents attach great importance to etiquette education and make civilized etiquette behavior a habit. They attach importance to independent education and require children to tidy up their own rooms and things around them. They pay attention to children's frustration education. When children are frustrated, parents encourage themselves. To overcome difficulties, pay attention to self-esteem and self-confidence education. Self-esteem and self-confidence are cultivated through parents’ equality, respect, unconditional love, encouragement, praise and other means. It is a psychological state of children’s doing things. Pay attention to innovative education, pay attention to the cultivation of children's innovative personality, pay attention to cultivating children's curiosity, adventurous spirit and hands-on ability, and develop children's imagination.

Sixth is the combination of precepts and deeds.

Every move, word and deed of parents has a subtle influence on their children. This subtle influence is the basic method of family moral education. It is much stronger and deeper than school moral education and social moral education.

Parents' good words and deeds will benefit their children throughout their lives and will integrate the school's moral education effectiveness. Bad words and deeds will weaken the moral education effectiveness of the school and even ruin the child's life.

2. Good family upbringing promotes the growth of poor students.

Good family upbringing is like a compass, always guiding children to sail in the right direction. Fu is like a fertile soil, always nourishing a healthy personality. It is like a booster, guiding children to the right direction. Take off to the runway.

A good family upbringing has a huge role in promoting the growth of poor students, which is mainly reflected in the following four aspects:

First, a harmonious and upward family atmosphere encourages students to set ambitious goals.

Good family education is conducive to cultivating children's lofty aspirations.

If the parents are people who love life, the children will also be full of love for life. If parents live in a gloomy life, the child's sky will not be sunny.

Parents’ firm pursuit, professionalism and sense of responsibility serve as role models for their children.Meng's mother moved three times. With her correct guidance, there would be a generation of genius Mencius 's eloquent mother-in-law tattoos. With her ardent expectations, there would be a powerful Yue Fei . Su Xun was determined, and with His diligent study and demonstration led to the beautiful saying that "three fathers and sons in one discipline are all great writers." Good tutoring,

, allows children to fly higher and further. Even if they come from a "poor family", they still hope to one day "return home in glory". Classmate

B said, "My motivation for studying mainly comes from my family." Classmate

's parents often told her, "Our family's conditions are not good. You must study hard and rely on your own strength to enter the society."

These words It was her parents' simplest and most sincere expectations for her that inspired her to establish lofty ideals.

The second is to cultivate a self-esteem and self-confidence mentality to help students form an independent personality.

Good family education is conducive to the formation of children's cheerful personality and healthy mind.

An optimistic, cheerful, enthusiastic, and brave person always gives people a feeling of being alive and active, while a silent, introverted, lonely, and timid person will only give people a feeling of shrinking, and the effect of study and work will be poor. You can imagine.

An independent personality requires encouragement, praise, affirmation, and support molded by parents' love, which will definitely make children confident. Criticism, accusation, beating, scolding, and denial will only make children feel at a loss.

Therefore, good tutoring is a fertile ground for children to form a cheerful personality and a healthy mind. With it, it is more conducive to the development of a healthy mind. With it, it is easier for children to form an independent personality and take the first step towards success.

Parental encouragement is the source of self-confidence for disadvantaged students.

Third, moderate and reasonable setback education develops students' good adaptability.

Frustration education in family education can stimulate children's potential and combat their pride. Through such artificial setbacks, children can clearly understand the role of frustration on themselves, correctly understand their own abilities, eliminate their pride, and quit. Frustration education in arrogant and impetuous family education enables children to enjoy the joy of success and better adapt to modern society.

Children who have not suffered setbacks are like "flowers" in a greenhouse and cannot adapt well to society. Only by mastering the methods of coping with setbacks in the process of facing setbacks can they better adapt to society. .

Students from disadvantaged families encounter more difficulties and tests than ordinary people in the process of studying. Many of them are not set by man and must be overcome in the process of becoming talents. The frustration education in the family allows students to have the thoughts and will to deal with setbacks correctly. , have a good attitude when facing setbacks and work hard to overcome them. Of course, frustration education is not about finding a setback to educate children. It is not necessary to deliberately create difficulties. When a child encounters a setback, you must seize the opportunity to lead her out of the setback and exercise her psychological endurance.

Parents of disadvantaged students may not understand the meaning of frustration education, but their words of encouragement and occasional "cold water" behavior are a kind of frustration education. Their difficult process of providing education for their children is a vivid example of overcoming difficulties. Their silent persistence is a vivid teaching material for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Fourth, he tirelessly teaches through words and deeds to provide students with vivid examples for learning.

Family is the first school for children, and parents are their children's teachers and role models.

Words are the transmission and influence of the language activities of parents and elders on children. Teaching by example is the influence of parents and elders on children through their own actions. Through words and deeds, the moral principles of the society, the principles of life, and the good moral character and good moral character of parents are conveyed. Personality is passed on to children.

Ban Gu and Banchao in the Eastern Han Dynasty were influenced by their historian father Ban Biao and wrote "Hanshu". Wang Fuzhi of the Ming Dynasty was influenced by his scholar father. Gu Yanwu became a great thinker under the influence of his stepmother, which illustrates this point.

In a family of poor students, the child's character may be upright and ambitious like his father, or he may be gentle and loving like his mother. Their hard work, frugality, simplicity, tenacity, kindness and other excellent characters and behaviors are vivid to the students. example.Classmate

D’s parents are hard-working and simple. She said, “My parents are very down-to-earth, responsible, able to endure hardships, and work hard. This has had a great impact on my character of having strong self-esteem and trying my best to do well in everything.”

I am an only child from Nanchang, Jiangxi. My parents have been laid off for many years. When I was in high school, my father went out to work. My mother was not in good health and she stayed at home to study with her. He studied editing and publishing at East China Normal Univer - DayDayNews

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