The college entrance examination application form has come to an end, and the children are waiting for the admission notice from the school they long for. The neighbor's children are twins. The two boys have enjoyed innate advantages since they were young and have become partners

2024/07/0202:11:32 education 1224

The college entrance examination volunteer application form has come to an end, and the children are waiting for the admission notice from the school they yearn for. The neighbor's children are twins. The two boys have enjoyed innate advantages since they were young. They have become partners who encourage each other in learning.

Neighbors said that they did not worry too much about their children's studies. The two children completed each other's studies. At first, it was not easy for the children to push each other when they were young. However, they did not expect that when they are older, they can supervise each other's studies together.

From elementary school to middle school, two children studied in the same class. When they reached high school, they bid farewell to the nine-year compulsory education and were admitted to two different high schools based on their own abilities. Both brothers were very competitive and got into our first place. and attended two high schools in the second.

However, in high school life with different influences, the two people gradually developed a gap. The result of the college entrance examination was that the elder brother who went to the first institution of higher education got six points lower than the younger brother who went to the second institution of higher education. The difference started in high school. , the two of them were destined to part ways in college.

The two children were born just a few minutes apart, but they have different lives.

The college entrance examination application form has come to an end, and the children are waiting for the admission notice from the school they long for. The neighbor's children are twins. The two boys have enjoyed innate advantages since they were young and have become partners - DayDayNews

Everyone’s life trajectory is customized, even for twins born one after another.

Each of us does not depend on others to survive, so our lives cannot be defined by others.

I often hear that the education of our parents is to let us establish our dreams and goals from an early age. This is the expectation of parents for the next generation, and they also hope that the next generation will not be as mediocre and mediocre as they are today.

The starting point of parents’ ardent hopes for us must be to make their children better than themselves.

But you must understand that the future path still needs to be chosen by the child. You must always know your position. When the child is born, you are no longer the owner of the child's car, but sitting in the co-pilot can only help. He is looking at the road and cannot control the direction of the car.

The college entrance examination application form has come to an end, and the children are waiting for the admission notice from the school they long for. The neighbor's children are twins. The two boys have enjoyed innate advantages since they were young and have become partners - DayDayNews

Your dream is decided and realized by yourself. It is how you want to live, not what others say you want to live.

We have all heard this joke: Some stupid birds know that they are stupid, so they will fly earlier. Some stupid birds know that they are stupid, so they simply stop flying. They build nests, hatch an egg, and then try their best to fly. Let the next generation fly according to their own planned route.

Parents who do this must be because their own lives are not easy, and they are forcing their own unhappiness on the next generation. Because the life they instill in their children is not what the children really want, but the last wishes of their parents.

Do you need dreams in life? Of course, it is necessary, and the dream is not a vague fantasy, it has an action path that can be executed, and there are some challenges. You need to understand what kind of living state you need to achieve what kind of life needs you need.

To be responsible for your own life, you must formulate your own life blueprint. After designing the blueprint, you don't just push forward blindly. You need to make varying degrees of modifications according to the progress.

Your customized life can be strong, gentle, elegant, or cute. The key point is that it is a state that you work hard for according to your own needs. It is not only wealth, but also a self-reliant spirit, which may be full of thorns. , you will cry, you will lose, you will fail, but you should not be afraid of it, just live in your own way.

Your life cannot be copied, but it can be customized by you.

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