Topic: Seemingly inconspicuous things. Requirements: (1) Write a narrative essay with a word count of about 600 words; (2) Do not reveal personal information and do not plagiarize. (3) Please pay attention to correct handwriting and neat roll surface. [Analysis] This is a very di

2024/07/0202:08:32 education 1391

topic: Seemingly inconspicuous things


(1) Write a narrative of about 600 words;

(2) Do not disclose personal information and do not plagiarize.

(3) Please note that the handwriting is correct and the paper is neat.

[Analysis] This is a very dialectical and philosophical proposition composition. Judging from "seemingly inconspicuous things", it means "insignificant little things", which highlights the ordinaryness of things. The events written should be relatively small, maybe because of a word, a smile, an anger, a gift caused by etc. "Seemingly" also shows the principle of "little things are not small", emphasizing that small things have a great impact and serious consequences. For example, sometimes, you may just say the wrong thing, but it brings great harm to others; sometimes, you just give others a smile, but it brings great happiness to others; sometimes, you just give others a smile, but it brings great happiness to others; , because of your words, you gained unexpected beautiful emotions or academic success... Life is like this, some things may seem very small, but they have a huge impact on yourself or others. From this perspective, it is a good choice.

style requires writing narrative. When writing, in addition to describing what happened, you also need to explore its meaning. Through comparison, you can express the theme of "little things are not small" and reflect the profound meaning or serious consequences of small things. It can also be written as an argumentative essay, with topics such as "little things are not small", "pay attention to details", "little things determine big things", etc., and list similar small things that have happened in life and history as factual arguments to demonstrate the central argument.


Seemingly inconspicuous things

A good class is inseparable from excellent class style. Excellent class style depends on the efforts of every member of the class. ﹣﹣Title

 Whether a class has cohesion and combat effectiveness can actually be known by looking at the trash can hidden behind it. Recently, the trash cans in our class are a bit like those little girls in the class, and their waistlines are constantly growing.


Because the health committee member is sick!

Without a head, the revolutionary work lost its momentum in an instant. As a result, a situation of no organization, no discipline, no inspection... is formed, just like those girls who put snacks in their stomachs every day and shout to lose weight every day. Is it possible?

The old class was unwilling. No, an "environmental education" started -

First, the cleaners were asked to leave the classroom, and then they implicated several people who were near the trash can. Those who were not "invited" , the masters who used to practice bombing with garbage were all nervously lying on the table, as if they were studying seriously.

That trash can is like a pot-bellied Maitreya Buddha, sitting there with a big belly and giggling in confusion.

After 40 minutes, the students outside came in. They were expressionless and silently cleaned up the garbage and transported the garbage mountain to where it should go.

The "missile" experts in the classroom were secretly happy. As soon as the bell rang, several missiles flew towards the empty trash can. Of course, there are also cases where the targets are inaccurate and the bombs are "bombed" on the ground that has just been cleaned.

School is over at noon, and the trash can has become a "garbage mountain" again.

In the afternoon, the old class had a class. He always regarded the classroom as a battlefield, but this time he did not give a lecture for the first time. He silently picked up the broom, carefully put the garbage into the trash can, and then took it to the garbage dump himself. When the old class returned to the classroom with the empty trash can, the mouths of the whole class were still open. The old man smiled and said kindly: "From now on, whichever group is too nervous to clean up, I will clean it for them."

This sentence is like exploding an atomic bomb. You said that Laoban "has everything to do every day", how can you have the nerve to ask him to clean for us? Ever since, the "missile" experts stopped, the on-duty students did their duty, and everyone worked together. After that, the trash cans were never bloated again.

A week later, the health committee member recovered and returned to the team. When he saw the clean classroom, he showed a happy smile on his face.

[Comment] The article focuses on the "little things in the class" on the trash can behind the classroom. The process of the trash can from thin to fat and then to thin shows the hard work and professionalism of a head teacher. Revealing the big truth that no matter how small a thing is, it matters whether everyone participates or not. The work uses small things to see the big things, closely following the theme of things in the class, seeking materials from life and revealing the principles of life.

Topic: Seemingly inconspicuous things. Requirements: (1) Write a narrative essay with a word count of about 600 words; (2) Do not reveal personal information and do not plagiarize. (3) Please pay attention to correct handwriting and neat roll surface. [Analysis] This is a very di - DayDayNews

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