[Source: Guangzhou Education] Recently, the swimming teaching exchange activities and swimming star entering campus carnival of the fourth "Yangcheng School Sports Festival" series of activities in Guangzhou were held at the Guangzhou Experimental School of Beijing Normal Univers

2024/06/3022:47:32 education 1004

[Source: Guangzhou Education]

Recently, Guangzhou’s fourth “Yangcheng School Sports Festival ” series of swimming teaching exchange activities and swimming stars entering the campus carnival were held at Beijing Normal University Guangzhou Experimental School. This event is hosted by Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau , hosted by Huangpu District Education Bureau, and co-organized by Beijing Normal University Guangzhou Experimental School. Asian Games champion Zhou Jiawei and representatives of teachers and students from primary and secondary schools in the city participated in this event.

[Source: Guangzhou Education] Recently, the swimming teaching exchange activities and swimming star entering campus carnival of the fourth

In the dynamic music, the dragon and lion team, martial arts, and aerobics teams made their appearances one after another. The students' wonderful performances were full of youthful vitality and passion, fully demonstrating the energetic spirit of the students of Beijing Normal University Guangzhou Experimental School and highlighting the school's sports and art education achievements.

Asian Games champion Zhou Jiawei shared his growth experience, training stories and winning experience with teachers and students. He hopes to use his actual actions to encourage students to love sports, persist in sports, and exercise scientifically, and inspire everyone to have a healthy body in sports, hone a strong will in sports, cultivate a tenacious spirit in sports, and build a strong spirit in sports. Cultivate a good mentality in sports, let students understand that "you will win if you love to fight", and cultivate the spirit of tenacity and hard work.

[Source: Guangzhou Education] Recently, the swimming teaching exchange activities and swimming star entering campus carnival of the fourth

Then Lu Chengyou, a teacher from Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School, brought a wonderful swimming teaching exchange class. During the course, Teacher Lu achieved the teaching goal of consolidating and improving breaststroke leg movement techniques through unique teaching such as land imitation of the breaststroke leg, group and layered training, and breaststroke leg relay competitions. After class, Zhang Xiqian, dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Physical Education of Guangdong Second Normal University, made comments. Dean Zhang Xiqian said that physical education teaching in primary and secondary schools under the new era curriculum standards must adhere to the student-centered teaching philosophy, scientifically integrate the core literacy content of physical education and health courses, pay attention to the connection between theory and practice, and further improve students' ability to analyze problems , the ability to solve practical problems. In addition, teachers must be good at using teaching methods such as guidance, inspiration, and criticism to improve students' comprehensive qualities.

[Source: Guangzhou Education] Recently, the swimming teaching exchange activities and swimming star entering campus carnival of the fourth

Huai Yongmei, head coach of the Guangdong Provincial Middle School Swimming Team, national-level swimming referee, and director of the Guangdong Provincial Primary and Secondary School Physical Education Teacher Development Alliance, also gave a special lecture on "Swimming Technology, Lifesaving Technology and First Aid Skills Teaching". She shared her experience in teaching swimming at China Normal University Affiliated High School, "The swimming class at China Normal University has been open for decades. Swimming is a compulsory course and every student must learn it. Moreover, the swimming class at China Normal University requires swimming in clothing, because when encountering In the event of an emergency, it is impossible to wear a swimsuit and swimming goggles, so you must learn to swim and save yourself while wearing clothes.”

This event aims to further promote the extensive and in-depth development of swimming among primary and secondary school students in Guangzhou and explore its use in physical education classroom teaching. Methods to improve the quality of school physical education, help physical education teachers better carry out school physical education work in the context of the integration of physical education, guide students to master swimming skills and swimming life-saving skills, comprehensively improve students' physical health levels, and promote the gradual improvement of school physical education levels promote.

In recent years, the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau has promoted "sunshine sports" as a breakthrough to improve students' physical health, established 100 swimming base schools, organized special swimming training for physical education teachers every year, held swimming games for middle school students every year, and vigorously promoted and popularized campus Swimming has provided Guangzhou with a large number of outstanding swimming reserve talents. In order to do a good job in campus swimming teaching and student drowning prevention, the Municipal Education Bureau has also held swimming lifeguard training for many years in a row, vigorously improving the swimming professional skills of physical education teachers and improving teaching standards, so that more students can learn swimming knowledge and master swimming skills. the goal of. ‍

The "Yangcheng School Sports Festival" series of activities includes world champions (sports stars) entering campus, sports carnivals, competitions, etc. It has become a stage for students to enjoy fun, strengthen their physique, improve their personality, and temper their will, and has become a stage for schools to implement quality education , a stage that displays the characteristics of campus culture and becomes a festival for all teachers and students to participate in, pursue health, and experience happiness.

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