Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path.

2024/06/3015:48:33 education 1270

In the traditional concept of Chinese people, teachers' work is "selfless and great" . Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path.

However, with the changes of the times, teachers' work attitudes and conditions have also changed. Young teachers are becoming more and more "Buddhist", and no longer work hard.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

What is a "Buddhist teacher"?

As a popular Internet vocabulary, "Buddhist" itself describes a life attitude that is free from desires and demands, and is neither sad nor happy. When combined with the word "teacher", it means that at work, is not angry or angry at work, does not care about other people's business and does not have the professional title , and is a teacher who takes care of everything.

is different from the previous impression of teachers who get up early and work late at night, and stay up all night to correct homework and test papers. "Buddhist" teachers will not "work hard" in their work, but they will not do any illegal behavior, and they will do what they are supposed to do as required.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

Especially when faces parents, students and schools, even if there is provocation from parents, rebellious students, or schools that like to delegate all kinds of heavy tasks, the "Buddhist" teachers will persist no matter what. The appearance of "the years are quiet and peaceful" makes it impossible to find fault.

It can be said that in their hearts, as long as things do not develop out of control or cause major consequences, they will choose to muddle along.

"Buddhist" teachers appear in large groups and have no desire for work. Parents are worried and dissatisfied.

If only some teachers are like this at the beginning, but as time goes by, many young teachers begin to have it. This trend is towards , and such changes have indeed caused dissatisfaction among parents.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

After all, in the eyes of parents, teachers should teach and educate people, not to mention all the time, but as long as the children are in school, they must be responsible for everything. If you just click and stop, just to ensure that your work is completed and nothing happens, is irresponsible work.

However, parents have no good solution to this. After all, the teachers have done all the work they should do. They just don’t spend too much thought and energy on it. It’s not a fault.

And for teachers, they actually understand the problem with "Buddhism" and it is not the best choice. But the reason why they are "Buddhist" is not entirely their own problem. Instead, it has a lot to do with parents, students and schools.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

Teachers fall into the "Buddhist" life, and the reason is very simple

Although there are many people who apply for and enter the teaching profession at the request of their families, most young teachers want to be a conscientious and responsible teacher before they enter the job. teacher. But as the real work and life of hit , many teachers gradually lost their ideals and had to become Buddhist teachers.

  • Children are difficult to manage

As the younger generation has a stronger understanding of "self", they may not listen to what their parents say, let alone what teachers, who are strangers, say.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

In addition, today's children are also more sensitive, so when teachers criticize students, even if they deal with it according to ordinary circumstances, they are likely to encounter students overly resisting , and even cause students to be injured, causing greater trouble. event .

So generally speaking, as long as it is not too serious, teachers will choose "harmony" to ensure the safety of children and the stability of the campus.

  • It is difficult for parents to communicate

After the level of popular culture has improved, parents have become more "assertive" in education . Therefore, although teachers work in accordance with regulations and requirements, there will be parents who are picky about teachers.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

In addition, for many parents, their love for their children is "blind", so at work they will be dissatisfied with the teachers, and they will report and abuse the teachers. If you encounter a parent with a really bad temper, there may be personal safety issues.

Therefore, in order to protect themselves, teachers can only be careful with parents. As long as the matter is not very serious, teachers will try their best to compromise.

  • The school does not act as a school.

As a school, generally when there is a conflict between teachers and parents, if it is not serious, will generally favor the parents , and the teachers may encounter unfair treatment.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

Secondly, teachers today are different from those in the early years. In addition to teaching classes and managing students, they also have to worry about various things, and there is a lot of additional work. Therefore, although the salary has increased compared with before, is still very inappropriate compared to the workload, and teachers naturally lack motivation.

The author's message: Improving teacher treatment will be better for children

It can be said that although there is indeed a certain psychological subjective impact, teachers do not intentionally become such . In the final analysis, it is the educational rights and treatment of teachers, etc. There is no guarantee.

Even when most literary works describe teachers, they basically emphasize that teachers are not afraid of difficulties, persist in sowing the seeds of knowledge and culture, and guide lost children back to the right path. - DayDayNews

So if we can establish a more complete teacher protection system , and on the basis of guiding parents to cooperate with the school to develop home-school integration, and improve the safety and salary of teachers, teachers can regain their jobs to the greatest extent. Passion is of great benefit to children’s education.

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