Registered safety engineers manage the management of safety production expenses at the golden test site, note Anshi Xueba, press and hold to like + forward + comment for continuous updates. Click on my avatar in the Wendang version and send me a private message: 2022 safety expen

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registered safety engineer management golden test site management of safety production expenses , note Anshi Xueba, long press to like + forward + comment for continuous updates, click on my avatar in the Wendang version and send me a private message: 2022

Safety expenses are based on "Enterprise withdrawal, It shall be managed according to the principles of "government supervision, ensuring needs and standardizing use". The security fees withdrawn by

enterprises belong to the funds raised by the enterprise for its own use, and other units and departments are not allowed to centrally manage and use them in the form of collection, escrow, etc., unless otherwise provided by national laws and regulations.

Enterprises should strengthen security expense management, prepare annual security expense extraction and use plans, and incorporate them into enterprise financial budgets . The enterprise's annual safety fee usage plan and the withdrawal and use of safety fees in the previous year shall be reported to the financial department at the same level, the safety production supervision and management department, the coal mine safety supervision agency and the industry

Registered safety engineers manage the management of safety production expenses at the golden test site, note Anshi Xueba, press and hold to like + forward + comment for continuous updates. Click on my avatar in the Wendang version and send me a private message: 2022 safety expen - DayDayNews

competent authority for filing in accordance with the management authority.

[Example question·Single choice question] A large state-owned group company has chemical, energy, construction and metallurgical enterprises under its jurisdiction. In order to ensure the necessary capital investment for safe production, the group requires high-risk production enterprises to withdraw, use and manage safety production expenses in accordance with the "Administrative Measures for the Extraction and Use of Enterprise Safety Production Expenses" (Caiqi [2012] No. 16). Other enterprises shall withdraw, use and manage safety production expenses in accordance with industry characteristics. Develop your own management measures for production safety expenses. Regarding the practice of enterprise safety production cost management, the correct one is

( ).

A. Hazardous chemical production enterprises will clear the balance of production safety expenses for the current year and withdraw them again in the next year.

B. The production safety expenses of construction enterprises and subcontracting units shall be managed and used uniformly by the construction enterprises.

C. Metallurgical enterprises will make annual production safety expenses The expense plan and the extraction and usage of the previous year are retained for future reference.

D. Energy companies develop their own management systems, extract 2% of the safety production expenses of subordinate enterprises for centralized management, and coordinate the use of

[Answer] D

[Analysis] A group company that is mainly responsible for safety management After performing internal decision-making procedures, the security expenses extracted by the affiliated enterprises can be centrally managed and used in a coordinated manner according to a certain proportion.

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