Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional

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Notice on matters related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination

Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination

According to the relevant arrangements of the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on the Vocational Qualification Examination Plan for Professional and Technical Personnel in 2022 and Related Matters" (Human Resources and Social Security Department [2022] No. 3), the 2022 junior and intermediate economic professional and technical qualification examinations will be held on It will be held on November 12th and 13th, and the exam will be conducted electronically. Registration for the exam is about to begin, and the relevant matters are now announced as follows:

1. Examination subjects

Elementary and intermediate economics exams are set business administration , agricultural economics, finance and taxation, finance, insurance, transportation economics, human resources management, tourism economics, construction With real estate economics , intellectual property and other 10 professional categories, each major has a public subject " basic economic knowledge " and a professional subject "professional knowledge and practice", and the question types are all objective questions. Candidates must pass all examination subjects within two consecutive examination years before they can obtain the corresponding level of qualification certificate .

2. Examination syllabus

The 2022 edition of the junior and intermediate economics examination syllabus has been published on the China Personnel Examination Network (

3. Exam Time

The elementary and intermediate economic exams are planned to be implemented in four batches in the morning and afternoon over two days. The specific exam time for each professional category is subject to the information on the admission ticket.


exam time (tentative)


November 12 morning

8:3 0-10:00

"Basic Economic Knowledge"

0: 40-12: 10

"Professional Knowledge and Practice"

November 12 afternoon

4:00 —15: 30

"Basic Economic Knowledge"

6: 10-17: 40

"Professional Knowledge and Practice"

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

November 13 morning

8: 30-10:00

"Basic Economic Knowledge"

0: 40-12: 10

"Professional Knowledge and Practice》

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

November 13 afternoon

4: 00-15: 30

"Basic economic knowledge"

6: 10-17: 40

"Professional knowledge and practice"


4. Registration conditions

Anyone who meets the "Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security's Notice on Issuance of Economic Majors" "Notice on Technical Qualification Regulations and Implementation Measures for the Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination" (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Regulations [2020] No. 1) stipulates the application conditions. All persons who stipulate the application conditions can register for the examination. The specific application requirements for

can be found in the "Application Conditions" column of the China Personnel Examination Network (

5. Registration matters

A notification and commitment system is implemented for the certification matters for registration of the examination. For relevant matters, please refer to the "Notification and Commitment System for Certification Matters for Qualification Examination Registration" on the China Personnel Examination Network. The examination authorities, personnel examination agencies and other units responsible for the qualification review will verify the contents of the candidates' commitments before, during and after the examination. Applicants should accept and cooperate with the verification. Those who refuse to accept the verification after the deadline or fail to accept the verification as required will be subject to invalid registration, cancellation of exam qualifications, invalid exam results, and invalid certificates, depending on the circumstances.

candidates should log in to the "Online Registration" platform of the China Personnel Examination Network within the specified time, and select the examination location to register according to relevant requirements.For specific registration dates, examination fee standards, methods of obtaining admission tickets, registration procedures, specific requirements, etc., please refer to the relevant announcements issued by the provincial (autonomous and municipal) personnel examination agencies.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of examination management and services such as qualification verification, examination organization, delivery of examination documents (including but not limited to various notices, notifications, processing decisions, etc.), certificate production and issuance, the personnel examination agency will collect the names of applicants , ID number, mobile phone number, email address, electronic photo, academic qualifications, workplace and other information. When registering, candidates should ensure that the information they fill in is accurate and complete, and keep the mobile phone number used during registration open so that they can receive reminder information in a timely manner. The personnel examination institution will handle personal information in accordance with relevant regulations and take necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal information it handles .

6. Examination rules

(1) Rules that candidates must abide by when taking the exam:

. Enter the examination room with valid identity documents such as resident ID card, social security card and admission ticket. The identity information must be consistent with what was filled in when registering.

. Students are not allowed to enter the examination room 5 minutes after the exam starts.

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews. Subject to the closed management of the examination room. During the closed period, in principle, students are not allowed to hand in papers or leave the venue. The examination rooms for each subject examination will be closed until 15 minutes before the end of the examination.

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews. Abide by the rules of the examination room, obey the management of the examination staff, and comply with the requirements for answering the test questions.

(2) In order to ensure the safety of the examination and maintain the fairness and justice of the examination, the personnel examination institution and its staff can take the following measures during the examination process:

. Put forward normative requirements for candidates entering or leaving the examination room and examination site.

. Check the identity documents and items carried by the candidates. If necessary, special equipment and professionals can be used to conduct inspections.

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews. Confiscate exam cheating equipment in accordance with the law, and centrally store tools, materials and other items illegally carried by test takers.

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews. Conduct video surveillance on the order of the examination site and the process of examination organization and implementation.

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews. To the extent necessary, coordinate with the communications management department to interfere with or block wireless communications.

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews. Other necessary security management measures.

(3) Candidates should use the examination equipment properly during the examination to prevent others from plagiarizing. After the examination, technical means will be used to identify examination answer sheets that are identical, and the examination results will be invalidated.

(4) If candidates violate disciplines and rules during the examination, they will be identified and dealt with in accordance with the "Regulations on the Treatment of Violations of Disciplines and Rules in the Qualification Examination for Professional and Technical Personnel" (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Order No. 31). Those suspected of organizing examination cheating and other criminal activities will be transferred to the public security organs in accordance with the law.

(5) Exam candidates should follow local new coronavirus epidemic prevention and control regulations, actively cooperate with examination epidemic prevention work, comply with relevant epidemic prevention requirements, promptly pay attention to the official website of the local examination institution, obtain the latest information, and take personal protection.

candidates can log in to the China Personnel Examination Network and familiarize themselves with the exam answering interface, exam process, and calculator and other tools in advance through the simulated answering system.

7. Result Announcement The

exam results are expected to be announced on the China Personnel Examination Network in January 2023.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Personnel Examination Center

July 14, 2022

- END -

Application hotline: 0512-57999888

Scan the code for consultation yxjt18014860773

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

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Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Kunshan Yixian Education 2022-07-15 09:52 Published in Anhui Announcement on Matters Related to the 2022 Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional - DayDayNews

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