In accordance with the requirements of the Wuwei Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Wuwei Municipal Finance Bureau's "Notice on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in Relevant Work for 10,000 Unemployed General College Graduates to Find Grassroots Employment", he

2024/06/3012:24:32 education 1037

In accordance with the requirements of the Wuwei Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Wuwei Municipal Finance Bureau's "Notice on Earnestly Doing a Good Job of Earning 10,000 Unemployed General College Graduates at the Grassroots Level" (Wu Ren She Fa [2022] No. 132), now The announcement regarding matters related to our city’s 2022 support for the recruitment of unemployed college graduates to grassroots employment projects is as follows.

1. Recruitment scope and conditions

1. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, be dedicated to work, abide by disciplines and laws, and have good conduct.

2. Unemployed Gansu students should be graduates from ordinary colleges and universities and graduates from Xinjiang and Tibetan ethnic minorities from colleges and universities in the province who are willing to work in our city. Graduates from Tibetan areas in our province can be relaxed to ordinary technical secondary school education. The specific requirements will be determined by the employer. The unit’s job requirements are determined. In this project, "unemployed" is judged based on the criterion of not having participated in the basic pension insurance for employees.

3. Employers who have applied and passed the review can sign up to participate in the two-way matching job fair.

4. Two-way selection will give priority to recruiting unemployed college graduates from urban and rural subsistence allowance families and zero-employment families on the premise of ensuring that they meet the job requirements and are hired on the basis of merit. Each graduate can only apply for one position, and multiple applications will be considered invalid.

5. Employers and employment trainee units with a high retention rate of project personnel recruited in previous years after expiration can be prioritized for inclusion in the scope of participation. If the employer is a public institution, project recruiters do not occupy the public establishment and are managed as temporary personnel and sign a labor contract .

6. Have the academic, professional, physical and other conditions required for the recruitment position.

7. Comply with other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

2. Recruitment task indicators

Based on the number of positions solicited by each county and district, combined with the retention rate of 10,000 people participating in the project in previous years, the application for employment internship units and the recruitment of personnel internships, the indicators are broken down as follows: Liangzhou District 620 people; Civilian 120 in Qin County; 2120 in Gulang County; 2140 in Tianzhu County.

3. Recruitment time and method

(1) Online recruitment

1. Recruitment time: July 15 to July 29, 2022, a total of 15 days.

2. Information release platform: New media platforms such as the Wuwei Municipal Government website, Wuwei Human Resources and Social Security WeChat public account, Wuwei Human Resources Market WeChat public account, county and district government websites and the WeChat public account of the Human Resources and Social Security Department will release information on unemployed college graduates To the grassroots employment recruitment information, unemployed college graduates and employers will conduct online job matching. The recruiting units will conduct a preliminary review of the job seekers' qualifications and register the information of qualified personnel.

(2) On-site recruitment

Recruitment time: On-site recruitment will be determined by each county and district. It will be organized and implemented in strict accordance with epidemic prevention and control and related safety requirements. On-site recruitment will be completed before August 5. Employers and job seekers please follow the WeChat official account of the local county or district human resources and social security bureau to obtain the latest job fair information.

(3) Recruitment procedures

1. Announcement. From July 15 to July 29, through new media platforms such as the Wuwei Municipal Government website, the Wuwei Human Resources and Social Security WeChat official account, the Wuwei Human Resources Market WeChat official account, the county and district government websites, and the WeChat official account of the Human Resources and Social Security Department, the unannounced Recruitment announcements for grassroots employment projects for college graduates and employer position information.

2. Two-way docking. Employers in various counties and districts adopt flexible two-way docking and negotiation with unemployed college graduates. Counties and districts that have the conditions can organize on-site centralized recruitment docking in a timely manner based on the local epidemic prevention and control situation.

Unemployed college graduates seeking employment must provide the following documents: Bring the "Wuwei City 2022 Registration Form for Implementing the Project of Unemployed Ordinary College Graduates to Work at the Grassroots Level for the People" (in duplicate), your ID card, graduation certificate, The original and photocopy (in duplicate) of’s online academic qualification verification report, household register and other documents.

3. Qualification review.When the employer conducts two-way docking, a preliminary qualification review will be conducted based on the job qualifications (the original ID card will be returned to the person after the preliminary review, and the originals and copies of other relevant documents will be retained for review). The information of the applicants who pass the preliminary review will be unified by the employer with the company seal. Submit to the county or district Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for qualification review before August 10.

Each county and district Human Resources and Social Security Bureau shall complete the review of the qualifications and insurance information of the proposed personnel before August 15th. If the review is passed, the registration materials will be kept by the county and district Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the employer. Unqualified ones will be returned to the employer. myself. Employers are not allowed to retain the original certificates of applicants.

4. Filing and review. The county and district human resources bureaus will submit the "Wuwei City 2022 Personnel Recruitment Summary for Implementing Unemployed General College Graduates to Work at Grassroots Levels to Serve People's Practical Projects" before August 20 as a formal document to the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for filing and review. If the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau passes the reexamination, it will issue a written notice of approval to the county or district Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. If the reexamination fails, it will provide feedback to the county or district Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for adjustment.

5. Sign a labor contract. According to the target tasks, the human resources and social security bureaus of each county will coordinate and issue project targets to each employer. Each employer will sign a labor contract for the employees based on the assigned targets. The labor contract shall be signed and completed before August 31 and reported to the local social security bureau for filing.

6. Training and on-the-job training. The county and district human resources and social bureaus urge all employers to complete pre-job training for recruiters before the end of August to ensure that all recruits will be on duty on September 1.

7. Epidemic prevention and control. All employers strictly abide by local regulations on epidemic prevention and control to ensure the safety of employers and job seekers during the two-way docking, qualification review, and pre-job training.

4. Support policies

1. The employer and the graduates sign a labor contract in accordance with the law, and pay a full monthly salary that is no less than the local minimum wage. The 1,500 yuan/month living allowance for project personnel is not included in the employer’s salary payment. , after the project personnel take up their posts, the employer will promptly apply for social security cards for the employees, and pay various social insurance for the project personnel on a monthly basis.

2. The financial department has issued special funds for the project to provide a living subsidy of 1,500 yuan per person per month, which will be paid directly to the personal social security card account of the graduates recruited for the project on a monthly basis. The subsidy period is 3 years. Employers shall not deduct personal living allowances from project personnel for any reason.

3. During the project period, the employer should allow the recruited graduates to take recruitment (employment) examinations for civil servants, public institutions, grassroots service projects, full-time graduate students, etc. If project personnel leave their posts before the subsidy period expires, they should be replaced if the remaining project funds allow. Newly replaced personnel will also enjoy a three-year living allowance.

4. When the project expires, the graduates will negotiate with the employer whether to retain them. If the graduates are not retained, they will choose their own careers or start a business, and the project period will not be extended. If the labor contract is terminated early due to the employer's reasons, the project employees can be replaced by new qualified candidates. If the employer re-employs the employee, he or she will continue to enjoy the living allowance for the unearned months. For units and enterprises with low retention rates after the subsidy period for recruited graduates, future recruitment quotas will be reduced as appropriate. Units and enterprises that fail to pay various social insurances to graduates or pay wages (excluding financial subsidies) below the minimum wage standard will be disqualified from future recruitment.

5. Graduates recruited by the project can enjoy the personnel file management service provided free of charge by public employment talent service agencies, and enjoy the same treatment as personnel in state-owned enterprises and institutions in terms of professional title evaluation. Project work experience is regarded as grassroots work experience.

5. Contact information

Wuwei Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Contact person: Fang Yunshan Tel: 0935-2232560

Address: Room 402, Renshe Building, No. 32 Tianfeng Street, Liangzhou District

Liangzhou District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Contact person: Pei Jinxin Tel. : 0935-2229359

Address: Room 421, Renshe Building, No. 32 Tianfeng Street, Liangzhou District

Minqin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Contact: Li Hong Tel: 0935-4121183

Address: No. 41, Jingsu Road, Sanlei Town, Minqin County Room 404, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Gulang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Contact: Meng Qinglu Tel: 0935-5553450

Address: Room 310, 3rd Floor, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Yingbin Road, Gulang County

Tianzhu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Contact: Hou Jianghong Tel: 0935-3121968

Address: Room 902, 9th Floor, Party School Building, Bei New District, Tianzhu County

The whole project implementation process is subject to social supervision. The supervision telephone number is: 0935-2217578,


is hereby announced.

Attachment 1: Wuwei City In 2022, Wuwei City will implement the project of unemployed ordinary college graduates to find employment at the grassroots level for the people.pdf

Attachment 2: Wuwei City will implement the project of unemployed ordinary college graduates to find employment at the grassroots level for the people in 2022. Registration form.xls

Wuwei Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

July 15, 2022

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In accordance with the requirements of the Wuwei Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Wuwei Municipal Finance Bureau's

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