Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur

2024/06/3019:01:33 education 1446


Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to be more accurate when applying. Guidance on which college is suitable for you.

Since many netizens have sorted out the ranking based on the highest admission score, this article will use the highest score as the main basis to take a look at the recruitment situation of major universities in Guizhou.

Guizhou Province National Special Project: Using the highest scores as a reference to see the popularity of major universities with candidates

From the information released by the Guizhou Provincial Admissions Office, there are two schools with the highest scores in science and engineering enrollment, namely Beijing University and Tsinghua University have the highest score of 663. Since the lowest score of Peking University is higher than the lowest score of Tsinghua University ( Peking University 656, Tsinghua 650), students in the national science and engineering programs in Guizhou Province Among them, Peking University leads Tsinghua University.

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

Fudan University’s won the third place, with its highest score reaching 652, exceeding the minimum submission line of Tsinghua University’s national special project, and its corresponding minimum submission line is 632, also ranking third; Zhejiang University’s The highest score also performed well, ranking 4th with a high score of 649; followed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University , with the highest score of 648 and the lowest score of 629 among the students. The highest scores of

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

Nanjing University , Renmin University of China , University of Science and Technology of China , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Wuhan University ranked fifth to tenth respectively, and their performance is also quite eye-catching. The more eye-catching among the top ten is Wuhan University. It is very worthy of recognition for being able to enter the top 10 quietly.

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

The universities ranked 11th to 15th are University of Electronic Science and Technology of China , Xi'an Jiaotong University , Tongji University , Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) and Beijing Normal University . The highest scores of these universities are different. It's not big, just a few points difference. It can be seen that the highest score and the lowest score are different. In terms of the highest score, the quality of students in major universities is not much different. Among them, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China ranks 11th. This must also be praised. As a characteristic university, it is not easy to achieve this step.

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

From this we can also see that if the statistics are based on the highest scores, the advantage of recruiting large universities will be reflected. This may not be too obvious in national special projects. After all, most universities in national special projects invest It is an unpopular major, but among the undergraduate batch, Wanwang, a university with a large enrollment, has a better top score than a university with a small enrollment.

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China : referred to as "University of Electronic Science and Technology of China", located in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. It is a university directly under the Ministry of Education and is jointly built by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Sichuan Province and Chengdu City; it is One of the national “ double first-class ”, “985 Project” and “211 Project” construction universities.

school has been selected into the "2011 plan ", "111 plan ", the outstanding engineer education and training plan, the national high-level university public postgraduate program, Chinese government scholarship to receive international students in China, , the national deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform demonstration The university is a member of ", two e-mails, one post, "; it is a university that completely covers the entire electronic disciplines, with electronic information science and technology as the core, with engineering as the main focus, science and engineering as the infiltration, and the coordinated development of science, engineering, management, liberal arts, and medicine. A multidisciplinary research-oriented national key university.

School History: The University of Electronic Science and Technology was formerly known as Chengdu Institute of Telecommunications Engineering. In 1956, it was formed by Jiaotong University (now Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University), Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), and South China Institute of Technology (now Southeast University) South China University of Technology ) was created by merging the telecommunications engineering related majors; in 1960, it was listed as a national key institution of higher learning; in 1961, it was identified as one of the seven national defense industry colleges; in 1988, it was renamed the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; in 2000 The former director of the Ministry of Information Industry was transferred to the director of the Ministry of Education; in 2017, it entered the ranks of the national "double first-class" construction universities. In 2019, the Ministry of Education and Sichuan Province signed a contract to jointly promote the construction of the school into a world-class university.

Discipline construction : The school currently has 2 national first-level key disciplines and 2 national key (cultivation) disciplines; it has 16 first-level discipline doctoral degree authorization points, 28 first-level discipline master's degree authorization points, and second-level discipline master's degree authorization points. There is 1 authorization point, 4 doctoral professional degree authorization points, 12 master's professional degree authorization points; there are 15 postdoctoral mobile stations. In the fourth round of national first-level subject evaluation, four of the school's disciplines were rated A-level, including two disciplines of electronic science and technology and information and communication engineering that were rated A+.

In addition, the school also has 14 national-level specialty professional construction sites, 418 national quality courses, 7 national quality video open courses, 12 national quality resource sharing courses, 45 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 3 There are national-level virtual simulation experimental teaching centers , national-level teaching teams , and 1 Ministry of Education talent training model innovation experimental zone.

scientific research platform : The school has national key laboratories 1, National Engineering Technology Research Center 1, key laboratories of the Ministry of Education 5, Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratories 3, Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center 3 There are 4 Sichuan Provincial Engineering Technology Research Centers, 3 Science and Technology Research Institutes, 2 school-level research centers, and 5 discipline innovation and talent introduction bases ( Higher Education Institutions Discipline Innovation and Talent Introduction Plan ).

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

is written at the end

. It can be seen that the conclusions drawn are different when looking at the undergraduate student sources of major universities through the lowest score and the highest score. Generally speaking, looking at the student source of colleges and universities through the lowest score, for those with less enrollment It is beneficial to colleges and universities. After all, if there are fewer enrollments, the lowest score may be the highest score; and judging the quality of students through the highest score, it is more friendly to colleges and universities that have invested more places in the relevant provinces. After all, more places have been invested, and the highest score and The difference between the lowest score and the highest score is very high. It is common for the difference between the lowest score and the highest score to be several tens of points.

What do you think of this? Do you think Guizhou Province deserves your praise for publishing the highest and lowest scores at the same time in the national special enrollment? Welcome to leave a message for discussion!

The following is the national special enrollment situation of other universities in Guizhou Province, for reference only!

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

Introduction Currently, Guizhou Province has announced the national special enrollment situation of major universities in Guizhou, and Guizhou Province has announced the highest and lowest scores of major universities, which will facilitate future candidates to provide more accur - DayDayNews

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