The main content includes: the basic admission requirements for various families in the five districts of Shijiazhuang, as well as the time, process and precautions for kindergarten to primary school, primary school to junior high school and private school enrollment.

2024/07/0312:58:33 education 1152

In two days, Shijiazhuang will fully launch the registration process for primary and junior high schools. Many parents cannot understand the official policy instructions. The author starts from many years of experience in educational writing in the Shijiazhuang school district, and uses official documents and school enrollment brochures as reference to write This Admissions Guide. The main content includes: Basic admission requirements for various families in the five districts of Shijiazhuang's main city, as well as the time, process and precautions for kindergarten to primary school, primary school to junior high school and private school enrollment. Among them, the upper limit is "the same house and household", and the lower limit is "no house or household but at least "renting a house with a residence permit".

The main content includes: the basic admission requirements for various families in the five districts of Shijiazhuang, as well as the time, process and precautions for kindergarten to primary school, primary school to junior high school and private school enrollment. - DayDayNews

Warning: The "real estate" mentioned in this article is residential only! Residential only! Residential only! Apartments, office buildings, industrial education or other properties cannot be used for zoned enrollment, not even for renting.

Five principles for admission to public schools: Tenant unity is the core

The main content includes: the basic admission requirements for various families in the five districts of Shijiazhuang, as well as the time, process and precautions for kindergarten to primary school, primary school to junior high school and private school enrollment. - DayDayNews

There are five principles that must be included in the official admission policy every year. We will explain them one by one.

① Principle of full age : Children who are promoted from kindergarten to first grade must be at least 6 years old, that is, born before August 31, 2016, theoretically including the 31st. If your child has special circumstances and needs to delay or advance enrollment, please contact the designated primary school for discussion. ② Territorial principle : Official cliches do not explain;

③ Household unity principle : This is the core requirement for zoned enrollment. It requires school-age children, teenagers and the household registration of both or one of their parents (or other legal guardians) to be in the zoned area. Under the same property name within the area, the planned use on the property book must be residential before it can be zoned for enrollment. Otherwise, it will be adjusted. ——The household registration of one parent + the household registration of the child + in the same house = can be divided into separate schools. In fact, in previous years, many public primary schools could enroll as long as they had housing. We will elaborate on this below.

④ Principle of stable residence: Refers to the often said "six years and one degree". In principle, for a property, only one family of school-age children and teenagers can be enrolled in the nearest enrollment area every 6 years for elementary school and every 3 years for junior high school. . Theoretically, there is no limit on enrollment quota. Even parents who have given birth to three children or multiple births can enroll. ——But if the children of the previous homeowner occupy the degree of the property, then the children of the next homeowner must wait until all the children of the previous homeowner graduate from school before they can enter the school separately. Therefore, it is best before buying a house in a school district. It is easy to find out whether the real estate degree is occupied, and the property rights of the house must all belong to the parents of the school-age children or teenagers. It is impossible to form a group to buy a house and enroll several people at the same time.

⑤Principle of humanization : This principle includes the admission requirements for two groups. One is the often-called four-old house. "four-old house" can also be admitted to , but one parent is required to be an only child and have a child. The second is a family with a household registration in the fifth district of the main city but no real estate. They rent and actually live in a non-registration area separately, and the rental house is under the housing leasing supervision. After the platform is registered and filed (a formal rental contract is signed), their school-age children can receive compulsory education in the district where they live, and the education bureau of the district where they live will make arrangements for their enrollment.

Kindergarten to primary school: Admission guide for mainstream families

The main content includes: the basic admission requirements for various families in the five districts of Shijiazhuang, as well as the time, process and precautions for kindergarten to primary school, primary school to junior high school and private school enrollment. - DayDayNews

Families whose parents live in the five districts of the main city and meet the "housing-to-household consistency"

Registration time: July 18th ~ August 1st at the latest, Divided primary school admission brochure Subject to

Preparation materials: Subject to the requirements of the admissions brochure. In most cases, you need to provide: A family of three household registration books, house books, if there is no house book, provide house purchase contract or invoice . If the parents have non-local household registration, some elementary schools may also require the parents’ residence certificates before June 15, 2022, the labor contracts of both parents, or business licenses.

Other notes: Household registration book, house book or house purchase contract must be provided. The registration time and other required materials are subject to the admissions brochure of each school! Now the schools have made it clear that queuing is not a basis for admission, so don’t queue up all night long. Some schools will divide the registered families according to different communities, boys and girls, different campuses, or small programs to queue up to get numbers.

If the registration is not completed within the time specified in the admission brochure, the district education bureau will make unified arrangements. Admission notices will be issued around the beginning of August, and are subject to the admission brochures of each school.

If a family with "the same household" is interested in a private school and meets the registration requirements for a private school, first register at a designated primary school, and then register through the "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System" from July 21 to 22, 27 There will be a daily lottery for allocating seats. Those who are not selected will not be affected by the admission process. Those who are selected will be admitted on the 28th to 29th. Those who are not selected will be adjusted nearby.

Families (four old houses) who enroll based on the property of their children’s grandparents or maternal grandparents

Registration time: July 18~21, August 1 at the latest, subject to the admission brochure of designated primary schools

Preparation materials: Based on the requirements in the admissions brochure, in most cases you need to provide: household registration booklet of three generations of the family, house booklet of grandparents or maternal grandparents, house purchase contract or invoice if there is no house book, and only child certificate if the parents are only children.

Other notes: Si Laofang admissions and households with the same household registration and issuance of admission notices are the same time. However, if there is a shortage of places, the Si Laofang admission group may be adjusted.

If Si Laofang families are interested in private schools and meet the registration requirements for private schools, they should first register at the designated primary school, and then register through the "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System" on July 21st and 22nd. They will be dispatched on the 27th Those who are not selected by lottery will be arranged to study in public schools. Those who are selected by lottery will be admitted and registered on the 28th to 29th. Those who are not selected by lottery will be transferred to the nearest school.

▍Other families who need to register offline at public primary schools

Registration time: July 18th to 21st, August 1st at the latest, Subject to the enrollment brochure of designated primary schools

Preparation materials:Subject to the requirements of the enrollment brochure ① For those with local household registration (the five districts of the main city) who are renting and enrolling: provide a household registration booklet for a family of three, a rental contract, and other relevant materials and bills that can prove stable living at the rental address (payment slips for water, electricity, heating and natural gas, it depends on the school's requirements)

Luancheng, Gaocheng, Luquan, and Jingxing district four districts, those who have purchased a house and lived stably within the public primary school zone of the five districts of the main city: provide a household registration booklet for a family of three, parents or other legal guardians House book or house purchase contract and invoice

A family of three enrolled in school due to old city reconstruction, demolition transition, etc. Household registration booklet, rental contract, demolition agreement, and other relevant materials and bills that can support stable living at the rental address (such as demolition The agreement is not between the parents themselves, please consult the school to provide relevant supporting evidence)

Other notes: If the zoned elementary school where these three groups rent\live is very popular, there is a high probability that it will be transferred. If you have a house but no household, that is, the household registration of your parents or children is not in the name of the zoned property, the school in the community may accept . For example, parents reported last year Amethyst Yuecheng As long as the owner has a house book, Admission can be divided into separate areas. This may also be the case for schools built in Sunac Vanke's new development. The actual explanation shall be subject to the school's explanation.

If these types of families are interested in private schools and meet the registration requirements for private schools, they can first register at the designated primary school, and then register through the "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System" from July 21 to 22. They will be dispatched on the 27th Those who are not selected by lottery will be arranged to study in public schools. Those who are selected by lottery will be admitted and registered on the 28th to 29th. Those who are not selected by lottery will be transferred to the nearest school.

▍Families who need to register online from young to primary school

Registration time: Within five days from July 18 to 22, parents need to log in to the "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System" for online information collection

Preparation materials: Migrant work in the city Personnel Migrant children studying in the first grade of public primary schools in the five districts of the main city : Family housing certificate obtained before June 15, 2022, work and business certificates of both parents, and residence permits of school-age children, teenagers and guardians. After successful registration, parents need to print and bring the information form and verification notice generated by the platform for on-site verification as required.

The so-called migrant workers, I personally understand, refer to families who have no house and no registered residence in the fifth district of Shijiazhuang Main City, Luquan, Luancheng, Gaocheng and Jingxing, but rent a house and have a residence permit. If such families are interested in private schools If you are interested and meet the registration requirements for private schools, you must first register online for a public primary school in the area where your home address belongs, and then register through the "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System" from July 21st to 22nd. The lottery will be held on the 27th. Those who are lucky enough to be accepted will be arranged to study in public schools. Those who are lucky enough to be accepted will be admitted on the 28th to 29th. Those who are not accepted will be transferred to the nearest school.

The main content includes: the basic admission requirements for various families in the five districts of Shijiazhuang, as well as the time, process and precautions for kindergarten to primary school, primary school to junior high school and private school enrollment. - DayDayNews8 pilot primary schools: Citizen students in the 18 pilot primary schools are registered through the "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System".

The main content includes: the basic admission requirements for various families in the five districts of Shijiazhuang, as well as the time, process and precautions for kindergarten to primary school, primary school to junior high school and private school enrollment. - DayDayNews

Families in these 18 pilot primary schools who consider enrolling in private primary schools must first register online. For public primary schools in the area where your address belongs, you can register through the "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment and Enrollment Service System" on July 21st and 22nd. The seats will be allocated through a lottery on the 27th. Those who do not win will not be affected by the designated enrollment. Those who win the lottery will have 28~ Those who are admitted and registered on the 29th will be transferred nearby.

primary school to junior high school: non-cross-district and cross-district

▍Graduates from primary schools in the five districts of the main city are promoted to the first grade of junior high school in the district.

Graduates from primary schools in Chang'an, Qiaoxi, Xin District, Yuhua, and High-tech Zone are promoted to the first grade of junior high school in the district. For grades, offline registration is carried out. Parents must hold identity certificates, family registration certificates, legal permanent residence certificates, and other relevant materials, and the district education bureau will organize the relevant procedures. The specific registration and admission time has not been announced yet. I estimate that by the end of July, we will actually need to wait for the notification documents issued by Shijiazhuang Education.

Families who are interested in private junior high schools and meet the registration requirements for private schools can log in to the Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System on July 24th and 25th to register. The lottery will be held on July 27th, and July 28th and 29th. Daily admission registration, students who are not admitted will be arranged to go to public school , and students who meet the principle of uniformity of tenants will be admitted according to the nearest photo area. If students are admitted to private schools (including consistent direct admission and separate programs) but do not register or give up after registration, they will be transferred to a relatively nearby public school.

▍Those who cross the five districts of the main city from primary school to junior high school, or those who cross the five districts of the main city to study in public junior high schools.

Registration time: For three days from July 24 to 26, log in to "Shijiazhuang Compulsory Education Enrollment" "Service System" collects online information, and the content to be filled in includes: the school to be filled in (cross-district enrollment), student household registration information, guardian information, housing information (parents' property, child's property, or four elders' house), etc.

Other matters: After the information collection is completed, students must bring relevant materials to Chang'an District , Qiaoxi District , Xinhua District , Yuhua District , and the High-tech Zone Education Bureau designated location for verification. This type of family meets the registration requirements for private schools, similar to the above, but must first register online for a public junior high school in the area where the home address belongs.

Summary at the end of the article

Many parents still ask, but I still don’t understand. Then I will explain some difficulties at the end. There are two situations for enrolling in small rental housing for young children. Those with local household registration need to register offline, and those without local household registration need to register online. For those who want to rent a house from primary school to junior high school, there will be an offline registration notice for primary school graduates from the five districts in the main city. What to do if you are from primary school to junior high school in cross-city and cross-district ↓

from primary school to junior high school across cities - Families with the same tenants can register offline (18 (Online registration for pilot primary schools). If you have a house but the tenants are different and you don’t have a residence permit, you can go to the zoned school for consultation. Renting a house to enroll in school will most likely require the landlord's cooperation to produce the property certificate. I have discussed it with the landlord in the past few days. I am not sure whether it will occupy the real estate degree. To be honest, it should be occupied.

How to go to junior high school across cities and across districts? , whether you have a house or not, log in to the official registration system from July 24 to 26 to collect information. If the tenants are the same, there will be no big problem. If the tenants are inconsistent, they will probably be adjusted. . Parents' real estate, (maternal) grandparents' real estate, students' own real estate, and rental real estate can all be used to collect information for cross-city primary school students. (Those who don’t own a house or rent a house are theoretically not allowed to go to junior high school across the city, or you can consult the official website by yourself)

The enrollment plan for private schools will be announced soon. The "One Sentence Review of Shijiazhuang's Famous Private Schools" will be updated below. The lottery is expected to be released this year Private schools have very few seats.

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