#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe?

2024/07/0306:36:33 education 1133

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

In order to cultivate the interest of children and teenagers in aerospace and arouse more parents’ awareness of eye care, on July 16, it was jointly sponsored by China Aerospace Science and Technology International Exchange Center, Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Museum, and Changsha Science and Technology Association. , the "Guarding the Window of the Soul, Chasing the Light of Dreams" Space Dream Building & Myopia Prevention and Control public welfare science lecture event hosted by the Tianxin District Education Bureau, Tianxin District Science and Technology Association, and Changsha Aier Eye Hospital was held in Hunan Province Science and Technology The Technology Museum has opened. Through this activity, children of all ages can be led to encounter the stars and the sea and explore the beauty of the horizon.

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

The first captain of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade Mr. Shen Xingyun, Professor Yang Zhikuan, a member of the National Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents Expert Lecture Team, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Museum Chen Hui, Changsha Xia Lixin, Vice Chairman of the Municipal Science and Technology Association, Chu Weifang, Director of the Public Service Department of the Hunan Science and Technology Museum, Zhang Yu, Director of the Science Popularization Department of the Changsha Science and Technology Association, Zhong Shuanglin, Director of Changsha Science and Technology Activity Center, Yang Qian, Chairman of the Tianxin District Science and Technology Association, Vice Chairman Xie Xiaoning of Tianxin District Science and Technology Association, Deputy Section Chief He Zhengdao of the Basic Education Department of Tianxin District Education Bureau, and Ms. Wu Na, CEO of Changsha Region of Aier Eye Hospital Group, attended the day's event. At the same time, more than 300 families and more than 2,000 people attended the event. Attended a popular science lecture.

Aviation experts join hands with ophthalmologists to protect children's clear vision and great dreams.

Becoming astronauts, police officers, soldiers, firefighters, athletes, and navigators is the future career dream of many children and teenagers.

However, these occupations have strict requirements for vision. The reality is that the situation of myopia among adolescents and children in my country is not optimistic, and it is characterized by younger age, more severe myopia, rapid development, and deeper levels.

In the "White Paper on Big Data for Myopia Prevention and Control in Chinese Children and Adolescents" jointly released by Aier Institute of Optometry and Aier Institute of Optometry of Central South University , statistics show that the overall myopia rate among children and adolescents nationwide in 2021 is 52.7%, and myopia is 52.7%. The age group with the highest incidence has advanced from 8-12 years old to 6-10 years old. Among 6-year-old children, 45% have lost their hyperopia reserve , which means that they are more likely to suffer from myopia in the future. Myopia prevention and control urgently needs to move forward. .

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

Xia Lixin, vice chairman of Changsha Science and Technology Association, said in his speech that the realization of the dream of flying is inseparable from the aerospace feelings and dreams of children and adolescents. It is necessary to continuously improve their science popularization level and enhance their scientific interest, innovation awareness and Creativity.

At the same time, it is necessary to have good vision as a foundation, to look up at the sky and explore the universe with clear vision, so as to achieve comprehensive and healthy development of body and mind.

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

Ms. Wu Na, CEO of Changsha Region of Aier Eye Hospital Group, said in her speech that the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents requires the joint efforts of the whole society to form a five-party joint front of "government + schools + parents + students + hospitals" to establish A "five-dimensional integrated" student eye health file that "records, analyzes, suggests, reviews, and tracks".

To scientifically and effectively prevent and control myopia and protect children's vision is to protect their future and dreams.

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

During the event, was a member of the National Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents Expert Team, deputy leader of the People’s Daily Health Client Myopia Prevention and Control Expert Team, deputy leader of the Optometry Group of the Chinese Medical Association’s Ophthalmology Branch, and Aier Ophthalmology Department of Central South University Professor Yang Zhikuan, doctoral supervisor of the college, explained the key points of myopia prevention and control among teenagers with the theme of "Don't let myopia block children's dreams".

elaborated on the specific methods of "how to prevent" and "how to control" myopia prevention and control.

"Myopia prevention and control, prevention first." Professor Yang Zhikuan emphasized that "the family is the main battlefield for myopia prevention and control, and parents are the gatekeepers for children's myopia prevention and control." He called on parents to ensure their children's good family eye lighting environment and help their children develop good eye-use habits. Children's outdoor activities and other methods can keep children away from the occurrence and development of myopia.

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

On the day of the event, Mr. Shen Xingyun, the first captain of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's astronaut brigade, responsible for the selection of my country's first batch of astronauts and the preparation of the astronaut brigade, and who guided the completion of three manned space missions, China's aerospace expert Mr. Shen Xingyun, He also gave a themed lecture on "How to Become an Astronaut". In vivid and interesting language, he shared the journey of becoming an astronaut with parents and children in simple and easy-to-understand terms. He also told everyone, "Achieve the goal of becoming an astronaut." Vision is crucial to the space dream.”

Mr. Shen Xingyun shared that if you want to become an astronaut and go to space, you need to face strict selection at all levels, among which vision is a crucial part. If your vision is not up to standard, you must declare your dream of becoming an astronaut in advance. Finish.

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

In the special part of the event - the Dream Roundtable Expert Forum, Mr. Shen Xingyun, the first captain of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps, Professor Yang Zhikuan, a member of the National Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Children and Adolescent Myopia Experts, and Xie Xiaoning from the Tianxin District Science and Technology Association He Zhengdao, Vice Chairman and Deputy Section Chief of the Basic Education Section of the Tianxin District Education Bureau, stood in the fields of aerospace, ophthalmology, science and technology, and education to discuss the importance of good vision to children, adolescents, and the future development of the country.

guides children to develop scientific habits of eye care through interactive exchange of ideas, allowing them to use good eyesight as wings to fly to a colorful future and explore more secrets.

5P Myopia Prevention and Control Games, learn prevention and control knowledge while playing

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

In addition to expert science lectures, the event organizers also held a special 5P Myopia Prevention and Control Games for children, integrating the "knowledge points" of the 5P Myopia Prevention and Control model into special In the games set up, everyone can learn and memorize them through entertainment and education.

Changsha Aier Eye Hospital introduced that the “5P Myopia Prevention and Control Model” was first proposed by Aier Eye Hospital in September 2021. This model includes “Prevention-prevention first, Prediction-scientific prediction, Process-process standardization and personalization. The five important dimensions of "Platform - Platform Support and Parents - Parental Protection" aim to provide Chinese children and adolescents with one-stop personalized comprehensive solutions from "myopia prevention" to "myopia control".

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

In the activity, the "5P Myopia Prevention and Control Song Performance" combined with "Prevention-Prevention First", through the children learning to sing the "5P Myopia Prevention and Control Model MV" song, the 5P Myopia Prevention and Control Model was expressed in an easy-to-understand form. Come out to help everyone get a preliminary understanding;

"Ping Pong Battle" combines "Prediction-Scientific Prediction" to transform table tennis into a catching sport to train children's dynamic vision and prediction ability;

"Fun Shooting Test" " combines "Process - process standardization and personalization". By distinguishing the color of the ball and putting it into the basket of the corresponding color, it means that only targeted scientific solutions can control the development of myopia;

"Rocket Production and Launch" combines " "Platform-Platform Support", the production and launch of rockets are inseparable from the platform support formed by instructors, parents, and rocket launchers. Through this model, we analyze the significance of the need for multi-party platform support for myopia prevention and control;

"Keeping the Myopia Problem "Ball" corresponds to "Parents-Parent Guard", which embodies the problem of myopia in concrete football, allowing parents to deeply understand the profound significance of "parents are the gatekeepers of their children's myopia prevention and control" in real scenes.

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

"The wisdom of young people will make the country wise, and the strength of young people will make the country strong." The level of science popularization and eye health of children and adolescents is directly related to the future development direction of China.

"Guarding the Window of the Soul, Chasing the Light of Dreams" - Aerospace Dream Building & Myopia Prevention and Control Public Welfare Science Popularization Lecture Event, on the one hand, it cultivates children and teenagers' interest in aerospace and aviation, and draws new ideas on aerospace dream building in their little minds. Picture scroll; on the other hand, it also awakens the awareness of eye care and eye protection among more parents of students, and builds a comprehensive system for myopia prevention and control in the whole society.

#长沙爱尔眼科##长沙头头# In the vast universe, is there any other life? If you want to become a qualified astronaut, what conditions must you meet and what challenges must you accept? How can we protect our eyesight and explore the endless vast universe? - DayDayNews

In the next two months, the activists will also carry out a series of activities "Guarding the Windows of the Soul, Chasing the Light of Dreams" in multiple areas of Changsha, allowing all sectors of society to join hands to cooperate with the implementation of the double reduction policy and scientifically Take comprehensive measures to protect children's eyes and let them have a bright future.

(Editor Rainbow.)

Hunan Medical Chat special author: Changsha Aier Eye Hospital Liu Shoujun

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