On July 15, the second national college student rural revitalization creative competition "Youth to Nanchong" was officially launched in Nanchong, Sichuan. It is reported that with the official launch of the competition, participating teachers and students will take root in the c

2024/07/0111:24:32 education 1437

On July 15, the "Youth to Nanchong " second national college student rural revitalization creative competition was officially launched in Nanchong, Sichuan. It is reported that with the official launch of the competition, participating teachers and students will take root in the countryside, conduct in-depth research, and put their creative achievements to fruition in Nanchong. The launch ceremony of

On July 15, the second national college student rural revitalization creative competition


According to reports, this competition is based on Nanchong's resource endowment and has two tracks: the "Village of Nanchong" space category and the "Gift of Nanchong" cultural and creative category. Relying on the innovation and creativity of college students, we strive to create a number of space models and cultural and creative products. , injecting new vitality into the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism in Nanchong. At the launch ceremony of

that day, three outstanding project teams from Zhejiang and Sichuan presented wonderful project roadshows , including the " Nanchong Silk " souvenir project of the Xihua University team, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University The team's Jialing competition area project - "Dejie" "Tiansheng Fengling Valley" Bear Palm Stone parent-child game venue design, and the Sichuan University team's Langzhong competition area project "Playing Shadow".

Red Star News reporter Wang Chao

editor Peng Jiang

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On July 15, the second national college student rural revitalization creative competition

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