The family is a child's first school, and parents are their child's first teachers. Parents’ views and attitudes towards the “double reduction” policy and the “four preventions” safety education have affected the implementation of the policy to a certain extent.

2024/07/0212:19:33 education 1303

Family is a child's first school, and parents are their children's first teachers. Parents' views and attitudes towards the " double minus " policy and the "four preventions" safety education have affected the implementation of the policy to a certain extent. In order to understand the views and attitudes of families at different levels towards the "double reduction" policy and the "four prevention" safety education, School of Public Administration, Henan University of Finance and Economics and Law "Double reduction" policy summer research practice group divided into two teams to conduct research on families in different regions Conduct interviews. The first practice team of

went to Shigang Village, Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County, Nanyang City, Henan Province to conduct research. After interviewing local parents and students, the practice team members learned that after the implementation of the “double reduction” policy, children spent more time playing with their friends after school. Because it is located in a rural area and has limited conditions, it is difficult for students to access similar large-scale facilities such as children's palaces and swimming pools. At the same time, the "double reduction" policy guides parents to re-understand the importance of talents and interests, so as to create a safer and more personalized space for children to explore, so that interests and art can become friends that accompany them throughout their lives and form an Healthy personality , feel the beauty of life, create rich soil for the meaning of life.

Regarding the "Four Preventions" education, parents have many reminders and instructions on preventing drowning and addiction. Summer is coming, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Teenagers prefer to play and swim in places with water, but this behavior poses great safety risks; at the same time, the holidays are coming, and due to the impact of the "double reduction" policy, children's holidays If the burden is reduced, they may become addicted to electronic devices such as mobile phones, which is not conducive to their own healthy growth. But at the same time, the practice team members also found that due to the relatively small number of similar situations and relatively traditional behaviors in rural areas, there is less involvement in safety education on preventing sexual assault and preventing fraud, and there are still deficiencies in the education of young people. Through interviews, parents also learned about the importance of safety education to prevent fraud and sexual assault, and expressed that they would strengthen education in this area for their children to ensure their children’s healthy growth. The second practice team of

went to Daxin Fudi Community, Dazhang Town, Song County, Luoyang City, Henan Province to conduct research. Some parents said that after the implementation of "double reduction", their children's exercise time has gradually increased, and they can have more time to play sports, play basketball, football, etc. with their classmates after school. However, after the independent study time increased, there was also some slack in learning. In order to avoid low-quality homework and declining grades, parents used random questions to understand their children's mastery of knowledge points. At the same time, "double reduction" frees children and parents from endless homework, exercises and exams, allowing parents to pay more attention to observe and empathize with their children's daily emotional feelings in a relaxed state, focusing on Open discussions on the confusion he encounters support him in trying to solve problems through reflection.

Secondly, some parents said that they usually have certain education and supervision on the "four precautions" safety knowledge, and they buy extracurricular reading materials for their children on this kind of safety knowledge. There are also some parents who did not make too many arrangements for their children after the "double reduction" was launched, and did not explain too much about the "four preventions" education. However, schools and communities have corresponding activities and propaganda, which can make children Learn more about the "four defenses" safety knowledge. Because it is located in an urban area, the community has certain facilities. Children can participate in activities organized by the organization in their free time, broaden their horizons, and learn more new knowledge.

Family is a child's first school, and the first button should be fastened for the child. Through this family investigation by the practice team members, the practice team members learned that it is necessary to guide parents to establish a new concept of family education under the "double reduction" policy, and to publicize the party and state policies and regulations on the "double reduction" work to parents. Help parents learn and understand the spirit of "double reduction" well, further establish scientific views on education, talents, and educating people, follow the laws of education and children's growth laws, focus on cultivating children's comprehensive development, lifelong development, and cultivate children's comprehensive qualities. Sound personality and optimistic and enterprising spirit.Establish a new type of harmonious parent-child relationship with children, promote the organic combination of school education, family education and social education, promote the implementation of the "double reduction" policy and comprehensively improve the level of family education in the district. At the same time, through the popularization among parents by practice team members, parents also realized the importance of the "four preventions" safety education to the healthy growth of their children, and expressed that they would do the "four preventions" safety education in place.

teaches students in accordance with their aptitude and local conditions. It is obvious that families in different regions and at different levels have different views and suggestions on the "double reduction" policy. But there is no doubt that the implementation of the “double reduction” policy has brought benefits to families and society. There may be some regions and families that don’t know much about the “double reduction” policy. But I believe that in the near future, with the efforts of all parties in society, the impact of the "double reduction" policy will penetrate into more regions and families.

The family is a child's first school, and parents are their child's first teachers. Parents’ views and attitudes towards the “double reduction” policy and the “four preventions” safety education have affected the implementation of the policy to a certain extent. - DayDayNews

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