Although which university you go to will determine which city you will spend the next four years in, and the major you choose will determine whether your four years of study are relaxed and enjoyable. If you study a major you don't like, your mood will naturally be... Different a

2024/07/0104:53:32 education 1210
Although which university you go to will determine which city you will spend the next four years in, and the major you choose will determine whether your four years of study are relaxed and enjoyable. If you study a major you don't like, your mood will naturally be... Different a - DayDayNews

Ma Jianhong (Doctor of Laws)

Every summer vacation is also the university admission season after the college entrance examination. Regardless of their grades, candidates are almost always faced with the question of which major to apply for. I believe that choosing a major is much more important than which university to choose. Although which university you go to will determine which city you will spend the next four years in, and the major you choose will determine whether your four years of study are relaxed and enjoyable. If you study a major you don't like, your mood will naturally be... Different and professional choices usually determine a person's practice direction for a period of time in the future or even for a lifetime. For example, those who majored in liberal arts have very few opportunities to engage in science and engineering majors.

A person's choice of major will be affected by various factors, such as personal interests, hobbies, talents, etc. The influence of a person's family and the resulting growth environment on his or her future academic choices and career planning cannot be underestimated. However, sometimes this influence is positive, and sometimes it may be negative, depending on human factors. Varies from family to family. For example, parents who are doctors may not recommend that their children study medicine. On the one hand, it is because the study time is too hard and the study time is too long. On the other hand, being a doctor requires night shifts, which is very hard; parents who are judges, I hope that my children can pass on their careers. Some children also choose the legal profession as their first choice because of their parents' work. However, the opposite is also true. Because of this, there is more in the world. Wonderful.

Of course, it is not uncommon for people to choose their own major due to family influence and become famous. Among the 40 German private law masters introduced in the book "Masters of Private Law in the 20th Century—Private Law Methods, Thoughts, and Personality Charisma" edited by Stephen Grundman and Carl Risenhuber, there are many These scholars come from a legal family, and this "family origin" has shaped their achievements in the field of private law.

Ernst Labelle, known as the master of German private law, developed the comparative law methodology during the World War . Based on Roman law , he combined the traditions of civil law of the civil law system and the tradition of the common law system. Combining them with comparative law not only makes comparative law a scientific method, but also has an impact on government policies, ultimately promoting the development of global codification. LaBelle's father is a local lawyer. We saw that at the age of 21, Labelle completed his doctoral thesis under the guidance of Ludwig Mittes, known as the "godfather" of ancient legal history, and soon completed his professorship under the influence of his teacher The appointment qualification paper, that is to say, the mentor played a decisive role in his growth, but there is no doubt that his lawyer father played a "guide" role in his professional choice.

Franz Boehmer, another legal master who has made great contributions to private law, economic law and the maintenance of the integrity and unification of market order, was born in Konstanz, Germany in 1895. His family is from Germany. A "legal family" in the Baden region, his father is a senior administrative official and served as the Minister of Culture in the Baden region. After the First World War, Boehmer inherited the family tradition and "went to the University of Freiburg to study law." Here, family tradition is very direct in the choice of major.

Franz Wiacker is a legal historian. His research laid the foundation for the history of European private law, shaped the structure of European private law history, and made a comprehensive exploration of all the historical facts of Roman law. Wiacre's extraordinary academic achievements are closely related to his family. His father was a young judge in Prussian . Later, due to the needs and changes of his work, Viakl's father served as the first mayor in Prenzlau, worked as a lawyer in Weilburg, and later in Stade resumed his career as a judge and eventually ended his career as President of the District Court of Stade.The family education that Viakl received received "actually there was no education method." Out of their gentle temperament and natural generosity, his parents never played with "authority." Therefore, when it came time to choose a university major, Wiacre chose law "following his father's example" and discovered that his favorite subject was Roman law. From Vicker, we not only see his father’s influence on his profession, but also his parents’ attitude towards life and their generous and tolerant character towards their children, which enabled Vicker to develop in a relaxed and comfortable manner. , discover your passion and make it your lifelong ambition.

Konrad Zweigert is "the master of international comparative law in the 20th century", and his erudition goes far beyond that. He is a jurist with extensive knowledge and talent. The reason why Zweigert embarked on the path of becoming a lawyer also came from the influence of his family. His grandfather was a prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the German Empire; his maternal grandfather served as the Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Saxony; his father first served as a state prosecutor. A judge of the court, and later the State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, he did not resign until Hitler became Reich Chancellor in 1933; Zweigart's uncle served as a judge of the German Federal Constitutional Court after the war, and later as the Berlin Higher Administrative Court. Dean. This orderly family tradition is also a heavy "political baggage" for Zweigert. As a "queen from a famous family", it goes without saying that she endured pressure, which of course also translated into her motivation to strive in the academic field.

This kind of family influence can be seen everywhere in the professional and career choices of other private law masters.

However, when describing the family education origins of these legal masters, we are not advocating that children should be the inheritors of the "family business", but should depend on the specific circumstances. It is important for children and grandchildren to have an early understanding of the fields in which they work under the influence of their ancestors, but when making choices, the talents and interests of children and grandchildren deserve more attention, and what the ancestors left to future generations is not only professional knowledge skills, and more importantly, an attitude towards life. No matter what industry they are engaged in, future generations will be successful.

comics/Chen Bin

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