Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the "two zones" of Dezhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and Canal Economic Development Zone were officially integrated. Dezhou Tianqu New District officially opened and entered a new stage

2024/07/0111:19:33 education 1393

Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan

html On June 13, the "two zones" of Dezhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and Canal Economic Development Zone were officially integrated. Dezhou Tianqu New District officially kicked off and entered into comprehensive construction and accelerated development. a new phase of momentum. The Dezhou Municipal Party Committee and Government attach great importance to the construction of Tianqu New District, and have specially introduced 25 hard measures with substantial breakthroughs to support the development of the new district, and fully support the high-quality development of the new district. In terms of education, six preferential policies have been introduced to help optimize the educational layout of the new district.

Good wind relies on strength, and it is the right time to set sail. On the new journey to achieve high-quality development of education, Tianqu New District places education in an important position and uses the efforts of the entire district to cultivate and water the education "seeds" that have now blossomed into brilliant flowers.

Quality improvement A high starting point promotes group-based school running

As the ecological and social environment develops better and better, the new area's attraction to the foreign population continues to increase, and the new demand for educational facilities continues to grow. While continuously strengthening the construction of "hardware" such as schools, Tianqu New District also continues to work hard to improve the "software" of education quality, striving to achieve a high starting point in planning, construction and school running, and rapidly expanding through innovation in school running models, allocation of high-quality teachers, etc. High-quality resources, so that learning can be taught and learning can be taught with excellence.

Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the html On July 9, the Dezhou Tianqu New District cooperative education signing ceremony and the unveiling ceremony of the Dezhou No. 1 Middle School Affiliated Middle School were held. On that day, 3 primary schools and 4 kindergartens were signed for a total of 6 projects. According to reports, the Middle School Affiliated to Dezhou No. 1 Middle School is built on the basis of the former Dezhou Sun City Middle School. It will vigorously promote the docking and integration of educational resources and educational concepts of the No. 1 Middle School and the Affiliated Middle School. Dezhou No. 1 Middle School has dispatched a management team to be fully responsible for the daily management of the school, further Promote the improvement of the overall education level of Suncity Middle School.

Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the

At the signing ceremony, the signed projects include establishing Yangzhuang Primary School as a school directly affiliated with the Shanshi Group project, and Dongcheng Primary School and Shangde Primary School as supporting schools for the Shanshi Group project. Shanshi Group will select an excellent management team and teaching business backbones to manage and operate Yangzhuang Primary School, and provide technical support to Dongcheng Primary School and Shangde Primary School. Among the four public kindergartens signed by

, Dezhou Municipal Greenland Yingxia Kindergarten is hosted by Municipal Government Kindergarten. It has a construction scale of 9 classes and 270 places and will be put into use in September 2022. Dezhou Municipal Government Donghai Kindergarten is managed by the municipal government kindergarten. It has a construction scale of 15 classes and 450 places. It is expected to be put into use by the end of June 2023. Shengxin Kindergarten of Decheng District Government is hosted by Decheng District Government Kindergarten. It has a construction scale of 12 classes and 360 places and will be put into use in September 2022. Dezhou Yuehua Dedalan Garden Kindergarten is hosted by Yuehua Education Group. It has a construction scale of 9 classes and 270 places. It is expected to be put into use in May 2023.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shandong Normal University Zhang Maocong said that after visiting Kangbo Primary School, which is currently a cooperative school, he felt that the development speed is very fast, and the changes have been very big in five years. Campus culture, social influence, and educational and teaching ideas and methods have all been improved, leading the development of education and teaching in some primary and secondary schools in the region. It is hoped that both parties will strengthen cooperation and contribute to the rapid development of the regional education economy and allow more families to enjoy high-quality education.

Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the

The First Experimental Primary School Affiliated to Dezhou College

Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the

Beijing No. 8 Middle School·Chongde Middle School

It is reported that at present, Tianqu New District has formed relatively mature group-based school-running models such as Shanshi Education Group, Dezhou College Alliance School, and Beijing No. 8 Middle School Alliance School. , Changhe Primary School and Dongqi Primary School School Running Group, Dekai Primary School and Bilingual Primary School School Running Group also stand out as outstanding local cases of group school running. As the effect of high-quality educational resources is amplified, more families in new districts will benefit.

Famous teachers in the new school Educational development has accelerated in many aspects

Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the html On the morning of July 9, the reporter learned from the donation ceremony of Tianqu New District in Dezhou that the district had officially established an education fund on June 15. As of the morning of the 9th, a total of The first batch of 12 caring enterprises donated 18.4 million yuan.

It is reported that in order to manage education funds in accordance with laws and regulations, the Tianqu New District Education, Sports and Health Development Department, together with the charity department, drafted the "Dezhou Tianqu New District Education Fund Management Measures", which was led by the Education, Sports and Health Development Department in conjunction with the Social Affairs Management Department Organization and implementation. All funds raised will be used to support the development of schools in Tianqu New District, Texas, and optimize school construction; support teachers and students in need, reward outstanding teachers and students; fund educational research, teacher training, educational exchanges and cooperation, educational innovation and other matters.

The quality of education needs to be improved by teachers, and high-quality education requires high-quality teachers to support it. As practitioners of “cultivating people with moral integrity” and the core values ​​of socialism, teachers have always been a concern for Tianqu New District. The establishment of the Tianqu New District Education Fund will be of great help in attracting education experts to enrich the teaching and scientific research team. In addition, Tianqu New District has established an exchange mechanism for outstanding principals and teachers. To enrich the backbone of education, on the basis of recruiting 20 public-funded normal college students this year, we plan to openly recruit 10 famous principals and famous teachers from the public, including 2 famous principals and 8 famous teachers.

In addition, Tianqu New District relies on the state-owned enterprise platform to leverage social resources and plans to establish a state-owned enterprise platform to coordinate the introduction of famous teachers and principals in the new area, lunch break services, research activities, education and teaching training, educational resource cooperation and other business sectors, effectively solving service labor remuneration , purchasing third-party services, recruiting social positions and other practical issues to improve work efficiency and service quality.

Qilu One Point Reporter Li Mengqing Correspondent Zhao Qingchuan On June 13, the

Education entrusts the people's expectations for a better life, is related to the healthy growth of young people, and is related to the interests of thousands of families. Tianqu New District adjusts the layout, optimizes the structure, makes up for shortcomings, creates characteristics, and scientifically plans a complete education system. Optimize the allocation of compulsory education schools and establish a long-term mechanism for supporting primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in residential areas. The newly built Dezhou City Sports School, Dezhou Hengde Art High School, and Dezhou Middle School will be built to create characteristic high schools. Basic education must be done well, and vocational education must be strong and excellent. The newly built Texas Senior Normal School, the new campus of Automobile and Motorcycle College, and the Texas Vocational College of Science and Technology (branch) will vigorously develop higher vocational education.

Sui Li, vice chairman of the Dezhou CPPCC, party secretary and director of the Dezhou Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, said that the Dezhou Municipal Education and Sports Bureau will focus on the goal of building an educational highland in Tianqu New District and take the core position of the construction of Tianqu New District as the guide. With the grafting and introduction of high-quality resources as the core, educational reform and innovation as the driving force, and the improvement of education quality as the focus, we will continue to expand the coverage of high-quality educational resources and rapidly improve the quality and level of educational development in Tianqu New District.

There is no end to strengthening the foundation and cultivating people, and starting a new journey with a whip. Full of passion and high-spirited progress, Dezhou Tianqu New District will build a number of model high-quality schools in the city and the province within 2-3 years, and strive to become the commanding heights of education in the city.

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